New aircraft information station: Lenovo 6 2020 model drawing review New aircraft information station: Lenovo 6 2020 model drawing review
The Lenovo 6 2020 notebook has excellent performance in performance, appearance, endurance and other aspects, which is comprehensive. It is very suitable for young people entering the workplace or those who are still in school and have little demand for games. It can be said that it is a notebook product tailored for young Generation Z. …… [Detailed]
Double 11 Lenovo 6 2020 model only received 3999 yuan  Double 11 Lenovo 6 2020 model only received 3999 yuan
With the pace of office work getting faster and faster, people are beginning to buy themselves a laptop that can be competent for mobile office work. Whether they are on a business trip or working at home, they all hope that their laptops will not become a burden on them because they are very thin; At the same time, it also requires the whole machine to be more practical, without carrying other spare parts. …… [Detailed]
 Lenovo 6 2020 notebook free trial Lenovo 6 2020 notebook free trial
1. Netizens who get the chance of probation shall pay a probation deposit of 4000 yuan; 2. Each trial user needs to produce 1 original experience article to lenovo notebook forum and multiple We Media platforms; Lenovo Notebook Forum: // 3. The in-depth evaluation article shall not be less than 800 words, and the number of pictures shall not be less than 15. If the evaluation video is included, the length of the video shall not be less than 3 minutes; 4. The final evaluation article needs to be reviewed. …… [Detailed]