To Hackers | Gathering is a fire, scattering to make stars all over the sky

2020/03/11 12:22
Reading number 168

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|Reprinted from: wuhan 2020 Open Source Community
Editor: Corrie
|Design: leaf trimming


Very comfortable

What did Hackers of Hack for wuhan Hack Marathon do in the half month of the race against the epidemic?

From the birth of the original idea, to the establishment of the competition, to the gathering of volunteers, the call to call on contestants to participate and launch the whole network, this Hacksong themed "digital open cooperation to solve the social crisis and challenges behind the epidemic" has brought too many unexpected gains.

At the same time, the game itself has been driven step by step from the initial idea in more than two weeks to refine and improve in the iteration. The original intention of all this is that everyone hopes to do something in this epidemic. Hacksong is just a boost to everyone's creativity.

Focusing on the fight against the epidemic, we will polish these ideas into realizable works step by step, which is the main theme of Hacker Pine this time.


Competition is very popular

Under the epidemic, we are acting——

We support this war without gunsmoke by means of developers.

700000 website wide exposure, 14500+event browsing, 43 cooperative communities, 5 technical media, 37 professional mentors, and 50+event volunteers.

A total of 902 players from 33 countries signed up for the competition. 500+players watched the competition. 50+players were shortlisted for the competition. 33 teams entered the preliminary contest, 12 teams entered the final contest, and 8 teams won the grand prize in the final contest.


Form, many yuan

The general theme of Hack for wuhan Hacksong Contest is "Solving the Social Crisis and Challenge Behind the Epidemic with Digitalization and Open Collaboration". The contest encourages works to focus on data and product development, and also welcomes relevant popular science publicity and social solutions to public crises.

1、 Data development and product application for epidemic situation

1. Data annotation scheme

2. Data model construction

3. Data visualization

4. Product application

2、 Positive science popularization of the epidemic

1. Video

2. Music

3. Poster

4. Art

3、 Other solutions to the crisis of this announcement

1. Materials: material supply, material dispatching, etc

2. Personnel: testing scheme, psychological adjustment scheme, etc

3. Information: timely public dissemination of information, authenticity identification, etc

4. Collaboration: personnel online and offline collaboration management scheme, etc


Final, very surprised

Before the finals, visit the mysterious guests and start to push the competition to a climax.

Connie Chan, a partner of Andreessen Horowitz (a16z), a top venture capital firm in Silicon Valley, gave a wonderful speech on Building Products with Long Lasting Impact, encouraging people to combine business value and social value perfectly with technology.

Next, Ms. Eva Woo from Stanford PACS took Co Deisgn for a Better Future as the theme, and made in-depth analysis on decentralized volunteer organizations, network leadership and other public welfare innovation ideas and practices reflected by wuhan 2020 community.

She also read out a letter from Ms. Lin Hong, Secretary General of Ginkgo Foundation, to Hack for Wuhan, affirming and encouraging cross-border cooperation.


Judges, big shot

The Hacksong Contest was presided over by judges at the level of industry bigwigs. While ensuring the fairness and justice of the contest, it also brought a lot of valuable reference opinions.

The jury was led by Ms. Fang Aizhi, the founding partner and CEO of Zhenge Fund.

Also included is Eva Woo, China Program Director of Stanford Charity and Social Innovation Center;

Cao Xuwen, partner of Qiji Chuangtan (formerly YC China);

Zhuang Ziming, CTO before new retail of Alibaba Tmall;

Wang Wei, initiator of wuhan 2020;

Wu Xue, initiator of Hack for Wuhan;

Zhu Chen, director of investment and AI products before byte beating;

Zhao Shengyu, initiator of wuhan 2020;

Liu Tiandong, co-founder and director of Kaiyuan Society.


Tutors Very hard core

In addition to the solidarity and cooperation among the contestants, this competition has been injected with hard core support from the perspective of tutor resources.

Three Hacksong master classes, two lightning speeches attended by more than 19 contestants, and more than 90 one-on-one tutoring sessions between instructors and contestants in the preliminary round (Office Hour, I feel it is useless to participate in YC?).

