Qiniu Cloud is invited to explore the value of financial data through joint auction and loan

2016/02/25 15:54
Reading number 259

If you want to ask what industry will be the innovation and entrepreneurship outlet in 2016, Internet finance must be on the list. China's 50% high savings rate, 140 trillion bank deposit balance, and 600 million mobile Internet users have become the best soil for the development of Internet finance. Using cloud computing technology and big data technology to transform finance has become the consensus of the Internet and financial industry. The "Magic Mirror Cup" Internet financial data application innovation contest, which is jointly held by Qiniuyun, Paipaidai, and Nethome, will start on February 25.

In this competition, the P2P platform with 13 million users will open some real borrowing user data sets (through strict de privacy processing), as well as a cash reward of up to 600000 yuan. Qiniu will provide a one-stop cloud storage+cloud computing platform for the semi-final contestants to help them complete financial data mining and product development faster.

"Magic Mirror Cup" consists of three major competitions: risk control algorithm competition, public opinion product development competition and financial product innovation competition. Data lovers, IT developers, and financial talents can all find the direction of interest and give play to their talents in the context of Internet finance.

[Financial Risk Control Competition] The core of finance is risk control, and the basis of risk control is data. Based on the open six types of data, can you PK the Magic Mirror risk control system to create a more perfect risk control algorithm.

[Data Product Development Contest] P2P platforms emerge in endlessly, and various products are diverse. Can you design a data public opinion product to help tens of millions of Internet users master P2P platform information and industry consulting, and make the most intelligent investment decisions.
[Financial Product Innovation Competition] Tap the potential of Internet technology and financial demand to truly realize inclusive finance. In addition to the popular student loan, online business loan, and worker loan, do you have a better financial idea?

Use technology and innovation to shape the rising Internet financial industry. Come to the competition! Address link: mojing.ppdai.com

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