Git fetch and git pull

1. git fetch: equivalent to obtaining the latest version from remote to local, it will not automatically merge git fetch origin master git log - p master Origin/master git merge origin/master

Difference between fork and clone, difference between fetch and pull

Fork: on the github page, click the fork button. Copy another person's warehouse to your own. Clone: clone the repository in github to your local computer. Question: (1) The role of pull request is that the owner of the warehouse (A) doesn't

The git command switches branches

Git usually has many branches. When we clone to local, we usually use the master branch. How to switch to other branches? The main commands are as follows: 1 View the remote branch $git branch - a I run the above command under the root directory:~$git branch - a

2020/01/06 14:11
two hundred and eighty-six
Chrome browser voice auto play function

In order to block harassment ads with sound, Chrome browser will no longer allow automatic voice play after the 66 version. My project needs real-time voice alert information. After searching the Internet for a long time, I said that it will no longer support automatic play. I knew that a god offered suggestions to set up Chrome browser

Stop and delete all docker containers and images

List all container IDs docker ps - aq Stop all containers docker stop $(docker ps - aq) Delete all containers docker rm $(docker ps - aq) Delete all images docker rmi $(docker images - q) Copy files dock

2019/11/06 14:38
Use of Docker graphical page management tool

I Docker graphical tools Docker graphical page management tools are commonly used in three ways, DockerUI, Portainer and Shipyard. DockerUI is the predecessor of Portainer, and these three tools obtain managed resource information through the docker api. Usually we often

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