The two hours' polishing of each team and the tutor in the final brought more highlights to the project works——

The first live broadcast before the Black Masters: how to complete the prototype construction from zero to one in three days

Bigjoe, the product manager of Google, and Xue Ge, the initiator of Hack for Wuhan discussed these three issues:

1. How do overseas technicians participate in material rescue after the outbreak of the epidemic

2. How did the PM (product manager) of Google headquarters develop

3. How to complete a new product model in three days

Pre Black Masters Live Broadcast Phase II: 72 Hours: Realize Your Brain Hole

Jiang Cunchun, the 95 year old Uber, shared product design logic&sense of life&iteration:

1. What new products have emerged from the epidemic

2. How do 72 hour design products have a sense of life

3. How will design affect product iteration from scratch

The third live broadcast before the Black Masters: What kind of Hack spirit and Implementation Style does Hackathon need?

Han and Qu Xiaoyin, two star product managers in Silicon Valley, shared their dry goods in Hacksong competition:

1. How should engineers help guide the team to steadily advance the Hackathon project?

2. How should engineers allocate physical strength and tasks in Hackathon?

3. How should engineers cultivate product thinking? Are these abilities useful for competition and work?

Tutor tutoring time, just a few minutes after opening, players quickly scrambled to register

Tutor one-on-one registration form

Some contestants reported that the mentor one-on-one was the most fruitful link this time. Through in-depth communication with the mentor, the contestants found the improvement points of their own projects, and quickly got through the "two veins of supervision".

In addition, the tutor's comments in the lightning speech segment also benefited everyone. Through sharing, communication, feedback and iteration, the contestants quickly understood their strengths and weaknesses, which helped to promote the following projects.

"Excellent! What I learned most is the office hour, and the tutors' suggestions are really helpful. And the tutors' suggestions during the lightning speech point out the direction of the product." - enthusiastic feedback on the competition.

"The lightning speech was very good. After watching the final, the organization was very good" - this is the comment of a friend from a professional incubator.


Player: Very powerful

Players come from many different places with different ideas and meet here. Through discussion, exchange, sharing and consultation, they constantly iterate and improve their own creative path.

During the epidemic, many contestants used their skills to do what they could to cope with the war without gunpowder smoke.

The Hacksong final started at 12:00 on March 8, Beijing time. After polishing with the tutor, the 12 finalists launched the final live demonstration online, which was commented by the final judges online.

After the keynote speech of the two guests, the team began to show their projects in turn. The following awards were finally selected by the judges:

the first prize

NO.15 One stop epidemic data open platform

Team members

Sm1les、 Hu Wen, Gu Yongjie, Chen Huansen, Yu Hongfei, Yi Xue, Liu Guangyue, Li Qing, Zhang Feng, Jiang Shui, Juju

Project Introduction

An open platform used to help researchers collect, label and analyze epidemic data efficiently.

Because the fine-grained epidemic data are all reported by local health committees and other official institutions, and the data formats reported by different regions are very different, and even some data can be obtained only by manual reasoning, it is impossible to use crawlers to automatically crawl data and conduct structural processing, and manual collection must be introduced to assist.

So how to collect data efficiently with as little manual work as possible?

We use the open source collaboration method to gather all people who are interested in data to this platform, and then this platform will uniformly develop a data structured scheme and develop a corresponding annotation platform.

Next, you just need to enter the tagging platform and work together to quickly tag the epidemic data across the country to a unified format. Finally, all participants share all data, and the platform uniformly develops API interfaces for users to call.

second award

(1)NO.37 autovax  

Team members:

Tim Heath、Joann Arce、Ismail Shuaau、Algae、He (Peter) Huang、 Wendy Liu、Junior McGrath

Project Introduction

Autovax is a web application that allows a vaccine and other treatment drugs to be automatically generated from the virus genome and virus genes.

It is being developed by Harvard Researcher for treatment of corona virus.

