Seven weapons for thick black architects to survive

2013/02/22 09:52
Reading amount 1.8K

Experience and experience after observation do not represent leisure. As an architect's position and approach, Dafu is only used on OSChina, It shall not be reproduced.

1 Do not walk the last kilometer

The last kilometer of the architecture is too difficult. Leave it alone. It can't be solved. You can only solve other problems except the last kilometer. Give the last mile to the developer

2 Thick Soup

Throw a trivial thing into the project, exaggerate its role and take all the credit, but also remember that the architecture should be successful and help the real thing

The world's martial arts are fast and unbreakable

Whether right or wrong, whether the product can stand the test, the fastest proposal and fastest completion are the skills that star architects must have

Make the moon shine, not the sun shine

The moon, the reason why it is charming, is praised by some people. Not because it can emit light and heat, nor because it is huge, but because it is close to the earth and can refract sunlight

As an architect, you should be like the moon, not like the stars

heaven and hell's moving

Give others what you should have given yourself, and shift your responsibility to others You can always do this as long as you have programmers

Russian Taowa

Put others' achievements on your own ideas and turn them into your own. However, it is still someone else's in essence.

Some packaging is a way of dolling

Everything is light

As an architect, it is mainly up and down, so we should leave our energy to leaders and ourselves to improve, not to take meaningless things on ourselves

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