Mac virtual machine Parallels Desktop 16 can not be connected to the Internet and USB under MacOS big sur. Solution to the problem. - Download the unlimited trial versions of Parallels Desktop 16 and 17. - Mrxn's Blog

Solution to the problem that the Mac virtual machine Parallels Desktop 16 cannot be connected to the Internet and USB under MacOS big sur - download the unlimited trial versions of Parallels Desktop 16 and 17

admin Issued on September 25, 2021 at 19:21 5375 readings Resource sharing   

Because of the underlying modification, the Parallels Desktop 15 cannot run on the Big Sur. The latest Parallels Desktop 16 (the genuine version is recommended with money, but there is no such problem) can not run on the Big Sur. It will prompt "Your virtual machine will continue to operate normally but will not be able to connect to the network." It will also have problems using USB.

This problem has not been solved for some time. There is a unique solution on the latest Internet. You can start the Parallels Desktop 16 through the terminal code to solve the problem that the pd 16 cannot be connected to the Internet under big sur. The solution is as follows:

1、 Latest scheme (recommended)

Network cannot connect Problem:

1. Go to the/Library/Preferences/Parallels directory (click "Go ->Go to folder" in the visited menu bar).

2. Open the network.desktop.xml file.

3. Search "UseKexless" to find<UseKexless>1</UseKexless>or<UseKexless>- 1</UseKexless>, and change it to<UseKexless>0</UseKexless>.

4. If we cannot search for this tag, we can create it under the root tag, as shown below

5. Click Save and enter the power on password.

 What's New

USB does not recognize the problem:

1. Go to the/Library/Preferences/Parallels folder.

2. Open the file dispatcher. desktop. xml.

3. Find<Usb>0</Usb>and change it to<Usb>1</Usb>

4. After modification, restart the Parallel Desktop and Windows to solve the above problems perfectly.

Note: The above information is sourced from macwk.

Some package names and download links:

Parallels Desktop v16.1.2.rar

Parallels Desktop 17 for mac (Mac virtual machine supports M1 chip) v17.0.0 unlimited trial version.dmg

Parallels Desktop for ARM64 M1



copyright: Mrxn's Blog
Article Title: Solution to the problem that the Mac virtual machine Parallels Desktop 16 cannot be connected to the Internet and USB under MacOS big sur - download the unlimited trial versions of Parallels Desktop 16 and 17
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