(2)NO.30 City Hero  

Team members

Zhao Liang, Deng Wenhao, Yin Huihui, Tang Yuxin, Shi Shenghui, Xiong Ziqiu, Li Yang, Peng Yiqing

Project Introduction

The huge impact of COVID-19 on our lives in 2020 cannot be described in words, and people in all walks of life are also protecting people and things around them in their own way.

The couriers volunteered to transport materials free of charge, and the doctors tried their best to protect the patients Too many stories need to be told, too many topics need to be discussed, and too many heroes need to be excavated.

We believe that "changing the perspective can see different worlds, and understanding can only be improved by recognizing contradictions". Therefore, we developed and designed this game called City Hero by using an easy and intuitive game form.

Players can experience the life of this profession by choosing different professions in the game, so that they can have a better understanding of the people and things they come into contact with, the difficulties they face and the choices they make.

In the epidemic prevention war, people showed psychological resistance that you can't imagine. Some of the absurd plots, different scenes encountered, hesitation, choice, pain and joy, all came from the adaptation of true stories.

Players need to observe carefully and think calmly in such a magical reality, and help their cities return to normal through step by step selection.

"Every moment this city needs heroes", Wuhan is a heroic city. Are you ready to become the city's CITY-HERO?

third award

(1) NO.25 Xiangying Acceptance

Team members:

Dingle、Panos 、Anna

Project Introduction

Make a tool to help Wuhan and even any city in China quickly track and transport urgently needed materials. Finally, a molding small program was produced to ensure the three processes of receiving materials, global traceability and hospital receipt.

For example, in the process of acceptance, after receiving the donated goods, the hospital uses the small program to start acceptance. After scanning the hawk code of the box, the hospital will see the donated goods information Xiangying and global traceability information, and finally upload the photos of the received goods, and the acceptance is completed.

(2)NO. 2 Aid Tracker donation direct connection

Team members

Icy Wang Bingyang, Victoria Ruan Jian, Mao Changqi, Sheryn, Andrew SAS, Sean, Xu Xinpeng, Linsons, Chen Chongqiang, Wesley, Ivy, He Xiaoshan, James

Project Introduction

Based on the initiator's practical experience in fundraising informatization, this project has sorted out a set of standardized donation docking and tracking processes, and developed a WeChat applet - "Aid Tracker donation direct connection".

As a portable donation docking and tracking integrated platform, it can remind users to submit standardized material docking information in each step of the three links of demand matching - material transportation - acceptance confirmation;

After the integration and tracking of these information, the donor and the recipient can quickly and accurately connect and clearly check the tracking materials, so as to promote the standardization, informatization and transparency of donation activities. It is believed that this platform will promote more efficient and reliable docking and circulation of donated materials, so as to achieve more powerful love support.

(3)NO.20 Predication + Notification

Team members

Leona Lee、Muhammad Ashfaq、Muhammad Shahzad、 Abdul Gaffar、Muhammad Arif 

Project introduction:

This idea is to build a model that can predict the potential severity of situation once a new epidemic case is confirmed.  

Based on the predication result, the model will determine the expected transmission dynamics of epidemic and identify potential need of supplies. 

Thus it allows the user (e.g. Epidemic predication team) to send notification to relevant institutions (e.g. Hospital, factory, logistic center, airport, social media, etc.). 

Prompt action allows prevention of a pandemic.

Audience's favorite project award:

NO.4 University Health Clock in Platform

Team members

Zhang Qixun, Zhang Yu, Kang Nannan, Miao Suqi, Zhang Zhiyuan, Kang Hemin, Liu Gangjian, Li Li, Jin Xin, Zhao Qian, Fu Yu, He Hongbo, Yang Chenghao, Yang Ying, Chen Xi, Sheng Yu, Zhang Jing, Wang Yaxing, Li Yuanyuan, Du Jiazhuo, Xiao Junlun

Project Introduction

A set of open source and locally deployable epidemic health clocking management platform is designed for colleges and universities to realize daily clocking, data statistical report, data download and other functions.

