[Open source interview] Han Tianfeng: From 2. x to 4. x, the story behind the development of Swoole

On June 14, the popular PHP coroutine engine Swoole officially released version 4.0, which supports the use of coroutines anywhere in PHP code, and brings new features such as global variable isolation and MySQL stored procedures support. The last version series of Swoole was released in May

2018/07/02 16:01
Practical and easy to use, 6 Python special text format processing libraries recommended

The following are some libraries written in Python for parsing and operating special text formats. I hope they can help you. 1. Tablib Tablib is a Python library used to process tabular data. It allows importing, exporting, and managing tabular data

Front end edge tool, 6 open source web performance optimization aids recommended

Web performance optimization is an old topic, and also a very important part of front-end page development. The slower the page is loaded, the greater the probability of user churn. Performance and interaction directly affect the user experience. Here are some web performance optimization aids

Save small capacity, recommend 6 open source image lossless optimization tools

With the progress of science and technology, the photos taken by cameras and mobile phones become clearer and larger, and the mobile phones and disks with smaller capacity begin to be strained. At present, there are many tools for low loss, even lossless optimization and compression of images, which can help you save more photos. 1、...

Goodbye 2017 Hello 2018, wonderful annual summary of programmers

With a flick of the finger, we have entered 2018 from 2017. Looking back, there are joys and sorrows, disappointments and regrets, as well as excitement and emotion. Looking back on this year, many things have happened. Some people have entered the society from school, some have begun to dabble in new technical fields, and some have challenged new projects

2017 "Top 20 Most Popular Open Source Software in China" was officially unveiled

On November 27, the "2017 Most Popular Chinese Open Source Software Selection" jointly organized by Open Source China and JetBrains was officially launched. After more than half a month of voting, as well as the active participation of various open source software authors, open source enthusiasts and OSChina members, 2017 "

2017/12/14 18:08
Top Ten APP and Web Interface Design Trends Worthy of Attention in 2017

Users have higher and higher requirements for product functions and experience, and product design is changing at an amazing speed. Even if you are not a trend follower, it is still extremely important to be aware of and understand the changes in the industry. 2017 has come, what will be the design trend? 1. Minimalism

2017/01/05 11:48
8-minute review of open source giant Facebook 2016

In the past few years, Facebook has developed into one of the largest and most active enterprises in the open source industry. In 2016, Facebook launched a total of 77 new projects, and contributors submitted 60000 times. At present, there are nearly 400 projects and more than 500000 followers. In 2016, from

2016/12/29 14:28
The style of painting is strange! Take stock of interesting open source projects in various programming languages!

Life is not easy, and programming is boring. It's better to "make things interesting" to make life more interesting. This article has referred to some project recommendations and sorted out some open source projects that I think are more interesting and relatively practical in programming languages. There are not many projects listed in each language

2016/12/19 18:22
If you don't stop brushing the screen, who will you serve as the strongest "version emperor" of the year?

Version Emperor, as the name suggests. For users, there are joys and sorrows. The good news is that the development team is diligent in maintenance. The bad news is that it has to be downloaded repeatedly to keep pace. Of course, from the perspective of use, it is better to actively update than not to update all year round. This article makes an inventory of some products issued in 2016

2016/12/15 18:00
9 popular web frameworks you should know and their advantages and disadvantages

For Web developers, finding some suitable tools can make their work much easier. Among them, Web framework is a "sharp tool" to improve work efficiency. However, because there are many Web frameworks available, how to choose them is also a headache. This article lists

Open source tools and applications suitable for daily use (Entertainment)

This series of articles will recommend some open source tools and applications for office, design, entertainment, education and other daily use scenarios, hoping to help you. There are too many excellent ones, and the space is limited. Only some of them are listed, and more search tools can be used by OSC

Open source tools and applications suitable for daily use (Design)

This series of articles will recommend some open source tools and applications for office, design, entertainment, education and other daily use scenarios, hoping to help you. There are too many excellent ones, and the space is limited. Only some of them are listed, and more search tools can be used by OSC

Open source tools and applications suitable for daily use (office)

With the development, more and more open source tools and software appear on Chinese people's daily computer desktops. Whether you want to find alternative tools to reduce costs, participate in the project and enjoy it, or use some applications more freely and custom-made, open source

It's enough to learn to do WeChat applet from scratch!

With the official opening of the public beta, WeChat applets once again attracted great attention, and more and more enterprises and individuals poured into the army of applet development. What exactly is an applet? What are the products suitable for applets? What needs to be prepared in advance to do an applet? How to learn to do small programs without foundation

How do beginners learn AI from zero? You will understand after reading

This article is a list of the best learning resources for beginners who want to enter the field of artificial intelligence but do not know where to start. The original text is "Artistic Intelligence resources" written by Ray Alez, which is simply translated and sorted for your reference. 1、 Mechanics

Disney and Huawei are here, and 7 open source blockchain projects are recommended

With the rapid development of blockchain technology, more and more enterprises have joined the blockchain field, and various reports have also highly affirmed the prospects of blockchain. What is blockchain? You may have heard of Bitcoin. The biggest feature of Bitcoin is decentralization. People do not need to use silver

2016/10/31 15:06
Apache Kylin Meetup First Gathers in Shenzhen, Smart Big Data Ecology

This afternoon, hundreds of developers gathered at Shenzhen Nanshan 3W Coffee to attend the Apache Kylin Meetup @ Shenzhen Public Welfare Event hosted by Kyligence, and listened to the celebrities sharing the most cutting-edge and popular big data related topics. Kyligence is a company focusing on big data analysis

2016/10/29 16:55
one hundred and fifty-five
Unicode that every JavaScript developer should understand

Title: what ever javascript developer should know about unicode

2016/10/07 07:58
Guo Liang, senior audio and video architect of Tencent: decrypting interactive live broadcasting technology

The 52nd issue [OSC Source Innovation Conference] was successfully concluded in Zhuhai on September 10. More than 350 OSCers gathered in the newspaper building and listened to a technology sharing event full of sincerity and dry goods. Guo Liang, a senior audio and video architect of Tencent, brought the "Decoding of Interactive Live Broadcasting Technology", which mainly focuses on the current

2016/09/18 14:09
seven hundred and eighty-one

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