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Use C++to solve a mathematical problem that AI cannot solve

The original question is shown in the figure below, which is the problem that Grey Wolf Blog encountered when tutoring children. Disassembly idea: because these numbers are integers in the question, we use fraction calculation. In order to avoid this situation, we expand the amount of money that can be converted by 100 times, that is, to solve the problem in the unit of fraction, so that there will be no fraction. The code is # include<iostream> using namespace std; //Train of thought, because they are integers, the question uses a fraction, so the number

Miscellaneous Notes of Old He 20

The weather finally turned cold. The autumn tiger was really fierce. After the typhoon, it finally had the breath of autumn. It was time to put on the long gown. The blog toss is a paragraph, and the theme should be used for a long time without accident. Yesterday's sunset was beautiful, and we don't know how to describe it. Our excellent predecessors have expressed it with "the sunset is infinitely good". Flying catkins and falling leaves have been named after Laohe's blog before, which is too common. Recently, I have been struggling to parse into this blog, and into work

Loneliness by the Qinhuai River

Personalized adjustment of blog details

As people grow older, their eyesight gradually deteriorates. In the past, the blog text was 12px, later 14px, still small, and later adjusted to 16px, slightly better. However, they still can't see clearly on the mobile terminal, and finally adjusted to the size of 1.1rem, which is a little more comfortable. Modifying the default font of the web page font has different display effects on different terminals. Some websites use the font used for reading by Hongmeng and others, but the font file needs to be loaded, which is slow to load inside the blog, which violates the original intention of setting up the blog. Fortunately, it is strong

Safety is the first guarantee to maintain life

Recently, an 11 year old boy fell off his bicycle and was run over by a motor vehicle in Hebei. The police arrested the driver of the accident on suspicion of negligently causing death, which attracted attention from many aspects. From short videos to news websites, most people expressed their grief at the accidental death of the child, but they all thought it was a traffic accident, One of the main reasons is to see the vehicle's tachograph. In such an emergency, the vast majority of people, including me, can never respond. Even if there is a response, the inertia of the car will move forward and pay close attention to things

Make blog as fast as lightning

Whether my friends who come to my blog have a feeling of opening in seconds. They can jump instantly without waiting to open a link. In addition to the reasons of general cdn static acceleration and the host itself, they also use an important file, InstantClick. Principle: When we place the mouse on the hyperlink and press the mouse, there is a very short process. InstantClick uses this time difference to preload the hyperlink content, which is displayed directly when clicking, giving the reader a second to start feeling. Official explanation (machine translation

The police are working hard

After dinner, I was lying on the sofa watching TV when I received a phone call from a company claiming to be XX Securities, saying it was a stock recommendation. As a senior leek, Lao He doesn't believe these words. After hanging up the phone for a minute, our police, Shu Shu, called me and said that I was being suspected of fraud. They said that all online swipes, investments, express returns and the like were fraud. Please don't believe them, let alone transfer money, to avoid being cheated. He thanked me. It's really hard to care about our people so late. PS: I installed the anti fraud app, and the police may be able to use the corn

Miscellaneous Notes of Old He 19

In September, it was originally a cool autumn season, but it turned out to be thirty-seven or eight degrees a day, which made people feel uncomfortable. The new semester starts in September, and Guoguo is also in the third grade with me. This weather is the heat I have never experienced in my work for more than 20 years. The school has decided to have a half day holiday every day for the past two weeks. The afternoon is off because it is too hot and hot. Sitting in the classroom without moving and sweating, the school has to take a holiday. The case of traffic accident was closed last National Day. He encountered a traffic accident. After the court's judgment, the dust finally settled, and the insurance companies were all there

Travel summary in the first half of 2024

Broadband convergence to maximize the role of two broadband

There are two broadband lines at home. One is the mobile phone package, 300M, and the other is the Redwood package, 200M. He Ye put the mobile broadband line in the rental room when he was in high school, and moved home after he passed the exam last year. This year, there have been two routers. Sometimes the network is very unstable, which may be caused by channel interference. Both routers are WiFi5. So I bought Xiaomi AX3000t in JD. It can be converged on two networks and support WiFi6. It's really much better to have one pass configuration at home. This interface looks at

Here comes a litter of kittens

Guoguo has been clamouring to raise cats and dogs. Because it is the unit house that has not been able to achieve its goal, a female cat ran to the redwood tree a few days ago and gave birth to a nest. Guoguo was so happy that she bought shelter and food again. The kitten really settled down. The last two days there was some vigilance. When you approached, there would be defensive actions and cries. With the control of food and drink, the relationship with people became closer, and it was also very obedient to touch it, even the baby holding it was with you. A carton can be used as their cabin. The old cat looks very thin. Maybe it was a stray cat before. It's much better these days. Fruit

One day tour of Hefei Rongchuang Paradise