Tutor's favorite project award

NO.22 epidemic intelligent robot - Xiaoyuan

Team members

Emily、 Song Yongle, Jiang Shizhe, Cheng Gang, Wang Peiyan, Zhang Huangdeng, Felix, Hui Shiji

Project Introduction

Build a small source epidemic robot to provide users with encyclopedias of epidemic information, information query, policy disclosure, information refutation, etc.

It fully demonstrated the functions of AI dialogue robot. Specifically, it serves as a bridge between users and APP, freeing human resources (such as filling in temperature forms); Design a corpus based on the epidemic situation to help users make personalized customization and responses.

Through settings, we can push accurate, short and lightweight news and messages that users care about, and finally carry out intelligent tasks.


Team: Very challenging

Hack for Wuhan is not only a challenge to the contestants from creativity to implementation in a short time, but also a challenge to the team of Wuhan 2020 from 0 to 1.

In 20 days, from scratch, from one idea to gathering more than 900 contestants and observers, 58 finalists, more than 100 online interactions, 8 winning teams  

This is not a miracle. This is a victory for team collaboration from 0 to 1.

"We don't know how to handle such a game..." This is the first reaction of most people.

Reviewing the initial challenges, there are three main aspects:

First, lack of experience.

Do you believe that Hack for Wuhan is a process of team experience from 0 to 1?

Participated and organized are two different concepts. Only one or two members of the team have organized offline competitions, and most of them have not even participated in Hacksong.

As a result, many people were scratching their heads in the middle of February when the Hacksong idea just came into being - resources, teams, players, platforms Each item is full of uncertainty, and there is not much ready-made experience to learn from.

Is this idea too crazy?

Second, it is completely online.

Most of the members of wuhan 2020 who participated in organizing this event have never even met, but they have to cooperate to carry out a pure online activity without too many secrets to refer to. "What if no one comes?", "What if you can't control the scene?", "What if the players have a bad experience?" - the voice of doubt rises one after another.

Third, time is pressing.

Compared with other online or offline Hacksong competitions, the preparation period is usually at least one month. Students with rich experience in event organization also shouted that it was "impossible" to land from 0 to 1 in 20 days.

But we did.

Reviewing the whole process, there are too many details worth recording. Here is a summary of the elements of success:

From 0 to 1, teamwork and transparent communication are very important;

Good ideas meet good teams. The backbone members of the wuhan 2020 community were enthusiastic and spontaneously formed a coordination group.

In the first three days, three people discussed the collaboration origination document online, and then listened to the feedback openly and transparently and communicated patiently, gradually letting other team members, community members, and the general audience know what this activity is, what it means, and how to do it.

Then there are 5 people, 10 people, 20 people joining the collaboration, and then there are 900 people signing up.

From 0 to 1, user focus is very important;

("Black Master" is a good chestnut for the team to respond to the needs of competitors.)

Before the official start of the activity, we conducted a survey of potential participants, spoke with numbers, and obtained valuable opinions.

We found that 80% of the respondents had not participated in Hacksong, 45% hesitated to participate, 68% believed that industry leaders were the driving force to attract competition, and 34% were students.

"Unexperienced", "enthusiastic" and "curious" are the keywords we have summarized.

It has become the driving force for us to design the "warm-up week" so that potential competitors who meet these characteristics can take part in the competition with confidence and worry free within one week. So we brought in a strong team of tutors, such as the popular online TV in Silicon Valley, the product manager of a large factory, the technology expert who has experienced hackathon, and the big guy who has rich experience in venture financing and investment

Then, we designed a series of online sharing sessions of black masters, and continued to eliminate everyone's anxiety through lightning speeches, which eventually attracted 58 teams to submit ideas and form teams.

From 0 to 1, trial and error iteration is very important. (The successful implementation of this activity, trial and error iteration throughout, is one of the weapons to win.)

After the official opening of the event, the team kept up in the 2-3 day iteration. For example, the team completed an iteration in two days from the external publicity exposure to the process of customer acquisition.

At the beginning, the official propaganda articles were full of feelings, but the registration links jumped too much, and few people successfully registered to scan the code into the group.

After analyzing the reasons, the team quickly added posters to promote the operation of QR code directly entering the group on the first night.

