Glassfish 4 configuration

Glassfish 4 Specify the JDK: modify the asenv.conf or asenv.bat file in the<installation directory>/glassfish/config directory, add the AS_JAVA item in it, and point to the JDK installation directory. Glassfish 4's web console prompts "Security must be enabled

Android Learning Record 1

The text box is read-only. Because the text box needs to enter a date through DatePickerDialog, the text box needs to be set as read-only. However, it is found that the parameter of text read-only is obsolete. Later, another workaround was found on the Internet: android: focused="false"//No focus

2013/07/17 11:02
two hundred and eighty-five
Oracle Linux 6 bridge network card

Recently, an old HP of the company was formatted for Linux virtualization and some test servers were installed. The operating system uses Oracle Linux 6.4, and the virtual machine uses KVM. The previous installation was very smooth, but when it came to setting up the network card bridge, it appeared

Exclusion of an Oracle database creation error: "Cannot allocate ports to the following processes within the specified range“

The Oracle database was installed a few days ago. Follow the instructions to configure the Linux environment, install rpm, install the installation package first, then install the patch, and finally apply the em patch. When all this is normal, I start to create a database with dbca, and the error is reported as follows:

2013/04/07 15:15

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