OSCHINA moves to WeChat official account [Linux O&M Xiaobai]

From now on, oschina will move to the WeChat official account [Linux O&M Xiaobai]. See you later on!

2023/02/10 14:01
one hundred and twenty-eight
Prometheus deletes the specified data through the API interface

Delete the specified Metric data within the specified time range curl - X POST - g ' []=node_cpu_seconds_total{mode="...

2022/11/15 16:54
three hundred and ninety-three
Df is hung, unable to view disk usage solve Centos7

The scenario is reproduced in centos7. When the df command is used to view the disk space, it is hung. After two weeks, it is decided to deal with the problem. Check the df command hanging strace df, check the system call, and find that it is blocked in stat ("/proc/sys/fs/binfmt_mi

2022/05/09 18:11
nine hundred and sixty-four
Batch check server password

#!/ Bin/bash # Batch confirm server ssh password # Default root user # Requirements: yum - y install sshpass expect res="res. txt" err_res="err_res. txt" pwds=“ xxxx@htjj2021 xxxx.root.xxxx xxxx...

2022/05/07 12:04
two hundred and ninety-one
Record a Zabbix tuning

Note: Due to limited technical ability, this time we just record our own problem solving process. As for the principle, we need to further study it. Please don't spray it if you don't like it. Of course, if there is something wrong, please don't hesitate to teach us. The first task received by the induction: pay attention to Zabb

IPad Pro 2021 uses OpenVPN Connect with ca.crt

Background As a new generation of migrant workers, it must be familiar with VPN. In order to improve the company's network security, most Internet companies will do network isolation on the company's internal platform (prohibit random access to the public network environment), and the commonly used tool is OpenVPN. OpenVPN is simple, practical, and safe

API gateway

I have used the API gateway before, but I have never had a clear understanding of its principle. I accidentally saw a good article and moved it to avoid missing it in the future. [51CTO.com original contribution] In order to improve the performance and reliability of the system, we split the application services into microservices

$remote_addr and X-Forwarded-For of Nginx realize module

A request can definitely be divided into a request header and a request body. Our client's IP address information is generally stored in the request header. If your server uses Nginx for load balancing, you need to configure X-Real-IP and X-Forward in your location

2021/04/06 14:42
10、 Binary deployment of k8s cluster

Step summary Prepare the machine, install the Linux operating system, initialize the self signed certificate, deploy the master node component, etcd kube apiserver kube controller manager kube scheduler, deploy the cluster network, deploy the worker node component, prepare

9、 Helm and other functional components of k8s

Why does HELM need HELM to deploy applications to Kubernetes before using HELM? We need to deploy deployment, service, configMap, etc. in turn. The steps are tedious. Moreover, with the microservice of many projects, the deployment and management of complex applications in containers appears

2020/10/16 09:49
one hundred and forty-nine
8、 Safety certification of k8s

The mechanism of security authentication mechanism shows that as a management tool of distributed cluster, ensuring the security of the cluster is an important task. API Server is the intermediary of communication between various components in the cluster, and also the entrance of external control. So the security mechanism of K8S is basically around

6、 Introduction to Components of k8s (II) Volume

The storage type configMap Secret volume Persistent Volume storage ConfigMap ConfigMap function was introduced in k8s1.2. Many applications read configuration information from configuration files, command line parameters, or environment variables. The ConfigMap API provides information about the content

5、 Introduction to components of k8s (I) Service&Ingress

Service in Service K8s defines such an abstraction: a logical grouping of pods, a policy that can access them - usually called microservices. This group of pods can be accessed by the Service, usually through the Label Selector SVC principle:

2020/10/14 09:50
4、 Resource controller of k8s

Pod Classification Autonomous Pod: Pod exits, and this type of Pod will not be created. Pod managed by the controller: The number of copies of the pod is always maintained during the life cycle of the controller. Controller k8s has many built-in controllers, which are equivalent to a state machine, used to control

2020/10/12 13:25
six hundred and seventy-two
3、 K8s resource list

Resource resource classification in K8S: namespace level: namespace, kubectl get namespace , When viewing pods through kubectl get pod, it defaults to the pod in the default space. Use the - n parameter kubectl get pod - n kube system to view the pointer

7、 K8s cluster scheduling

Introduction to scheduling process scheduler: fair, efficient use of resources, efficiency, flexible scheduling process Detail: customized scheduler cluster scheduling View pod tag: kubectl get pod -- show labels Node affinity pod. spec. nodeAffinity:

2020/10/10 09:15
eight hundred and seventy-nine
Harbor Deploys Private Image Warehouse

Deploy the private warehouse, download the harpor-2.1.0 installation package, download the offline installation package: $wget https://github.com/goharbor/harbor/releases/download/v2.1.0-rc2/harbor-offline-installer-v2.1.0-rc2.tgz Unzip! Modify h


Kubectl Instructions $kubectl -- help kubectl controls the Kubernetes cluster manager Find more information at: https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/kubectl/overview/ Basic Command...

2020/09/30 13:24
four hundred and thirty-six
Linux xargs command

Xargs (eXended ARGuments) is a filter for passing parameters to commands and a tool for combining multiple commands. Xargs can convert pipe or stdin data into command line arguments, and can also read

1、 Install k8s using kubeadm (2)

Overview of the installation tool: Kubeadm installs the soft route - koolshare windows operation. If you can access the Internet, you do not need to install koolshare. Install the cluster and prepare to close the virtual memory: swapoff - a&&sed - i '/swap/s/^ (. *) $/# 1/g

2020/09/26 16:29
three hundred and forty-eight

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