How to increase the number of websites

2012/08/09 14:41
Reading number 180
As all friends who do website optimization know, if you want to increase the weight of a website, you should first increase the number of search engine websites included. Trust many friends who have encountered that the site's collection volume does not increase, or today's collection is deleted the next day, and even worse, the collection volume does not increase but decreases. No matter who has encountered such problems, it is very boring. How should we deal with the situation that the search engine site's collection volume does not increase? Next, I will discuss my own experience.

1、 Make a website map

For sites with very poor site layout architecture, a good site map helps search engine websites capture the entire sub page of the site, so webmasters can add daily updated site information to the site map. XML map is very useful for Google search engine website, but it is very important for Baidu search engine website robot.txt, so you must make good use of search engine website map.

2、 Firmly keep original articles updated

Original articles are the favorite food of search engine websites. They are highly regarded by search engine websites. We firmly keep updating the internal essence of the original articles every day. The number of articles depends on the situation of private affairs. It is better to achieve a ratio of 1:2:1 (that is, original articles: pseudo original articles: copy and paste articles). At this point, I suggest that you should try your best to write your own articles at the head and tail. The number of words in the article should not be less than 800. Too short articles are harmful to the search engine website.

3、 Do a good job of linking inside the website

For website optimization, internal links within the site are very important. Internal links can make every page of the website accessible and countersigned. It is convenient for search engine websites to browse multiple pages, so that search engine websites can crawl every page of the website. The anchor text occupies an important position in the links within the website, so we must use the anchor text link well, which can point to the home page of the site or the article page, to effectively avoid the target website keyword anchor text pointing to the home page. Don't be too rampant, and each article can be exposed once.

4、 Make good external links to websites

After the internal links of the site are well done, the external links will follow. The demand for sending external links will continue to be firmly maintained, and you must not use tools such as mass sending software. Because such external links are extremely uncertain, search engine websites may feel that they are cheating, and their power may be reduced or even plucked. You can announce your own written article address to various forums, and use anchor text to point to the updated site page, so as to increase the probability of search engine websites crawling pages.

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