** Customer Service Lines: For Enquiries call 0700-1-NAFDAC (0700-1-623322), For Complaints call 0800-1-NAFDAC (0800-1-6 ** Customer Service Lines: For Enquiries call 0700-1-NAFDAC (0700-1-623322), For Complaints call 0800-1-NAFDAC (0800-1-6 ** Customer Service Lines: For Enquiries call 0700-1-NAFDAC (0700-1-623322), For Complaints call 0800-1-NAFDAC (0800-1-6 ** Customer Service Lines: For Enquiries call 0700-1-NAFDAC (0700-1-623322), For Complaints call 0800-1-NAFDAC (0800-1-6
** Customer Service Lines: For Enquiries call 0700-1-NAFDAC (0700-1-623322), For Complaints call 0800-1-NAFDAC (0800-1-6 ** Customer Service Lines: For Enquiries call 0700-1-NAFDAC (0700-1-623322), For Complaints call 0800-1-NAFDAC (0800-1-6 ** Customer Service Lines: For Enquiries call 0700-1-NAFDAC (0700-1-623322), For Complaints call 0800-1-NAFDAC (0800-1-6 ** Customer Service Lines: For Enquiries call 0700-1-NAFDAC (0700-1-623322), For Complaints call 0800-1-NAFDAC (0800-1-6
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Recalls & Safety Alerts

The list below are recalls and alert released by NAFDAC. The alert notices and safety communication contain safety measures to be taken and information that may impact both treatment and diagnostic choices for healthcare providers and patients.

Meet the Director General.

Prof Moji Adeyeye is the Director General of National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) where she has added strong governance structure, regulatory system strengthening, and strengthening of the local pharmaceutical companies through international best practices with emphasis on local manufacturing.

Prof. Moji Christianah Adeyeye

Director General, NAFDAC


The National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) remains committed to transparency and integrity in all our endeavours. We strongly condemn any form of corruption within our organization, including but not limited to transactional corruption.

Together, let us uphold the highest ethical standards to ensure public trust and safety.

In light of this, we encourage the public to actively report any occurrences of corruption they may encounter while engaging with NAFDAC.

Your vigilance can help us maintain accountability and ensure a corruption-free Agency. Together, we can build a stronger and more transparent organization.

Please send in reports to our official email address reforms@nafdac.gov.ng or phone numbers +234(0)909-763-0506 and +234(0)909-763-0507 .

NAFDAC: Customer-Focused, Agency-Minded.uhy

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