In summer 2020, Zhuang Biaowei&Lin Lvqiang, "Big Masters Talk about Open Source": What are the open source stories in your life experience?

2020/06/03 21:06
Reading number 152

Sponsor? Software Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences, openEuler Community, Open Source Community

|Editor: Wang Haoyue

|Designer: Zhu Yiqin

Activity introduction


Open source supply chain lighting plan - summer 2020( )Software Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences and openEuler Community( )A summer activity jointly held for college students aims to encourage students to actively participate in the development and maintenance of open source software and promote the vigorous development of excellent open source software communities in China. During the activity, the sponsor, together with the "Open Source Society", recruited senior open-source contributors, preachers and other celebrities in the open source community to hold a series of lectures on open source culture, which brought a series of introductions on open source concepts to students in school, and helped students to deeply understand the ways and means of open source culture and participation in the open source community. This is to collect speech topics from members of the Open Source Society and other members of the open source community at home and abroad. If you know about the open source culture, have participated in the contributions of the open source community, or have participated in the operation of the open source community, you can share your experience, experience and opinions with college students through this activity.

Let's work together to make the soil of China's open source community more fertile, and let the seeds of open source culture take root in the soil of Chinese colleges and universities!

Lecture content


1. Introduction to open source culture: open source culture is unfamiliar to students at school Foundation, Apache Foundation, etc. enable students to understand open source from multiple perspectives and stimulate their interest in participating in open source community.

2. Ways to participate in the open source community: how to contribute to the open source community through Git, through mailing lists, IRC, Slack, etc Jinghe Open Source Community Communication, Open Source Communication Etiquette and other ways of participating in open source community are explained to help students participate in open source smoothly Community.

Online live broadcast


The lecture was broadcast live through the Bilibili website, with technical support provided by the Institute of Software of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The lecture was broadcast weekly at a fixed time.

(Warm tip: at 20:00 Beijing time on June 6, scan the QR code of the poster above to watch.)

Lecturer: Zhuang Biaowei&Lin Lvqiang

Live time: 20:00 Beijing time, June 6, 2020

Topic: What open source stories do you have in your life experience?

Lecturer Profile:

Zhuang Biaowei

President of Kaiyuan Cooperative in 2020, core member of Kaiyuan Cooperative and long-term participant of Kaiyuan Community. After graduating from college in 1997, he worked hard at the front line of programming all the year round. In the last three years, he began to work as a product manager and currently works in Huawei Cloud.

Richard Lin

Huawei Cloud AI developer ecological expert, member of the board of the Open Source Society, has been engaged in open source for nearly 10 years. Focus on open source/developer ecology, community governance and business model; Take open source preaching as our ambition, and take openness, freedom, sharing and innovation as our belief.

Review of last period:

  • Lecturer: Li Jiansheng (Shi Si)

  • Topic: "Hidden Rules" in the Open Source World

  • Topic introduction: Although today's open source is not a marginal group many years ago, it has entered the mainstream of the software industry. Major enterprises, non-profit organizations, individuals, government agencies, etc. are competing to enter the world. In addition to the widely recognized free, redistributive, modified, "community", foundations, codes of conduct Licenses and other content that almost every open source project will explicitly stipulate, as well as potential content that may be ignored, such as technology is greater than business No Crying in Open Source .....

  • Xi Si will share with you the rules in the open source world that have not been announced but are being followed.

Playback QR code

Introduction to Kaiyuan News Agency

The Open Source Society is a manufacturer neutral, volunteer and non-profit open source alliance organized by enterprises, communities and individuals at home and abroad who support open source in accordance with the principle of "contribution, consensus and co governance", aiming to jointly create a healthy and sustainable open source ecosystem and promote the Chinese open source community to become an active participant and contributor of global open source software. We focus on open source governance, international integration, community development and open source projects.

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