Twilight Blog

Be careful of what you hate, because you are likely to be shaped by it

Notes of last week - 20210823

life 8 comments

The blog has not been updated for more than 10 months. This is the first blog of this year. The reason for the stoppage is that since last year, the brain has been a bit confused, and it is difficult to think coherently. This may be a physical reason, or it may be simply lazy.
The year 2021 has entered August. This blog was established in August 2013. It has been eight years so far. It's a pity that it stopped like this. So I decided to pick it up again.

Review what was worth writing last week.

Replacing the PC SSD

I have a desktop host that will be equipped in 2019. At the beginning, I configured a 250G " Toshiba TR200 "Make a system disk. It is generally said on the Internet that this TR200 is called "Super Weak 200", which is true. At the beginning, the system was just installed in the quasi empty disk state. SATA3+4K was aligned, and the read/write speed was barely maintained at about 400~500Mb/s. For me, it has met the expectations, and I don't think it has any impact on the overall performance.


Later, several games such as War Thunder and GTA5 were installed, and the storage capacity gradually increased. At the beginning of this year, the system disk was nearly full, and the TR200 began to experience an alarming and heinous speed drop.

(Score running chart at the beginning of this year)

The continuous write speed has reached an amazing 18Mb/s, and the USB flash drive in my hand is faster than it! It is said on the Internet that the SSD TR200 is a large USB flash drive, which really deserves its name. The reason for this disgusting speed loss is that the SLC cache is exhausted, but the speed loss is too exaggerated. I suspect that it may be a rollover disc at the beginning.

So last week I purchased a 500G " Armored Hero RC10 "M.2 NVMe solid, ready to replace the damned" Extra Weak 200 ". Do you think I changed my brand? Wrong, the "Armored Man" is the renamed "Toshiba". But fortunately, the online reputation of "Armored Hero RC10" is good, and its performance is better than that of " Western SN550 "We need to do better.



After the arrival of the "Armored Hero RC10", I pasted the heat sink, installed the computer, installed the system, and ran scores. I was satisfied with the results and actual experience, and finally realized what a silky feeling it was. The previous "Super Weak 200" was used as a secondary disk by me. After moving out of the game, it freed up some space, and the reading and writing speed recovered to 400+Mb/s. Not surprisingly, this broken disk, bah.

Weekend Cycling

At the weekend, I cycled with several colleagues from Binjiang District to Daicun Town, Xiaoshan, a total of 62 kilometers back and forth. It took 7 hours to enjoy the scenery on the way. I didn't have a bicycle, so I rented a regular Giant mountain bike in advance. The frame of the car is 17 inches and the tires are 26 inches. I checked and found that the recommended height of this size of mountain bike is 165cm~175cm, which is not friendly to me, a nine meter strong man. The seat needs to be raised, otherwise the leg can not be pushed straight, which will hurt the knee; The handlebars are too low, which causes my whole body to lean forward seriously. When I rode about 20km, my waist, buttocks and wrists were aching to varying degrees. Because the frame is too small, my posture is "curled up" all the way. When I rode about 40km, my body was already a little painful, which was too humiliating for me, and turned cycling into torture.

I fell asleep at 5:00 that afternoon, and woke up at 5:00 the next morning.


The next day, I checked a lot of information about mountain bikes, and I once impulsively wanted to buy a "hand-made bike" suitable for my own size. But I still rent a house outside and drive to and from work, so I don't think it is necessary to buy a mountain bike. But the feeling of riding is very good. I will get one in the future and wait for an appropriate time, but not now.

After renting houses for so many years, my experience is "Don't add entities unless necessary", which is the same as the philosophy in programming. If more useless things are added, they will become encumbrances.

A wonderful traffic surge
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  1. I have been on Intel's MLS enterprise disk

  2.  icon_mrgreen.gif Do not add entities unless necessary.

  3. frank

    Pure laziness, hahaha

    1. @frank

      Not all. I know something about that icon_biggrin.gif

  4. wys

    SSDs have thin disks that are connected and cards that look like memory modules. Two years ago, I bought one for each of them and installed them on two desktops, both for the left system disk. As a result, the one with card type direct connection to the motherboard runs faster than the one connected! Instead, there is Caton! The propaganda is a bit excessive!!

    1. @wys

      Stuck may not be affected by SSD, and running points will be more objective. The direct plug should be the M.2 interface, and the ribbon cable should be SATA. M. The speed of the 2-interface hard disk is also related to the protocol. Some use SATA, and some use NVMe. The SATA protocol has the same speed as the tape line, and NVMe is faster. Then the speed has something to do with whether 4K is aligned or not... There are a lot of theories. If you are interested, you can supplement your knowledge. Ha ha.

  5. Welcome back! Personal blog is still meaningful, even more so, at least it is here.

    1. @Pick up wind

      Yes, blog is a quiet place, and other places are too noisy.
