Summer 2020: Deng Chao of "Big Experts Talk about Open Source" | History and Legal Risks of Open Source Software

2020/06/26 21:00
Number of readings 261


Sponsors: Software Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences, openEuler Community, and Kaiyuan Community

|Edited by: Yuan Ruibin

|Design: Ye Xiuyuan

Activity introduction


Open source supply chain lighting plan - summer 2020( )Software Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences and openEuler Community( )A summer activity jointly held for college students aims to encourage students to actively participate in the development and maintenance of open source software and promote the vigorous development of excellent open source software communities in China.



During the activity, the sponsor, together with the "Open Source Society", recruited senior open-source contributors, preachers and other celebrities in the open source community to hold a series of lectures on open source culture, which brought a series of introductions on open source concepts to students in school, and helped students to deeply understand the ways and means of open source culture and participation in the open source community. This is to collect speech topics from members of the Open Source Society and other members of the open source community at home and abroad. If you know about the open source culture, have participated in the contributions of the open source community, or have participated in the operation of the open source community, you can share your experience, experience and opinions with college students through this activity.

Let's work together to make the soil of China's open source community more fertile, and let the seeds of open source culture take root in the soil of Chinese colleges and universities!

Lecture content


1. Introduction to open source culture: open source culture is relatively unfamiliar to students at school. Through the history of open source, Linux history, Linux Foundation, Apache Foundation, etc., students can learn about open source from multiple perspectives and stimulate their interest in participating in the open source community.

2. Ways to participate in the open source community: how to contribute to the open source community through Git, how to participate in the open source community through mailing lists, IRC, Slack and other ways, and how to explain the open source community communication, open source communication etiquette and other ways to help students participate in the open source community smoothly.

Online live broadcast


The lecture was broadcast live through the Bilibili website, with technical support provided by the Institute of Software of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The lecture was broadcast weekly at a fixed time.


(Warm tip: at 20:00 Beijing time on June 27, scan the QR code of the poster above to watch.)

Lecturer: Deng Chao

Topic: Historical and legal risks of open source software

Introduction: Lawyer Deng Chao, Bachelor of Science, Doctor of Law. Lawyer Deng Chao's professional field is intellectual property, and the industry field focuses on TMT (technology, media and telecommunications). We have provided comprehensive litigation and non litigation legal services for clients in the TMT field, and have represented clients in the Supreme Court, multi local high courts and other courts to respond to litigation, and handled many non litigation legal affairs.
Review of last period:


Lecturer: Chen Lijun

Topic: How far is Linux from entry to kernel

Profile: Professor of Xi'an University of Posts and Telecommunications, member of the Computer Teaching Steering Committee of the Ministry of Education, famous teacher of Shaanxi Province, member of the expert group of China Open Source Alliance. For more than 20 years, he has been committed to promoting the development of Linux in China, deeply studying the relevant theories and technologies of Linux kernel, tracking the development trend of Linux kernel, continuously compiling and translating more than ten relevant monographs, translations and textbooks for the continuous evolution of Linux kernel versions, and cultivating a group of outstanding students active in Linux, Twice won the "Outstanding Contribution Award for Open Source" awarded by the China Open Source Alliance.

Introduction to Kaiyuan News Agency

The Open Source Society is a manufacturer neutral, volunteer and non-profit open source alliance organized by enterprises, communities and individuals at home and abroad who support open source in accordance with the principle of "contribution, consensus and co governance", aiming to jointly create a healthy and sustainable open source ecosystem and promote the Chinese open source community to become an active participant and contributor of global open source software. We focus on open source governance, international integration, community development and open source projects.

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Summer 2020 "Big Stars Talk about Open Source" | Chen Lijun: How Far Is Linux from Getting Started to Deepening the Kernel

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