What a qualified programmer should do every day, every week, every month, every year

2012/08/10 14:30
Number of readings 215

What programmers should do every day

1. The best way to sum up your completion of the task of the day is to write a work log, recording what you have accomplished and what problems you have encountered today, and looking at it in the future will bring you many benefits
2. Consider the main work you should do tomorrow, list the things you should do tomorrow, and prioritize them. The next day, you should allocate your most efficient time to the most important work
3. It doesn't matter if you think about your mistakes in the work of the day and come up with a way to avoid making mistakes again. The most important thing is not to repeat the same mistakes. It's stupid
4. Consider whether the quality and efficiency of your work can be improved by only 1% a day, and how many times your efficiency can be improved in 365 days. Do you know? (1+0.01) ^ 365=37 times, read more books, What books should a qualified programmer read
5. Read a useful news website or a useful newspaper to learn about the industry trends. It's no good to build your own business behind closed doors. It can bring a lot of inspiration to yourself to learn what others are doing
6. Remember the name and characteristics of a colleague Do you know all colleagues in the company? Do you know them?
7. Clean up the code completed today, the debugging information and test code in the middle, and sort out according to the coding style. Have you written all the comments?
8. Clean your desktop at the end of the day. Keep your desktop clean and energetic so that you can work without distractions. Programmers should especially clean the computer desktop

What programmers should do every week

1. It is very important to report your work to your boss to let him know what you are doing. It can be oral, written or email, depending on the way your boss works
2. Make a self summary (informal) How did you do this week? Should points be added or deducted?
3. Make a plan for the next week, list the things to be done next week, and also make clear the priorities
4. Sort out your own folders, bookcases and computer files, and clean up the places outside the desktop. Clean up the computer folders and received emails, and remove all outdated garbage
5. Communicate with a friend who is not in the company
6. Read a magazine to find a professional magazine suitable for you
7. Have you read The Details Decide Success or Failure? Haven't read it. I strongly suggest you read it first

What programmers should do every month

1. Eating or drinking tea with at least one colleague not only understands the work of his/her colleagues, but also their life
2. Self assessment A relatively formal assessment of yourself, do you deserve this month's salary?
3. How is your colleague's performance evaluated once? Who is worth learning and who needs help?
3. Formulate the plan for the next month and determine the work priorities for the next month
4. Summarize your work quality improvement. How much has your quality improved?
5. Make a targeted in-depth analysis of a work indicator and come up with an improvement plan that can be for yourself or the company. Be sure to come up with your own views after in-depth analysis. If you want to be able to speak up to your boss and succeed in your work, you should do your best.
6. The best way to communicate with the boss is to communicate face to face, show yourself well, listen to the boss's opinions with an open mind, and more importantly, understand the boss's current concerns

What programmers should do every year

1. Summarize what every company will do at the end of the year, but have you really summarized yourself seriously?
2. Have you bought New Year gifts for your wife and son as promised to yourself and your family? For yourself?
3. In the next year's work plan, think about your development goals for the next year. Do you want to get a promotion/raise, change jobs, or go out on your own?
4. Mastering a new technology is at least one. As a programmer, if you can't learn any new technology in a year, you will be eliminated. Mastery is not a matter of reading this book. To really understand the application, you'd better write a tutorial and publish it on your blog
5. The launch of a new product can be a real product or just a class library. As long as it is something you create, let others use it and make contributions to the world. Of course, if it is really valuable, it is also appropriate to charge a registration fee
6. Once reunited with parents, I often go home to have a look

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