MySQL batch replacement character set

Background During system performance optimization, a simple select left join statement was found to be slow. Through explanation, it was found that there was no index. After checking the structure of the following table, it was found that the character set was not unified. When querying tables, one used utf

2022/03/22 16:04
two hundred and one
Do not blindly follow the RESTFUL interface specification

Recently, I was optimizing the company's interface specification. The original specification document stipulated that the server should strictly follow the RESTFUL style interface, but many developers did not actually follow the RESTFUL interface specification. Of course, many of these are implementation level issues, but

2022/02/11 16:17

Recently, I developed a data synchronization service with JPA. Because it involves multiple databases and operates multiple tables, I felt that Mybatis was too inefficient, so I tried to use JPA development; Because I used hibernate before (through hbm. xml mapping), I stepped through many holes in the middle

Windows remote connection MAC

Development often needs to switch between different systems, such as Windows and Mac environments. As a back-end development, the main development machine is usually Windows, which is assisted by MAC. If you need to use a Mac, you need to operate remotely. The following three remote tools that support MAC connection are recommended here

2021/01/27 17:57
GO reflection use (read the field name, type, value and tag in the structure)

When developing the GO code generator, we need to generate CRUD code based on the model reflection to obtain field information. Here we write a demo to obtain the fields, values, tags and function execution of the structure: type BaseUserMo struct {Uri string ` bson: "uri" json

The command to batch move files according to date under Linux (find...)

Find upload/- mtime+200 - name "*. *" | xargs - i mv {} upload_bak/->Move files over 200 days from the upload directory to the upload_bak directory find upload/- mtime+200 - name "*. *" - exec mv {} upload_

How can Hibernate and Mybatis use the same transaction?

Let's take a brief look at the source code: hibernate transaction: org. springframework. orm. hibernate5. HibernateTransactionManager doBegin() Processing code: hibernate sessionholder: datasource holder Source code: judged to be

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