After comparison (the legendary A/B Test), we decided to skip the registration process and directly invite potential applicants to participate in the group interaction, and then invite them to complete a series of process work such as registration.

As a result, there were more than 300 applicants at the end of the second day.

There are many experiences from 0 to 1. For example, the daily morning meeting, re examination, self review and mutual suggestions within the team, as well as who goes on who, and the team structure and personnel for each iteration are commensurate

These are all centered around the main line of "encouraging innovation and bringing more good ideas and plans for epidemic prevention", around "we must be a Hacksong to satisfy the contestants", and around the constant belief of "team cooperation 1+1=N".


Meet again in the future

The curtain has drawn down on the final, which also means that we are about to bid farewell to this wonderful stage. The contestants participating in this competition will be issued certificates by volunteers in succession.

All finalists will receive electronic certificates issued by the competition organizing committee. Please pay attention to your email address. If you have any questions, please contact us.

We will also issue elaborate certificates to the instructors of this competition.

At the same time, thanks for the award support provided by the resource partners, we will provide the following awards for the winners of the final:

One first prize: 10000 yuan in total for cloud development resources

Two second prize winners: 6000 yuan each for cloud development resources

Three third prize winners: 4000 yuan each for cloud development resources

Two special awards, 4000 yuan each for cloud development resources

In addition, we will provide other push support for the works of this competition:

Sohu sponsored and cooperated with IBM Developer, Blue Sky Rescue and other organizations to launch the "online anti epidemic" development contest, which will be launched in mid March. As a support unit, the Wuhan2020 open source community will push the finalists of the preliminary contest of this activity to them.

If you are interested, you can contact us through the exchange group or the public account.

In addition, Eva, a judge from Stanford PACS, said that three high-quality projects, the epidemic data platform, autovax, and City hero, could help him apply for a report at the Stanford HAI (human centered AI) conference on April 1.

Please contact our staff in time with the partners of these three projects.

The contestants have any needs, such as recruiting teammates to improve the project together, and want to know the information of other projects, we will try our best to provide support.

Thanks to all the volunteers for their hard work, so that our competition can be successfully concluded, and we will also send rewards to the volunteers later.

Thanks again to all the friends who have paid attention to and supported this competition, as well as all the partners below!

IBM Developer fully supports wuhan 2020

IBM Developer provides developers with free IBM cloud platform support, scenario based open source applications, and regular online technical expert sharing to help you develop solutions better and faster.

To register an IBM cloud platform:

View a large number of free open source applications based on business scenarios:

IBM also provides developers with a 120 day trial of IBM LinuxONE - blockchain platform to facilitate competitors to build blockchain applications and networks.

Sound network helps wuhan 2020

A free quota of 10000 minutes per month is provided for all developers.

Provide education, video conference and other multi scene demo source code and online technical support.

The minutes involved in the public welfare project of wuhan 2020 are free for life.

Tencent Serverless fully supports wuhan 2020

Tencent Serverless provides Hack for wuhan with open-source, free and one-stop serverless development resources, computing services and technical support. With perfect Node, Python, PHP language and framework support, Serverless fully assists developers to quickly implement idea and race against time! For participants:

Two month free trial of Tencent Serverless service resources.

Provide full stack app open source code and demo examples to help contestants quickly build serverless web services

Provide free Serverless technical guidance and training courses, online expert development guidance and technical question answering.

Vote for the top 5 team of Hackathon, and provide project follow-up incubation and landing support.

Tencent Serverless official website:

Tencent Serverless Chinese Community:

AWS technology helps wuhan 2020

Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides developers and sponsors with AWS Global Region and a technical guidance group composed of professional solution architects.

The final Hacksong winners will also have the opportunity to get tickets to participate in the 2020 AWS re: Invent Conference.

More AWS free resources:

1. New users who successfully register for AWS account can get AWS China (Ningxia) regional free package

2. Sign up for an AWS global account and enjoy a free package for 12 months

3. AWS AI Gift Pack - $200 Gift Pack Limited Time Collar

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