Java calls functions in DLL or SO (C, C++) files -- Minimal

Introduction: There are two ways for Java to call dynamic link libraries (dll, so): JNI and JNA JNI: the steps are tedious. The basic routine is to write java classes, define native methods, compile them into class files, compile header files (. h) with javah commands, and compile JNI implementations

2021/10/29 10:16
six hundred and seventy-seven
Java web crawler development

Background description: For many traditional server rendered web pages, it is relatively easy to crawl; But at present, many front end rendered pages rely on the browser driver to call up the browser, open the page, and then obtain the page content for analysis; Java crawler tool selection:

OCR tess4j, Tesseract OCR recognition picture text Java

Premises: 1. Download Tesseract OCR, https://tesseract-ocr.github.io/ And installed; 2. Download the tessdata_best training font library. Of course, you don't need to download it. After installation, you have your own font library, and the recognition effect is certainly not good; All fonts can be used from official

Install ELK for Spring boot project log collection and analysis

Project environment: spring boot log framework: slf4j+logback ELK installation (docker mode): specific steps: 1, download the elk image (the latest version should be available without the version number) docker pull sebp/elk 2, set the thread size, the value is too

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