Jiang Tao, founder of CSDN: Open source consumes the world, and developers win the world

2020/07/24 21:24
Number of readings 249

| Reprinted from: CSDN

|Edited by: Yuan Ruibin

|Designer: Tan Jialu

Sorting out | He Miao, Tang Xiaoyin
Production | CSDN (ID: CSDNnews)

On July 15, sponsored by China Open Source Software Promotion Alliance (COPU), co sponsored by CCID Media and Software and Integrated Circuit Magazine, the 15th session of 2020 was broadcast exclusively by CSDN“ Open Source China Open Source World Summit Forum It was held on line.

Founder&Chairman of CSDN with more than 30 years of programming experience and founding partner of Geek Bang Venture Capital Jiang Tao has always paid close attention to China's open source ecosystem. As a representative of China's open source developer community, he has worked with GitHub GitLab Founders and senior executives continue to talk to discuss open source and the development path of open source in China. At this summit forum, Jiang Tao delivered a keynote speech titled "Open Source Ecological Report of Chinese Developers" and said: With nearly three decades of scientific and technological innovation, open source has become the cornerstone of technology applications and the digital development of the industry. The commercialization of open source has also made a great breakthrough and has won the favor of many VCs. According to the CSDN Chinese developers' open source ecological data report, developers are extremely dependent on and concerned about open source. The overall distribution of open source projects is dominated by enterprises and organizations, and MIT protocol and JavaScript language are the most popular.

At the same time, under the trend of global open source, domestic open source tools based on AI are rising, and there is still much room for domestic open source IoT operating system. China is gradually becoming a major user and core contributor of global open source software. Vigorously developing an independent and controllable Chinese open source ecosystem with a core technology stack is an important engine for China's golden decade of informatization.

Based on this, Jiang Tao officially announced that CSDN, as a professional developer community in China, will spare no effort to build an independent new open source platform CODE China, Fully embrace the new era of open source, and call on more open source enterprises, organizations and developers to jointly create a better open source ecosystem to promote the new journey of open source in China.

Facing new technologies, new formats, and new changes, we continued to encourage industry innovation, set a benchmark for open source, and played a role model. At the same time, this summit forum announced the important award of "2020 Outstanding Contributors to Open Source in China", recognized and commended outstanding contributors in the field of open source in China, and Jiang Tao, the founder&chairman of CSDN and founding partner of Geek Help Venture Capital, was honored.

The following is the transcript of Jiang Tao's speech:

Hello, I'm Jiang Tao, the founder of CSDN. Today, my topic is Open Source Ecological Report for Chinese Developers.

CSDN has always focused on developer ecosystem services, with 31 million registered members, Alexa ranking 26 in the world, and more than 5 million daily live users. Focusing on developers, we have made a data report for the open source ecosystem this year, and we will simply share it here.


Current situation of open source developers in China

As of May 30, 2020, we have counted and analyzed GitHub TOP 1000 well-known open source projects and found that on the CSDN website, there are nearly 6 million articles related to these open source projects, with 720000 authors. In the past six months, 1.7 billion visitors have been generated, which is a very large number. It can be observed from the data that today, all of our developers are extremely dependent on and concerned about open source.

What are the characteristics of these developers? We can see that 91% of the developers are young developers under 35 years old, mainly men. At the same time, developers pay great attention to open source regardless of their working years.

From the perspective of geographical distribution, open-source developers are mainly concentrated in China's first tier IT cities. Beijing is far ahead, followed by Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hangzhou and Guangzhou. According to the technical ability tag of developers, Java classes account for the majority of the most active developers, while Python classes grow the fastest.

At the same time, based on the analysis of GitHub TOP 1000 open source project, we found the following obvious characteristics:

  • In terms of open source agreements, MIT License accounts for nearly half of the projects. Because this agreement is friendly and loose, a large number of scientific research projects also use MIT;

  • In terms of programming language: JavaScript is far more than Python and Java.

In the past two years, the most active and fastest growing open source projects are AI related. There are 1.82 million AI application developers who are paying close attention to and using open source frameworks. Among them, the old and widely used OpenCV takes the lead and the emerging TensorFlow is hot. At the same time, including Baidu PaddlePaddle , Tencent NCNN, Kuangshi and other domestic open source frameworks have been used by more and more developers.

Another area of concern is the IoT. After statistics of relevant data and analysis of relevant open source frameworks and operating systems, We found that this field has not yet formed an absolutely leading ecology, which is also a big reason why the development speed of loT is slower than AI However, in China, there is a great opportunity for the development of the next generation LOT operating system.


Great development of global open source commercialization

Open source has developed greatly in the past 30 years, especially in commercialization. It has gone through rounds of technological changes. From the Internet LAMP structure( Linux、Apache、MySQL、PHP )To Mobile Internet( FreeBSD, Android, Flutter, Kotlin, etc ), cloud computing, big data( Nginx、Hadoop、OpenStack、Docker ), as well as the popular AI in recent two years( TensorFlow, Caffe, etc ), Blockchain( BitCoin、Ethereum、Hyperledger )All have key open source technologies and applications behind them, and the IoT field is the same development path.

The ecosystem around open source, especially the cloud native ecosystem, is promoted by open source technology. Taking cloud computing as an example, this is a very large industry. The BVP Nasdaq Emerging Cloud Index in the NASDAQ Index is a stock index related to cloud computing, with the latest cumulative market value of $1.8 trillion. IT drives the development of the industry, and has also formed a huge output value. These open source tools make developers more creative and valuable.

Another example of the industrial miracle created under the support of the open source ecosystem is that Instagram was acquired by Facebook for $1 billion in 2012, when Instagram published an article sharing the open source framework and tools they used. In the past, you can hardly imagine that 5 programmers+open source tools have created a value of 1 billion dollars. The good products and applications created by the small team have such great commercial value, which makes more people see the commercial potential of open source.

