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Strengthen emergency safety training and create a happy and safe home

Time: June 7, 2024 Source: Najia Village Resident Team Views: 950
In order to strengthen the construction of rescue and emergency forces in the villages and enhance the ability of disaster prevention and reduction at the grass-roots level, under the coordination of the Najia Village Task Force of the Provincial Department of Civil Affairs, on June 6, the emergency drill and training of the second batch of second phase volunteer rescue teams of One Foundation Safe Home was held in Najia Village, Wufeng Town, Huzhu County as scheduled
In order to strengthen the construction of rescue and emergency forces in the villages and enhance the ability of disaster prevention and reduction at the grass-roots level, under the coordination of the Najia Village Task Force of the Provincial Department of Civil Affairs, the emergency drill and training of the second batch of second phase volunteer rescue teams of One Foundation Safe Home was held in Najia Village, Wufeng Town, Huzhu County on June 6. More than 30 members of the village two committees and the village work team, the emergency rescue personnel of each community and the villagers at the geological disaster site participated in the training and drill.
The training is carried out in the way of "theory+practice", focusing on learning and practice of common disaster response, disaster medical treatment, simple search and rescue, emergency plan formulation, etc., to promote the healthy development of the construction of emergency force for helping villages in the direction of "having systems, personnel, equipment, plans and drills". During the training, the instructor introduced the causes, characteristics and hazards of fire, rainstorm, flood, landslide and other common disasters through vivid cases and pictures, so that the team members had a more intuitive understanding of the importance of disaster early warning and monitoring. At the same time, the self rescue and mutual rescue skills, the wearing and use of protective equipment, and the fixation and dressing of injured parts were introduced in detail to improve the villagers' emergency rescue ability. Finally, under the guidance of the training teacher, the "two committees" of the village organized the emergency rescue team and the villagers at the disaster site to carry out emergency drills in accordance with the emergency plan and in combination with the Sketch Map of Evacuation Routes for Geological Disaster Risk Hidden Dangers in Najia Village, so that everyone could be further familiar with the distribution of geological disaster sites, risk avoidance measures and evacuation routes, It has laid a solid foundation for efficient response to potential safety hazards in flood season.
This training enabled the members of the volunteer rescue team in Najia Village to have a deeper understanding of the methods and skills of disaster response. Everyone said that these knowledge and skills are critical to protect their own and others' lives and will be carefully studied and mastered to contribute to the safety and stability of Najia Village.
In the next step, the work in the village will work with the "two committees" of the village. Based on the reality, through a series of measures such as making plans, forming teams, preparing materials, and focusing on training, the weak links will be fundamentally solved, the safety awareness of cadres and the masses will be comprehensively enhanced, and the emergency response ability will be improved to effectively solve the "last mile" problem of disaster prevention and mitigation.

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