Oracle Spatial Analysis

Create a site table point (id varchar (10), sname varchar (60), pcode varchar (10), type char (1), geom sdo_geometry ); Insert into point select station_code

2023/03/03 09:38
one hundred and forty-five
View which IPs are connected to Oracle database

In Oracle, the "operating system name" and "machine name" of the current client login connection can be viewed through the OSUSER and MACHINE fields in the v $session table, but the client computer IP cannot be viewed. 1. Create a table in sys mode to record the number of client logins

2022/07/23 21:50
Massive meteorological data storage and query scheme based on cloud distributed NoSQL

Foreword Meteorological data is a kind of typical big data, which is characterized by large amount of data, high timeliness and rich data types. A large number of meteorological data are spatiotemporal data, recording the observed or simulated quantities of various physical quantities at various points in the time and space range, and generating

Use Python to convert GrADs files to NetCDF files

Install xgrads library pip install xgrads grads file to netcdf file from xgrads import CtlDescriptor, open_CtlDataset ds=open_CtlDataset ('lst. ctl ') ctl=CtlDescriptor (file='lst. ctl') ds. a

2022/07/09 08:55
one hundred and twenty-three
Restore front-end code with SourceMap

npm install --global reverse-sourcemap reverse-sourcemap -o output sourcemap.js.map

2022/04/15 15:28

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