Completely close the warning prompt of Firefox - Warning: facing potential security risks - Mrxn's Blog

Completely close the warning prompt of Firefox - Warning: facing potential security risks

admin Published on Reading: 8694 Technical Articles


Sometimes when we visit some websites, especially when the certificate expires or the certificate and domain name do not match, we will prompt: Warning: facing potential security risks!

 Warning: facing potential security risks

 Firefox has detected a potential security threat, so it has not continued to visit If you visit this website, an attacker may try to steal your password, email, credit card and other information. What can you do? This problem is mostly related to the website and cannot be solved through your operation. You can feed back this problem to the manager of this website. Learn more Each website uses certificates to prove its identity. Firefox cannot trust this website. The certificate it uses is invalid for This certificate is only applicable to the following names:, Error code: SSL_ERROR_BAD_CERT_DOMAIN

This is the right time for us to visit many websites. If we manually click on the advanced tab every time for such tips, and then accept the risk and continue, we will be very angry. After a search, but we haven't found it in China for the time being, we will search it in English, solve it, and record it.

First, enter about: config in the browser address bar to open it, then search for the following items and change them:

 security.insecure_field_warning.contextual.enabled = false security.certerrors.permanentOverride = false network.stricttransportsecurity.preloadlist = false security.enterprise_roots.enabled = true

Then restart it!, If you have opened a website before, you can know all the browsing history and cookies.


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Received 2 comments
Xiaobai 2024-04-28 11:17
Blogger Niuniuniuniu, perfect solution, white people remember to remove the input (=false) when searching, and print the corresponding menu in the pull-down menu
admin 2024-04-28 20:03
@Xiaobai: Thank you for your help. My writing is valuable