The price of Qiniu audio and video services was officially lowered, making rich media become the standard configuration of applications

2015/02/02 11:30
Reading 534

2014 is called the first year of mobile short video 4G The Dongfeng licensing was once subject to the spring tide in the rich media field limited to bandwidth and traffic. Tencent's WeChat and Sina's Second Shot were deployed in advance, and applications such as WeChat, WeChat guest recording, Papaqi and WeChat can shoot have mushroomed. The star app "Beauty Shooting" came out, providing sixty Second short video sharing, only nine It has successfully obtained hundreds of millions of users in three months.

McLuhan, a master of communication, believes that "media is an extension of human beings", twenty Electronic media, born since the 20th century, is the product of the integration of human central nervous system and the perception of the real world. Every step of the evolution of media is a broadening of the boundary of human cognition.

Reviewing the development history of electronic media in the Internet era, words and links have formed the original Web 1.0 Ecology; Image & Text UGC Promoted the rise of social networks and released Web 2.0 Individual strength behind; Next generation Web The development trend of is the deep integration of multimedia and social networks. The Internet is entering a new era of audio and video.

From text to pictures to audio and video, it contains more information and interaction methods. Changes in user data also clearly reflect the acceleration of evolution. In contrast to the rise of "Meipai", once phenomenal products in the field of picture sharing Instagram , reaching hundreds of millions of users two Year zero four Months; Earlier Facebook At this level four Year zero eight Months.

The driving force behind high-speed evolution is the change of network, storage and computing capabilities. This is the magic Moore's law applied to IT The "three forces" of the world, every improvement of basic forces in history, can bring innovation in interaction, leap in product form, and even industrial revolution.

The abundant network resources in the 4G era will not only reshape communication, information channels and content, but also reshape our daily lives. Those who make good use of their power will naturally stand on the top of the tide. In the coming golden age of audio and video, great changes are taking place in the following areas of audio and video services, which are suitable for entrepreneurs to show their strength.

Rich media UGC , become standard

since two thousand and fourteen year six Since, Facebook Up to ten Billion. two thousand and fifteen At the beginning of the year, the social giant acquired a video technology company QuickFire , improve user experience and guide the creation of high-quality content. Twitter Not to be outdone, it will launch new tools in the near future to help users record, edit and share videos, and support the longest ten Minutes of video playback. Snapchat Instagram Other social platforms also have the function of native video sharing.

There is no doubt that the interactive mode based on audio and video will become the standard configuration of social platforms in the future. According to iResearch data, two thousand and thirteen year nine In August, the number of domestic mobile video users reached one point three RMB 100 million, with year-on-year growth 105.7% along with 4G With the further popularization of the Internet, the sharing and consumption of audio and video will be combined with the mobile and fragmented user characteristics, replacing a single text information stream and becoming a new habit of users.

Mobile advertising, ready to launch

In the era of high-speed network, advertising on mobile devices is no longer restricted to Banner , integral wall and other simple forms. High quality audio and video advertising will bring new opportunities for the realization of mobile traffic. Pioneers in this field Vungle , focus on fifteen Advertisement distribution of second HD video has been obtained B Round of financing. Break Media forecast, two thousand and sixteen The annual budget of marketing practitioners on video advertising will reach fifty-four US $100 million. Mobile video will inevitably become the next choice for advertisers, especially brand advertisers.

Different from PC End advertising CPM The huge value of mobile advertising is inseparable from the big data analysis of user behavior. Personalized and accurate push makes advertising more humanized, stimulates users' implicit needs, and completes purchase and payment directly on the mobile end. IDC Just released two thousand and fifteen In the technology industry trend report in, it is predicted that rich media analysis (video, audio and image) will be an important driving force for big data projects, and the scale will at least double.

Industry applications, broad prospects

With the popularity of networks and mobile devices, the boundaries between traditional industries and the Internet are gradually melting. The in-depth combination of audio and video with industry applications can greatly expand the original application scenarios and explore new usage methods and commercial values. The education and medical sectors are typical beneficiaries of this wave of changes.

Audio and video teaching has become an important part of online education. By means of open class video, audio books, classroom live broadcast and other ways, high-quality education resources will no longer be limited by the region and time; In the medical field, doctors and patients can exchange information through video to achieve telemedicine. Video diagnosis at the time of emergency rescue can also greatly shorten the treatment time of patients; In the field of urban traffic management, it can provide accident early warning based on video monitoring, and guide road flow through remote command. In logistics, transportation, tourism, smart home and other industries, audio and video applications will also bring enough industrial innovation and imagination space.

Compared with image applications, the technical complexity of audio and video is much higher. Its biggest feature is that, on the one hand, it requires high playback fluency, on the other hand, it requires a whole set of multimedia processing such as transcoding, slicing, encryption, etc. Self built video services not only need to invest a lot of costs in overall development, operation and maintenance, hardware, bandwidth, but also cannot be guaranteed in key factors such as video smoothness, security, and scalability.

As early as two thousand and twelve Year, Qiniu Cloud Storage We launched audio and video processing services, and worked with early entrepreneurs in this field to explore perfect multimedia solutions. Case users include: video monitoring equipment supplier Hikvision, short video application Meipai, mobile phone KTV Singing bar, online education platform, etc.

As a professional service provider of audio and video basic technology, Qiniu Cloud Storage pioneered a fully distributed storage architecture, integrating multiple CDN Resources, and provide a full range of audio and video storage, acceleration, transcoding, watermarking, slicing, splicing, framing and streaming media playback services. It can not only ensure the stability of file upload and smoothness of playback, but also solve user experience problems such as multi screen adaptation. For live broadcast applications with more stringent technical requirements, it can also successfully support 100000 concurrent online users.

Up to three hundred When the new market of billion yuan is opened, the improvement of audio and video related technologies and the cooperation between upstream and downstream of the industrial chain will directly determine the maturity of the industry in the future. from two thousand and fifteen year two month one Qiniu decided to lower the price of audio and video services as a whole 80% For the coming new era. Qiniu's goal is to be a water bearer in the era of rich media gold mining, continue to use the power of technology, and make rich media become the standard application configuration through professional, perfect and reliable cloud services, benefiting tens of millions of start-ups.

To this end, we have also prepared a questionnaire on the user experience of multimedia processing services, and sincerely invite you to participate. Complete the questionnaire RP It can also be extracted iPad Air , mechanical keyboard and seven cow customized chocolate

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