K8s cluster construction

1. Prepare five virtual machines 2. Set hosts 3. Turn off the firewall systemctl disable -- now firewalld systemctl disable -- now dnsmasq -- If an error is reported during execution, don't worry, because there is generally no systemctl disable -- now NetworkM

2020/11/15 23:04
two hundred and sixty-four
15. Install kubectl and Minikube on linux

1. Installing kubectl kubectl is a tool responsible for talking with the K8S cluster, just like the Docker cli talking to the Docker cluster. Address: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/install-kubectl/ Linux environment steps: Download the kubectl file (

2020/11/10 18:07
nine hundred and nine
14. Introduction to Kubenetes

Kubernetes is called K8s for short, because there are eight letters between k and s Docker Swarm architecture diagram K8s architecture diagram

2020/11/08 18:13
four hundred and six
12. Learn about Docker Cloud

What is Docker Cloud providing container management, orchestration, and deployed hosting services? The main module of CaaS is associated with AWS on cloud services. Azure adds nodes as Docker Hosts: creates docker nodes, creates services, creates services, creates stacks: multiple

2020/11/07 10:50
one hundred and sixty
11. Service Update

Create overlay gateway docker create network -- name demo overlay Create Service docker service create -- name web -- publish 8080:5000 -- network demo taizhuyj/python flash demo: 1.0 Script

2020/11/07 02:44
two hundred and fifty
9. Service communication between clusters RoutingMesh

Create overlay gateway docker network create - d overlay demo docker network ls NETWORK ID NAME DRIVER SCOPE 7a511becede2 bridge bridge

2020/11/06 22:10
three hundred and eighty-one
8. Swarm Create Maintenance and Horizontal Extension Service

Create a service docker service create -- name demo busybox sh - c "while true; do sleep 3600; done" View the service. At this time, there is only one replica replica 1/1 docker service ls ID NAME

2020/11/02 20:17
two hundred and eighty-two
7. Swarm cluster building

The problem encountered when using dokcer: how to manage so many containers? How can we conveniently scale out? If the container is down, how can we restore the startup? How to update containers without affecting business? How to monitor and track these containers? How to schedule the creation of containers

2020/11/02 18:08
five hundred and thirty-three
1. Vagrant installation

Record several points of the vulnerability: 1. The path cannot appear in Chinese, or the installation fails. 2. When Win10 uses the vagrant command, it needs to use administrator privileges. 3. The virtulbox needs to configure the installation address in the path environment variable, or it will not use virtu when vagrant up

2020/08/27 15:04
one hundred and forty-six
JAVA garbage collection mechanism

The standard for an object to be judged as garbage When it is not referenced by any object, the object is judged as useless by the system. The memory occupied by the object will be released and the object will be destroyed. The algorithm to determine whether the object is garbage 1. The reference counting algorithm determines whether the object is garbage

2020/06/17 17:35
three hundred and fifty-one
JAVA memory model

JAVA memory model Thread Angle Program Counter Register The bytecode line number indicator (logic) executed by the current program changes the value of the counter to select the next bytecode instruction to be executed and the thread is one-to-one, that is, "thread..."

2020/06/17 15:25
three hundred and sixty-five
A very useful Mybatis paging plug-in com.github.pagehelper

1. If you need to import the jar package of PageHelper without using maven, you can directly import the jar package into the lib folder. The PageHelper plug-in is open source on github, and its address is: https://github.com/pagehelper/Mybatis-PageHelper/...

2020/04/29 16:07
two hundred and eighty-nine
Dubbo background monitoring

First attach the address of dubbo official document: http://dubbo.apache.org/zh-cn/docs/admin/introduction.html Maven deployment: download the dubbo admin project from git to local: git clone https://github.com/apache/dubbo-a...

2020/04/22 14:39
four hundred and nineteen
Operation jstack

Linux command In the Linux system, use the top command to view the processes that currently occupy CPU resources. Use top HP [pid] to view all the sub threads under the process. The figure above shows that threads with a pid of 24678 occupy more CPU resources

2020/04/21 15:51
Dubbo cluster fault tolerance mechanism

Failover Cluster fails to switch automatically. In case of failure, try another server [1] again. Usually used for read operations, but retries can cause longer delays. You can set the number of retries (excluding the first time) through retries="2". The number of retries is configured as follows:<dubbo: s

2020/04/16 10:20
three hundred and thirty-eight
Dubbo's attribute configuration, API configuration and annotation configuration

Property configuration If your application is simple enough, for example, it does not need multiple registries or protocols, and you need to share the configuration in the spring container, then we can directly use dubbo.properties as the default configuration. Dubbo can automatically load the classpath root

mvn dependency:tree

Maven provides a command mvn dependency: tree to print the dependency tree directly. We need to move to the directory containing the pom.xml file in the project, open the cmd command window, execute: mvn dependency: tree, and you can see that maven starts to analyze the pom file

2020/04/15 17:08
eight hundred and fifty-four
Understand the configuration of dubbo and dubbo

Official address of dubbo: http://dubbo.apache.org/zh-cn/ Dubbo's introduction to everything on the official website: distributed service architecture, dedicated to providing high-performance and transparent RPC remote service invocation, and SOA service governance solutions. To put it simply, dubbo is

Spring Cloud Sleuth distributed service tracking

With the development of business, the scale of the system will become larger and larger, and the invocation relationship between microservices will become more and more complex. Usually, a request initiated by the client will be called by multiple different microservices in the back-end system to produce the final request result

Spring Cloud Bus Message Bus

What is a message bus? In the microservice architecture system, we usually use lightweight message brokers to build a common message topic so that all microservice instances in the system can be connected. Because the messages generated in this topic will be listened to and consumed by all instances

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