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Commentary on "A Dream of Red Mansions" (IV)

Recently, I carefully read the "Zhiyanzhai Criticism - A Dream of Red Mansions" published by Yuelu Bookstore, and I have some regrets about the content of the novel itself or the opinions of Zhiyanzhai Criticism. I write a few notes and now extract the following: comment on "Zhiyanzhai Criticism - A Dream of Red Mansions" (I) comment on "Zhiyanzhai Criticism - A Dream of Red Mansions" (II) comment on "Zhiyanzhai Criticism - A Dream of Red Mansions" (III) sister Feng's response to Mrs. Xing, It can be said that the daughter-in-law's experience in dealing with her mother-in-law is profound and reasonable. P437 "Eagle and Zhao Zi of Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty

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Visit the Lianhua Temple in Quzhou where Master Hongyi has been in Wuxi twice

The documentary "Li Shutong", which introduced Master Hongyi, was seen on Zhejiang Satellite TV that day. It was mentioned that he had stayed in the Lianhua Temple in Quzhou, Xi, twice in August 1920 and September 1923, to cover the pass, promote Buddhism, make friends, and study the "Quadrant", which had a profound impact on the academic and artistic development of Quzhou. Check the navigation. It's only half an hour's drive to Lianhua Temple. I will visit with my lover on the weekend. Lianhua Temple, also known as Lianhua Temple, is located in Lianhua Town, Qujiang District. I was pretty good at first

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The True or False of E-book Download Website Z-Library

In order to find an e-book of Cheng Jia's Dream of Red Mansions, I wanted to go to Z-Library, the world's largest e-book website, to download it. For some reasons, Z-Library often changes its website, so I just Google it. Open the first item of Google search results, which is still the familiar interface. So far, there are 22525200 books and 84837643 articles. But I want to switch the language to simplified Chinese, but I can't find the option. I remember it is

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Commentary on "A Dream of Red Mansions" (III)

Recently, I carefully read the "Zhiyanzhai Criticism - A Dream of Red Mansions" published by Yuelu Bookstore, and I have some regrets about the content of the novel itself or the fat criticism opinions. I make a few notes and now extract the following: I comment on the "Zhiyanzhai Criticism - A Dream of Red Mansions" (I) comment on the "Zhiyanzhai Criticism - A Dream of Red Mansions" (II) "Huang Yanggen's ten big sets of cups", and only heard of Russian dolls, It is rare to have a cup set. P394 "Dried eggplant", is this still eggplant? P394 Jia Mu said, "I don't eat Lu'an tea."

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How to renew the Let's Encrypt certificate of the pagoda panel when it expires?

In March, when Alibaba Cloud launched the "99 Plan" to help 51job go to the cloud, I started this ECS, which installed the pagoda panel. When deploying SSL, I also directly applied for the Let's Encrypt free certificate. When the DNS interface was selected, manual resolution was used because Alibaba Cloud DNS requires setting the API of the corresponding interface. On June 14, the website could not be opened and prompted that the certificate was expired. I logged in to the pagoda panel and clicked "Renew Certificate", but failed

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Thank you, blood donor!

June 14 is World Blood Donor Day. To celebrate the 20th anniversary of the 21st World Blood Donor Day and World Blood Donor Day, Quzhou held a grand celebration with the theme of "Thank you, blood donors!". The slogan of this year's "World Blood Donor Day" is "On the occasion of celebrating the twentieth anniversary of World Blood Donor Day: Thank you, blood donors!", so the theme of the event is: Thank you, blood donors. The event is held in the square outside the water pavilion in the urban area. I, as the five branches

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WWDC24 Release Review: Apple Strides into the AI Era

At 1:00 a.m. on June 11, WWDC24 Global Developers Conference was held as scheduled. Apple demonstrated new systems including iOS 18, iPadOS 18, watchOS 11, visionOS 2 and macOS Sequoia, and highlighted the generative AI suite Apple Intelligence, which includes helping users proofread text and provide emergency email summaries, giving priority to top push, generating creative images, etc., and has been integrated into iOS 18, iPadOS 18 and

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European and American versions of A Dream of Red Mansions

English Translation In 1812, Robert Morrison, a British sinologist, translator and missionary, translated two dialogues between Li Baoyu and Xi Ren in the 31st chapter of A Dream of Red Mansions from the Chinese textbook Dialogues and Detached Sentences in the Chinese Language compiled by him, becoming the first person to translate a Dream of Red Mansions into English. In 1842, R. Thom, a westerner, translated A Dream of Red Mansions in English and published it

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What's the difference between "self run" and "official" on JD?

As a well-known e-commerce platform in China, the number of users of JD platform has continued to grow in recent years. It is believed that many small partners who often shop on the JD platform will find that many goods often come from different stores, some of which show the official self run stores, and some show the official flagship stores. In this case, some consumers will be confused and don't know which store's goods are better. In order to solve this problem, we need to know the self run stores and official flagship stores of JD

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Finally wait for you: old Xue host 618 carnival, old users renew for 3 years at 50%

I saw some netizens complain about the downtime, data loss and poor after-sales service of their own cloud servers and virtual machines. I am glad that I have been using the virtual machine host of the old Xue host in Hong Kong since May 2019. It has been very stable and after-sales communication has been smooth. I remember that when I first bought it, I used the discount code of boke112, which was 70% off. The total price was 481.60 yuan for three years. The renewal price in 2022 was also the same. During the Spring Festival this year, the old Xue host launched "..."