The commercialization of open source software has gone through three generations:

  • The first generation, represented by Red Hat, packaged open source software into packages and sold it on CD. Red Hat has started from then on and has grown into a huge company today.

  • The second generation belongs to Open Core, which is open source for the basic version, but closed source for the commercial version and professional version, or open core with charges, represented by Hadoop, including Spark.

  • In the third generation commercial model, cloud native, all code is open source, but the open source system is becoming more and more complex. If you want to use this tool well, open source companies can provide cloud native systems, SaaS services, and private cloud services. At present, this model has made great progress. The market value of several open source listed companies, such as ElastciSearch and MongoDB, has reached nearly 10 billion dollars.

From the global open source companies with revenue of more than $100 million, we can see that VC has invested a total of $10.8 billion in this field, and the market value created is estimated to be $146 billion. After the withdrawal of cash, 68 billion, this is a very considerable value investment and return.

Overseas open source projects have developed rapidly and capital investment is active, as well as in China. We can see that in the past three years, relevant investment institutions have invested tens of millions of dollars in open source companies with good commercial prospects, focusing on database, cloud computing, loT real-time operating system and other fields. For example, Tao Jianhui of Taosi Data obtained an investment of nearly 20 million dollars by virtue of the real-time database system developed by the team. There were only 15 people in this loT oriented company before, 14 of whom were engineers. This shows that investors are very optimistic about the development of open source technology in China's market.


Build an independent and controllable open source ecosystem in China

China has the largest number of developers in the world. CSDN has 31 million registered users, and GitHub has 41 million external users, but it is global oriented, and 90% of our users are from China. With the current global technology decoupling of the epidemic, it is very important and urgent to build China's own core technology stack and ecosystem.

We have the largest number of developers and have made great achievements in the application field. The level and scale of Internet companies are close to or even exceed those of American Internet companies China has certain leading advantages in emerging technology fields such as blockchain and 5G. We believe that China's technology promotion will bring about great development of open source ecology, because China's new infrastructure has created a massive market. To build our own core technology stack, we should not build our own technology stack behind closed doors, but closely unite with the international community. We believe that there are three ways to develop China's core technology stack:

  • First, introduce cooperation to introduce foreign open source projects to China for operation;

  • Second, self built cultivation. For example, Baidu Apollo, Huawei's Hongmeng OS, China's major companies are building their own open source technology stack, and some start-ups have also won the favor of VC, which is a huge entrepreneurial opportunity and track in China;

  • Third, we need to integrate into the international community. How can we integrate? RISC-V gives us the answer. They moved the foundation headquarters directly to Switzerland, with China and the United States. Finding the middle zone between China and the United States is a possible model for our future development.


China needs its own open source platform

Developers are the core productivity for creating an IT ecosystem with core competitiveness. At the same time, China has the largest number of developers in the world, growing rapidly and improving constantly. but Due to the current confrontation between China and the United States, the Hongmeng launched by Huawei cannot be released in GitHub, and many well-known AI companies in China have also been included in the entity list, which has a great impact. Therefore, China needs a set of independent and controllable open source platforms, and forms links with well-known open source projects of Chinese local companies.

thus, As the largest Internet platform for developers in China, CSDN is trying its best to upgrade the new open source platform CODE China。 In 2013, we launched the open source platform CODE, but unfortunately, at that time, China's open source commercialization and open source ecological conditions were not mature. After seven years of exploration, it was still very unsuccessful. But now, a new time has come.

CSDN has always served Chinese developers and technology manufacturers. We hope to build our own platform around China's open source ecosystem. CSDN's new open source platform is not only independent of third parties, but will also focus on developers, A truly excellent open source project must win developers to achieve ecological and commercial success.

First of all, it is a distinctive and independent third-party open source community that does not depend on a large company and can cooperate with all large companies.

Second, we should not be separated from the international community, fully connect with international open source projects, and even introduce official settlement and operation. the other day, White paper issued by the Linux Foundation China said that the released open source projects are not subject to US export control, which is very good for the development of open source ecological globalization. But under the condition of open source, we should have our own backup scheme and develop our own characteristics to form differentiation and complementarity.

Third, find your own characteristics. In the field of open data in China, a large number of data centers are in the hands of the industry and the government. We need to open data around new infrastructure, attract developers, and create more new applications around open source code and open data, which is our advantage in differentiated operation.

In the key loT field, China has the strongest hardware supply chain and production base in the world( For example, the famous Huaqiangbei )As well as the largest number of developers and market bases, the new generation of open source projects, systems and markets combining software and hardware will all take place in China. IoT is also CODE China's key business areas.

Fourthly, we should pay attention to the right confirmation and business incentives. Blockchain provides the best solution. At present, the head open source commercial projects have developed better, but the central and long tail open source projects are in a state of enthusiasm at the initial stage and no one maintains them at the later stage. We have the opportunity to find a new path in model innovation to help them develop better.

The above is our planned CODE China's open source platform and services hope to innovate in the current situation, create an open source knowledge base, form a distinctive open source community, and operate jointly around China's well-known open source projects. In the future, we hope to create a better ecology together with open source project companies and more open source developers. Thank you.

Note: Click "Read the original text" to directly watch the live playback of the speech.

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The Open Source Society is a manufacturer neutral, volunteer and non-profit open source alliance organized by enterprises, communities and individuals at home and abroad who support open source in accordance with the principle of "contribution, consensus and co governance", aiming to jointly create a healthy and sustainable open source ecosystem and promote the Chinese open source community to become an active participant and contributor of global open source software. We focus on open source governance, international integration, community development and open source projects.

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