Error: C++preprocessor "/lib/cpp" failures sanity check

When upgrading and compiling gcc, the above error message is encountered. The root cause of the problem is the lack of necessary C++libraries. For CentOS system, run the following command: yum install glibc headers yum install gcc-c++Ubuntu system, run the command:

2023/07/24 10:21
Record the optimization process of RPC calls based on ThriftJ

We have developed a microservice framework. RPC calls are based on ThriftJ, and ZooKeeper is used for service registration and discovery. The access control ZooKeeper is based on the CuratorFramework. The above is the project background. 1. Problem description: The project was originally a distributed project

The problem of easyui modifying the window (dialog) title

When using easyui, execute: $('# recordVideoWindow'). dialog ({title: 'Record video - start recording...',}) for the opened window (dialog); This will cause the open window to close. A bunch of articles on the Internet are all saying: $('#

Android 8.1 Realizes the Pit of Silent Upgrade

Recently, I encountered many pitfalls in the automatic upgrade of app functions for Android 8.1 system, which is recorded here. First of all, I made my own Android motherboard, and the Android system is rooted. If your system does not have root, please go to, this article is not suitable for

JNI returns String through formal parameters

Although the title is String, it is very simple to actually use StringBuffer. Look down, direct cp can be used in the past. public class Decodec { public static native int test(String inPut, StringBuffer outPut); stati...

Compile Tesseract 4.1 and Leptonica 1.78 on centos7

When compiling and installing Tesseract 4.0 source code, Leptonica dependency will be required. After installing the latest version, an error will still be reported when compiling Tesseract: configure: error: Leptonica 1.74 or higher is required Try to install li...

A method for solr to query the top of all matches

Add sort=query ({! V=mc: "What to do with growing"}) desc to automatically rank first if mc fields match all queries

2019/11/20 14:23

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