In addition to Chromium and Firefox, there are so many open source browsers

When it comes to web browsers, we are familiar with four small dragons: Chrome/Firefox/Safari/Microsoft Edge. These four browsers occupy most of the market share and are also developing web standards. But apart from these familiar contestants, in this collection

With these open source Icon libraries, I don't worry about the ugly UI anymore!

With these open source Icon libraries, my mother no longer has to worry about the ugly UI I wrote 🤣! Remix Icon Remix Icon is an open source icon library for designers and developers. All icons can be used for personal and commercial projects for free. Mix and match

Sort out some simple and easy open source file transfer tools

Here are some open source file transfer tools, which are simple and easy to use, and worthy of praise! FileZilla Client - FTP file transfer tool FileZilla is a fast and reliable FTP client and server open source program, with a variety of features, intuitive access to

COSCLC community chat session 5: daily life of students operating the open source circle

What are the operations of the open source circle? What skills do different operations need, and what are they responsible for every day? In the fifth live broadcast of the series of "China Open Source Community Landscape Community Chats", we invited Wang Xiangyang (Benker), the head of PG Chinese community operations

The COSCLC community talked about the fourth issue: how to balance the conflict between commercialization and open source

The commercialization of open source is a long-standing topic. In the fourth episode of the series of live broadcasts of "China Open Source Community Landscape Community Chat", we invited Li Chen, the developer relations&market operation director of Zilliz Community, Juicedata partner&JuiceFS Open Source Community 1

Sort out some open-source mind mapping software, please bring it yourself

We have sorted out some open source mind mapping software or mind mapping software that was open source but has not been maintained for a long time. Please take it yourself~Xmind XMind is a free cross platform mind mapping software (once open source, but abandoned due to long-term non maintenance). XMind is a domestic software, so it supports simple and complex Chinese

COSCLC community chat about the second phase: the unique secret of open source project to Apache

For most developers, the Apache Open Source Foundation is both familiar and mysterious. Familiarity is due to the fact that as the largest open source foundation in the world, it is inevitable to come into contact with many open source software under Apache during the development process; Its mystery comes from the fact that most people do not participate in Ap

What are the domestic open source operating systems?

It is often said that there are more domestic operating systems than users. Here's an inventory of domestic open source operating systems, including but not limited to server operating systems, desktop operating systems, Internet of Things and edge operating systems, embedded operating systems In no particular order, if there is

COSCLC Community Chat Episode I: Talking about Dromara's LiteFlow and Hertzbeat

When we learn about an open source project, we look at its function, architecture, performance, and open source license - most of the time we look at the project itself, the open source community behind the project, or know little about the project author. This time, the Chinese open source community Landscape

Game engine/framework from pixel games to 3A masterpieces

Unsaturated with work, want to play a game by yourself? Whether it's a small web game or a 3A masterpiece, the game engine/framework here can be easily controlled, ready to start! Godot: 2D/3D game engine Godot is a 2D/3D game engine under MIT protocol

You only need these music processing tools to transform from a magnon to a great musician

Like to sing and dance Rap basketball, want to become a famous singer? Here comes your chance! A series of music processing tools including audio recording, composition, audio processing, audio synthesis, audio visualization and other functions have been arranged by the editor, helping each coder become a great musician! Believe me, you can also

Good thing recommendation: mobile security related development tools

Mobile security is an important part of mobile terminal development. No matter for development or testing, vulnerability analysis/testing of mobile terminal is an indispensable part. We have summarized more than ten mobile security related tools, including static and dynamic analysis frameworks, as well as some reverse

13 interesting and practical CSS frameworks/components

Students at the front end will certainly be familiar with CSS, which controls the appearance of the web page. Today we have sorted out some interesting CSS components for you. These components can enhance the layout of the web page, enable the web page to achieve a variety of styles, and even check the page for bugs! 1、...

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