Open source can only make friends?

2020/04/27 21:00
Reading number 205

|Author: Phodal

|Editor: Wang Yuemin

|Designer: Liu Yingjie

Introduction of Kaiyuan News Agency

I once wrote an internal training material, How to Start a Serious Open Source Project. In my opinion, a successful open source project needs to have a healthy, active and high-quality community, and continuously create valuable software through high-quality code. To achieve this, the key lies in "lenient entry and strict exit".

For developers, lower the threshold, increase convenience, and constantly attract more developers to join. For users, it is necessary to strictly control the quality and attach importance to the quality and value of products.

This poses a high challenge to the R&D, management and operation of open source projects. This article is a very concise introduction to these key skills. Welcome to read and share.

Zhuang Biaowei, Chairman of Kaiyuan Society
For more than a week since the launch of the Ledger knowledge platform, I have been thinking about how to make this project better. During the discussion with CSDN, I realized that I could share relevant experience in this process. After all, most open source projects are not well done.

In addition to writing code, we have done some things to make the project work well:

  • I wrote a propaganda plan. Spread to relevant WeChat groups and publish on public accounts, Zhihu and other writing platforms;

  • I spread the information of the project through social platform Weibo, Twitter, Bilibili, etc;

  • I wrote two technical implementation principles. Published on professional platforms such as CSDN;

  • My friends and I have set up a WeChat group to achieve quick feedback;

  • We encourage developers to contribute to open source projects;

  • We contacted different DevOps manufacturers to jointly develop this project;

  • We constantly publish and launch new features in a transparent way.

  • ……

Its operation mode is almost the same as my early open source learning application Growth in GitHub. This is mostly because I am quite familiar with the operation mode of open source. However, in a sense, it is still a game of influence.


Do not understand the operation mode of open source projects

From my observation, most developers can't even write README. Because of the need of work or amateur development, I often search for relevant projects on GitHub, and these projects may:

  • Just threw the code on GitHub;

  • Lack of a readable README;

  • No screenshot (for UI projects);

  • You don't need to start with anything other than code;

  • The relevant information of the task cannot be found;

  • No response to the issue;

  • ……

These techniques can basically be found in the GitHub Roaming Guide, which will not be expanded here in detail. In fact, GitHub has a very good open source guide. Read these guidelines, and then start your open source projects, you will find that open source is really easy.

However, in fact, if you participate in a well-known open source project, you will know how open source projects may work.


Lack of multi role capability

In this process, I have undertaken the responsibilities of several roles:

  • Developer. Nothing to say;

  • Evangelist. I will continue to write articles and publicize the project;

  • Project leader. Well, it's the man who does chores;

  • Marketing personnel. In short, try to connect with some companies to obtain some relevant cases and become partners;

  • Programmers encourage teachers. Yes, as an open source project, everyone practices in their spare time and needs to be encouraged constantly;

  • Code reviewer. Most people participate in open source projects for the purpose of improving their own level, so giving them some suggestions can help them grow better.

  • ……

Therefore, if you lack such ability, you can find interested partners to play with.


Invisible income

In a sense, open source is a belief. And belief itself is a kind of metaphysics. So, most of the time, it's good to be happy.

When it comes to returns, we may also have some meaning of result orientation. When you open a hole, what do you expect?

  • Additional income;

  • A new stroke on the resume;

  • A new job;

  • Let others think you are excellent.

  • ……

In fact, most of the time, when you first open a pit, you can only make friends. Unless your project is excellent and unique, you can only gain profits through long-term investment.


If what you do is application, then you might as well practice technology as the purpose.

Give priority not to those sad problems, such as IE. Who wants to use IE? Who supports it 🐶

The most important thing of open source is to make yourself happy.


No time input

I am an open source fanatic, and it is my pleasure to use code to create things, so I will devote my time to it. Since this is the case, we also need to divide some time to do special things:

  • Repair minor bugs at ordinary times;

  • New weekend writing function;

  • Change the project and mood occasionally;

  • Relax and do nothing.

However, for the current situation of 996 in China, most developers have no extra willingness to invest in this field. Is it not good to play with your boyfriend on weekends? Why not go shopping with your girlfriend on weekends?


Lack of publicity

In today's information homogenization+more and more garbage, most similar projects will quickly die. As long as others do better than you in publicity, they may gain the advantage of backwardness. A typical example is the front-end framework Avalon. The framework itself is very good, but it has not spread out.

When you think you have done a great open source project, don't be afraid. You can try:

  • Send a brief introduction to the relevant technical forum.

  • Write articles and publish them on some writing platforms

  • Find experts in relevant fields and see their opinions.

  • ……

At critical times, your soft ability is often more important than your hard code ability.


Missing measurement data

The biggest fear of open source is that you may find that the things you have worked hard to do may not be used. Therefore, platforms such as GitHub provide a large amount of measurement data to help developers understand the project situation. Like GitHub's stars and traffic are some very good functions.

Therefore, it is advisable to use some tools, such as Google Analytics, to establish traffic measurement.


Lack of vision and planning

Most projects may be abandoned before this step is reached.

Open source is an operation mode with clear goals and loose processes. Most projects will have a clear goal, based on which we can move in this direction together.

So you may need to spend some time:

  • Make your release plan;

  • Update your Todo;

  • Outline a bright future.


Conclusion: Just be happy

Stick to what you think is right, and you will get what you want.

If you expect too much profit, you may not be happy.


About the author Phodal, ThoughtWorks Senior Consultant, CSDN blog expert. He has been active in GitHub and CSDN for a long time, focusing on the Internet of Things and front-end fields. He published six e-books, including the book "Designing the Internet of Things by Yourself" and "Growth: A Guide to Full Stack Growth Engineers", and translated the "Practical Guide to the Internet of Things".

Introduction to Kaiyuan News Agency

The Open Source Society is a manufacturer neutral, volunteer and non-profit open source alliance organized by enterprises, communities and individuals at home and abroad who support open source in accordance with the principle of "contribution, consensus and co governance", aiming to jointly create a healthy and sustainable open source ecosystem and promote the Chinese open source community to become an active participant and contributor of global open source software. We focus on open source governance, international integration, community development and open source projects.

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