Lightning speech, black master, what else can Hack for Wuhan do this week?

2020/03/03 16:11
Reading number 141

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|Author: Daozi
|Editor: Wang Haoyue
|Designer: Liu Yingjie
|Editor in charge: Corrie

Hack for Wuhan is about to enter the second week of warm-up. The lightning speech in the preview is late. Are you ready?

In addition, this week we will continue to launch the "Hack for Wuhan Master Course". What will this issue bring?


lightning talk

The lightning speech comes from the English "Lighting Talk", which means to show yourself, talk about ideas, put forward demands, etc. through a few minutes of fast speech. It can be understood as a talk show in the technology industry.

Hack for Wuhan strongly recommends this way, so that the contestants with ideas can show themselves through three minute live video and find like-minded teammates.

Scan the code to see the example of lightning speech

For those who love sharing, this will be an opportunity for them to pitch live before the game. Through the absolute real live broadcast, you can let everyone remember you, understand your ideas, and attract teammates to join and the audience (Si) to follow.

Not only that, we will have tutors to join this link and provide some suggestions and feedback.

The first flash show is coming! We initially planned to broadcast live through the live broadcast platform Zoom on March 3, Beijing time. If you can't wait, please scan the following QR code to enter the lightning speech preparation group.
In the group, we will carry out follow-up simple training and schedule.

If you are still hesitating, then come and watch us! During the speech, all the audience can join in and comment at any time. If their ideas touch you, you can discuss whether to form a team or just improvise.

But we should remind you that you must register your intention in the registration form in advance. This table is the only entrance for contestants to release ideas, form teams, make speeches and confirm the main events.

Registration Form of Competitors

We will also arrange tutors and guests, as well as experienced volunteers, to teach the content and skills of the contestants' speeches, promote better preparation of the contestants, and make suggestions on speech skills and quick trial and error iteration methods.

Several CEOs of outstanding start-ups with financing experience have expressed their willingness to come and share in person, and a mysterious welfare club is reserved for those who participate in the speech!


Here comes the Black Master

Did you participate in the two Hacksong master classes last week?

Google product manager, uncle of Silicon Valley, and Uber's post-95 star designer, Jiang Cunchun, respectively talked with Brother Xue, bringing wonderful content about product managers or designers.

Through the exchange and interaction between the two programs, hundreds of viewers learned some of the guests' thoughts and practical methods.

If you don't participate, you can watch our video review:

The first review of Black Master

After the two live broadcasts, we investigated the feedback of the contestants and the audience through questionnaires. After synthesizing your suggestions, the next "Black Master" (short for Hacksong Master Class) is coming!

We will be on March 3, 9:00-10:00 (Silicon Valley Time)/March 4, 13:00-14:00 (Beijing Time)

Invite two online celebrity product managers to talk about Hackathon's Hack spirit and Implementation Style.

The specific contents of the shift "Black Master" include:

1. In the competition, how should engineers help guide the team to steadily promote the Hackathon project? Recommended process?

2. How should engineers allocate their strength in Hackathon? How are tasks assigned?

3. How should engineers cultivate product thinking? Are these abilities useful for competition and work?

4. What development style should engineers follow? What are the differences between Hackathon and normal work and school?

Guest introduction:

Han Chen

Author of Top 2 New Tech book Silicon Valley Thinking, chief engineer of software technology of Silicon Valley Internet Company. Focus on liquidity, advertising, SME business, social media and mobile infrastructure.

Qu Xiaoyin

CEO of Run The World, a real-time online activity platform, and author of the best-selling book Silicon Valley Products. Previously, he served as senior product manager of Facebook and Instagram.

IBM Developer fully supports wuhan 2020

IBM Developer provides developers with free IBM cloud platform support, scenario based open source applications, and regular online technical expert sharing to help you develop solutions better and faster.

To register an IBM cloud platform:

View a large number of free open source applications based on business scenarios:

IBM also provides developers with a 120 day trial of IBM LinuxONE - blockchain platform to facilitate competitors to build blockchain applications and networks.

Sound network

A free quota of 10000 minutes per month is provided for all developers.

Provide education, video conference and other multi scene demo source code and online technical support.

The minutes involved in the public welfare project of wuhan 2020 are free for life.

Tencent Serverless fully supports wuhan 2020

Tencent Serverless provides Hack for wuhan with open-source, free and one-stop serverless development resources, computing services and technical support. With perfect Node, Python, PHP language and framework support, Serverless fully assists developers to quickly implement idea and race against time! For participants:

Two month free trial of Tencent Serverless service resources.

Provide full stack app open source code and demo examples to help contestants quickly build serverless Web services

Provide free Serverless technical guidance and training courses, online expert development guidance and technical question answering.

Vote for the top 5 team of Hackathon, and provide project follow-up incubation and landing support.

Tencent Serverless official website:

Tencent Serverless Chinese Community:

Introduction to Kaiyuan News Agency

The Open Source Society is a manufacturer neutral, volunteer and non-profit open source alliance organized by enterprises, communities and individuals at home and abroad who support open source in accordance with the principle of "contribution, consensus and co governance", aiming to jointly create a healthy and sustainable open source ecosystem and promote the Chinese open source community to become an active participant and contributor of global open source software. We focus on open source governance, international integration, community development and open source projects.

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