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ICQ, the founder of chat software, announced that it would stop operation on June 26 this year

Recently, the originator of chat software ICQ announced on its official website that it will be officially closed on June 26 this year, which also indicates that it will become history after nearly 28 years of online operation. ICQ is an instant messaging software, which was launched by the Israeli company Mirabilis on November 16, 1996. The full name of ICQ is "I Seek You". It supports chatting on the Internet, sending files, etc., and supporting Windows, Linux, MacOS and other operating systems. In June 1998, I

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Meicheng Ancient Town

It is said that "there are two and a half plum flowers in the world, and only half of them are in the Plum City". Jiande Plum City, which was once the government office of Yan Prefecture, is only an hour's drive from home. When you are free on weekends, you can hang out with your lover. The ancient town of Meicheng has convenient transportation and parking. You can park in the parking lot of the tourist center or enter the parking lot of the homestay in the ancient town. We parked in the tourist center, walked along the riverside greenway, walked 10 minutes to Qinglimen, the shipping dock of the ancient town, also the main entrance. Meicheng

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Busy Silver Wedding Anniversary

Sunday, May 19, is our silver wedding anniversary. Thinking of this day off, we can spend it easily and romantically. Unexpectedly, it is a busy and full day. The 25th anniversary of silver marriage is called "silver marriage". Silver marriage represents that the feelings between husband and wife are as precious and stable as silver. This anniversary symbolizes that in the past 25 years, through mutual tolerance, care and continuous running in, the husband and wife have established an eternal value similar to silver

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Social platform X (formerly Twitter) officially launched the new domain name

On May 17, Musk announced that all core systems of its social platform X (formerly Twitter) have been running on, officially abandoning the old domain name and fully enabling the new domain name Musk wrote on the social platform X: "All core systems are now running on" Musk bought the social platform Twitter in 2022 for $44 billion, and renamed the platform X in July 2023

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Commentary on "A Dream of Red Mansions" (II)

Recently, I carefully read the "Zhiyanzhai Criticism Book - A Dream of Red Mansions" published by Yuelu Bookstore. I have some regrets about the content of the novel itself or the opinions of Zhiyanzhai Criticism Book - A Dream of Red Mansions. I write a few notes, and now extract the following: I comment on the "Zhiyanzhai Criticism Book - A Dream of Red Mansions" (I): "Sister Feng and Jia Rong, etc. also heard it from afar, and pretended not to hear it." I think that Jiao swore at the ash climbing and raising uncles, and they have a share. P080 "The stubborn stone also recorded his illusion and the seal characters engraved by the monk". The author jumped out of the novel and wrote

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OpenAI pushes free AI model GPT-4o, making voice conversation smoother

On May 14, it was reported that OpenAI announced the launch of its latest flagship generative AI model GPT-4o, which will be integrated into various OpenAI products in stages in the coming weeks. The most surprising thing is that GPT-4o will be available to all users for free. Muri Murati, chief technology officer of OpenAI, said that GPT-4o will provide the same level of intelligence as GPT-4, but has achieved in text, image and voice processing

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The People's Literature Publishing House collates and publishes a brief history of A Dream of Red Mansions

In 1953, the first collated edition of A Dream of Red Mansions in New China was published. For 70 years, The Dream of Red Mansions, launched by the People's Literature Publishing House, has become an important version of national reading at different stages, sometimes even the only reading book. It is the hard work of several generations of organizers that has helped and guarded generations of readers of open book classics. Good Cloud Fragrance Protects Celery Pickers -- A Brief Introduction to the Publishing of the Sorted Edition of Dream of Red Mansions by People's Literature Publishing House | Hu Wenjun (Classic Department of People's Literature Publishing House) Red Mansions

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Emergency update for Google Chrome browser to fix CVE-2024-4671 high-risk vulnerability

Google Chrome browser was updated to 124.0.6367.201/202 yesterday, which urgently fixed a high-risk vulnerability CVE-2024-4671. It is said that the vulnerability has been exploited by hackers. Users who need it can click here to download the latest version. Google disclosed that they received the related vulnerability reported by anonymous people on May 7 and immediately started to repair it. The CVSS score of this CVE-2024-4671 vulnerability was 8.8, which is actually a common "Use af..."

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Commentary on "A Dream of Red Mansions" (I)

Recently, I carefully read the "Zhiyanzhai Criticism Book - A Dream of Red Mansions" published by Yuelu Bookstore, and I have some regrets about the content of the novel itself or the fat criticism opinions. I have jotted down a few notes, which are now excerpted as follows: the book was copied by the empty Taoist, and the stone was taken by the vast warriors and the ethereal real people. So far, the history is over, and we are back to stone. All the people who spoke were monks. After reading the book, Kongkong Taoist changed his name to Love Monk. Is Buddha stronger? P003 The author of A Dream of Red Mansions is Cao Xueqin. Why does the book contain "Cao Xue

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Please watch the movie with civility

Watching movies can be said to be the cheapest entertainment consumption at present. A cup of drink and a bucket of popcorn can kill most of the day. On the May Day holiday, I didn't want to go out to gather people's heads, so I went to see the movie "Besieged by the Kowloon Stronghold" with my lover. I watched it in a small studio with 50 people. There were only about 20 people watching it, many of whom were parents with children. This movie is a Hong Kong action movie. The fighting scenes are all fist to flesh, and the picture is still bloody

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