Twilight Blog

Be careful of what you hate, because you are likely to be shaped by it

Forever length

life 18 comments

In my most confused period, Xu Wei's songs gave me a lot of warmth and encouragement. At that time, I thought Xu Wei should be my favorite singer forever. Later, my life broke through the clouds and got on the right track, so I heard less of his songs. In 19 years, when he was touring in Hangzhou, I bought an infield ticket to sit in the arena and listen to all the tracks in silence.

On the day of the concert, I said goodbye to the lost days, and after that, I hardly played Xu Wei's songs in my headphones.

I used to think that people would always like a song or a book, or remember something or someone forever. But when I looked at my diary ten years ago, one page wrote: "I will never forget this day". I thought for a long time, but did not remember what happened that day. It can be seen that forever is not far away. The length of forever depends on how long you will love it, how long you need it, how long you remember it, and how long you recognize it.

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  1. Chen Lumeng: The article is really good

  2. Shining stars

    Long time no see.

  3. Long time no see.

    1. @Shepherd

      hi, Long time no see.

  4. Charlene

    What's the theme of this

  5. The first song I heard from Xu Wei was "Once You". It was the summer of 2005 when I secretly surfed the Internet. I remember that there was an mv website called jbmv at that time, then to Park Shu's "Those Flowers", then to Li Zhi's "Door", and then to Zhang Weiwei's "Rice Store". It seems that every node in memory has a melody accompanying it. Although it is never possible, when these melodies ring, I can always bring you back to the past in an instant.

    1. @Ancient is

      Coincidentally, the first song I heard from Xu Wei was "Once You", which was shared with me on Douban in 2008 and 2009. "It seems that every node in the memory is accompanied by a melody", which I deeply agree with. With the melody sounding, the images that have been blurred in the memory will become clearer.

  6. I don't know why. Later, we made too many cuts with the past. At the end of the cut, we only met the past by chance.

  7. The only constant is change. The sign of a man's maturity is that he no longer promises to anyone

    1. @Pick up wind

      Say yes.

  8. Niu, I can read the diary ten years ago. I really insist

    1. @Leisure

      In fact, I only wrote about it in the past 10 years, and I didn't write about it later..

  9. wys

    It seems that in the future, we should not write a diary carelessly, but write it carefully with pictures and texts icon_eek.gif

    1. @wys

      The happy things can be detailed, and the painful things should be dealt with in one stroke, otherwise, you will have to feel the same when you look at them in the future.

      1. wys

         icon_rolleyes.gif It's reasonable and painful. It's best to write a representative.

      2. wys

         It is better to believe in books than to have no books; Reading the current book, we must study the bad ones deeply to know the reason; It's not good. It's estimated that it has been rendered for N times, which may not be the same as the original fact.

  10. Xu Wei's song I often shout, especially the blue lotus,.. There is no forever.

    1. @Lao Zhang's Blog

      Ha ha Yes, I like Hometown and Travel best
