Urban and rural subsistence allowances

Information publicity of rural subsistence allowances in Qinghai Province (May 2024)

Time: June 12, 2024 Source: Social Assistance Office Views: 352
In May 2024, 109592 households and 285518 people of rural minimum living allowances will be rescued in our province
In May 2024, there will be 109592 households and 285518 people receiving minimum living allowances in rural areas. A total of 620.369 million yuan of minimum subsistence allowance was granted (including 62.5026 million yuan of minimum subsistence allowance granted to 15335 households and 27515 people in Xining; 160.8229 million yuan of minimum subsistence allowance granted to 32522 households and 74938 people in Haidong; and 30.3204 million yuan of minimum subsistence allowance granted to 6882 households and 13976 people in Haibei Prefecture); Huangnan Prefecture rescued 14766 households and 52150 people from the rural minimum living standard, and paid 102.5894 million yuan as the minimum living standard; Hainan Prefecture has helped 8033 households and 19456 people with the minimum subsistence allowance in rural areas, and a total of 43.2861 million yuan has been paid; In Golog Prefecture, 8346 households and 26324 people received minimum living allowances. A total of 55.2565 million yuan of minimum security deposit was issued; There are 21633 households and 66962 people receiving the minimum living allowances in Yushu Prefecture. A total of 157.2947 million yuan of subsistence allowance was issued; In Haixi Prefecture, 2075 households and 4197 people were granted subsistence allowances. A total of 8.2964 million yuan was paid as the minimum security deposit).
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