Mybatis Source Code Analysis (VIII) Configuration

Configuration is the centralized management center of the entire MyBatis configuration system. Most of the components learned above, such as Executor, StatementHandler, Cache, MappedStatement, are created and managed directly or indirectly by it. Also affects the behavior of these components

Mybatis Source Code Analysis (VII) Dynamic SQL

SqlNode (dynamic SQL script) Dynamic SQL xml elements will eventually be resolved into an executable script. MyBatis generates dynamic SQL by passing parameters to this script and executing script calculations. The script is embodied in MyBatis as SqlNode. First Mybatis

Mybatis source code analysis (6) nested mapping

Nested mapping is in Mybatis. The so-called nested mapping is that the bean returned in ResultMap has the List attribute of other beans, so it is set to save duplicate attributes, because the data returned by relational data is two-dimensional, that is, the List in the bean is

Mybatis Source Code Analysis (V) Delayed Loading&Lazy Loading

Delayed loading When a nested query occurs, the first level return value BeanA has the attribute BeanB, while the second level return value BeanB has the attribute BeanA, which may lead to an endless loop, that is, circular dependency. Mybatis solves the circular dependency of nested queries by

Mybatis Source Code Analysis (IV) ResultSetHandler

/*** Default {@ link ResultSetHandler} implementation class * * @ author Clinton Begin * @ author Eduardo Macarron * @ author Iwao AVE! *@ author Kazuki Shimizu */ public class DefaultResultSetHa...

2022/09/22 16:48
Mybatis source code analysis (3) ParameterHandler

ParameterHandler ParameterHandler is translated into a parameter processor, which is responsible for dynamically assigning values to the SQL statement parameters of PreparedStatement./* ** A parameter handler sets the parameters of the {@code PreparedStatemen...

Mybatis source code analysis (II) StatementHandler

StatementHandler JDBC processor, builds JDBC Statement based on JDBC, sets parameters, and then executes Sql. Each time SQl is called in a session, there will be a unique Statement instance corresponding to it. Use ParameterHandler to configure parameters

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