Time range query of Mybatis and Mybatis Plus, valid through personal testing

I MySQL 1. mapper.xml <if test="queryParams.beginTime!= null and queryParams.beginTime.trim() neq ''"> and date_format(create_time,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') >= date_format(#{qu...

When github meets Halloween, the magic egg appears!

In the past, every Halloween github would change its color scheme. Today, it was discovered that so recorded the extraordinary egg of github in 2020, hoping that everything would gradually improve.

[JavaScript] Class inheritance (object impersonation) and prototype inheritance - in-depth understanding of prototype and prototype chain

There are many types and implementation methods of inheritance in JavaScript in many books. Generally, there are two types: class inheritance (object impersonation) and prototype inheritance. Class inheritance (object impersonation): a method that defines its own properties inside a function. When subclasses inherit, call or apply

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