Zhu Tongtong lost his super ability in the third grade (2023)

director : Wang Zichuan
Scriptwriter : Wang Zichuan
to star : Yue Hao / Ma Qianyi / Xu Yixuan / Fangdonghai / Wang Haoyu / Zhang Hangcheng / Li Qinqin / Guo Yiqian / Guo Xiao / Wu Song / Wang Luodan / Huang Xiaolei / Rao Xiaozhi / Jin Shijia / Zhang Benyu / Fan Tiantian / Xie Bo / Ye Liu / Ou Jianyu / Zhou Ke / Song Bo / Deng Shurong / Jia Ziqian / Chen Yitian / Zhu Qifeng / Wang Zichuan
Type: comedy / Fantasy
Country/region of production: Chinese Mainland
Language: Mandarin Chinese
Release date: 2024-05-25 (Mainland China) / June 15, 2023 (Shanghai International Film Festival)
Length: 98 minutes /96 minutes (film festival version)
also called: Long day/Happy childhood/Day Dreaming
IMDb: tt27881502
1 star
Better than 92% comedy
Better than 89% Fantasy

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Zhu Tongtong lost his short comment on super ability in the third grade · · · · · · ( 43874 in total )

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one thousand two hundred and seventy-two Peach forest Yes 2023-06-15 12:28:04 Shanghai

7 points. It would be great if Zheng Yuanjie's fairy tales were visualized to this extent. It is a rare film without embarrassment or fake. There are many interesting ideas and jokes, and various pieces of jokes are very interesting. If we say it's a pity, it's just too fragmented. The whole film is like a loose collection of childhood fantasies, but it can't get together. It would be better if there was a clearer line. But. We should encourage them.

one thousand eight hundred and eighty-one Blue bone Yes 2024-05-28 14:43:49 Beijing

I guess the director must have heard the talk show "Beixiaguan Primary School". Copy a friend neighbor comment: "Join the group and show a fake smile. That's the day when you lose your superpower."

one thousand four hundred and eighty-five Duck excrement fragrant lemon tea Yes 2023-07-30 16:00:15 Qinghai

The last scene of first. At the end, Zhu Tong laughed so hard that I felt sad. From this long fake smile scene, it is reasonable to infer that the director wants to satirize children's education... The color is warm, the lens is dreamy, the characters are lovely, but the background is sad, and I personally like the music

one thousand two hundred and eighty-nine Bump Yes 2024-05-24 21:17:25 Shanghai

3.5 The film is very cute, but compared with childlike fun, it is more familiar and fearful. Group discipline and class obedience on campus erode personality.

one thousand and sixty-one Go East Yes 2024-05-27 12:41:02 Jiangsu

It is very frustrating, and the childhood is wrapped up by collectivism and meritocracy.

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Zhu Tongtong lost his super ability in the third grade······ ( All 422 )

For the forgotten memory 2024-05-11 23:51:03

Zhu Tong Loses Superability in Grade Three: "Good" is a kind of domestication of adults to children

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After watching the movie, I heard many fans' comments about happiness and healing, and I would be a little puzzled, as if we were not watching a movie. What I saw was that a very cute, personalized boy with his own logic of thinking tried his best to adapt to the rules set by the adult world. After repeated setbacks, he still insisted on being optimistic. I appreciate his personal spirit. However, let me more  ( open )
Aki 2024-05-13 01:18:30

The childhood of East Asian children was initially destroyed by the "call of the times"

It is said that no one can have youth and the feeling of youth at the same time. From the perspective of movies, I rarely see that anyone can have childhood and the ability to describe childhood at the same time. Those writers who like to take pictures of their childhood memories often go for their own regrets at that time, which often makes the childhood taken by those who have no childhood have a didactic flavor, and the protagonist does not conform to the proper state of a child  ( open )
Chaos does not enlighten 2024-05-28 16:06:46

How children grow up, and how time gets faster

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The film "Zhu Tong lost his super ability in the third grade" is well titled. If you take a quick look, you may think that "Zhu lost his super ability in the third grade" (I am). But I guess children can't be mistaken. Because it is an adult's ability to "rationalize" brain tonic according to reading habits and unconscious experience. Isn't there such an experiment—— Put a paragraph or a sentence  ( open )
Kongfu 2024-05-26 18:45:46

Good children's movies, no criticism, no education, no opposition

In short, this film is good. It's no exaggeration to say that this is a good feature film among more than 30 films I have seen in cinemas for half a year. As the first work of a new director, he has achieved what he wants and what he shoots is not twisted. The form is not complicated, but the story is very complete. Although this film has the label of children's film, it is actually the childhood of the 80/90 generation  ( open )
One sheet 2024-06-06 00:25:02

ADHD is not equal to creativity

"Zhu lost his super ability in the third grade" is like the emperor's new clothes. When a "well-known film critic" says it is good, who dares to say it is bad, it seems that he does not know how to appreciate it. (Can I say that? Before, I had a science fiction version of Please Vote for Me, and gzy had a story version of Teenagers After School.). Due to the high expectation, I asked gzy in the daytime: Are we not moved to cry? She  ( open )
Blue Glory 2024-05-20 19:36:19

Children should be children

It turns out that China can also produce such excellent black comedies. It seems that it is just an ordinary day in Zhutong Primary School, and it seems that the director is following the children's whims, but the core of it is very dark and tragic. Those teachers call good students, those who wear hand sleeves, they will have big brothers in the society, will touch their classmates' money and give it to the video game store every day, and will casually scold their classmates, "Your pen cap has not been pulled  ( open )
Qinglin OHP 2024-06-06 15:54:28

Learn some courage from your childhood

I wanted to play four stars, but after I took the emotions and discussions about it into the psychotherapy room, my evaluation turned to five stars. I almost immediately replaced my childhood. No good things happen any day. I can't get into the class and I'm not liked by teachers. My hobbies are reading "miscellaneous books" that are useless for learning, and I have no confidence and confidence to be a bad student who only cares about his own feelings. noodles...  ( open )
Wang Junjun 2024-05-28 19:35:24

Analysis of the whole process of 9-year-old boy being castrated by the symbolic world

This should be the best domestic film of the year. A "children's film" with fantastic color is the best gift for the upcoming Children's Day. The whole work attempts to penetrate into the inner world of a third grade child, and depicts the process of growth with exquisite brushwork. Analyze the whole process of a 9-year-old boy being castrated by society. Zhu Tong, an innocent boy, is full of imagination and keeps novelty to everything in the society. But  ( open )
Beijing News Book Review Weekly 2024-06-14 11:51:44

Zhu Tongtong Loses His Superpower in the Third Grade: Awakening the Daydream of Childhood

The movie "Zhu Tong lost his super ability in the third grade" broke through 10 million at the box office on the day of June 1. Many critics say that this is a children's film for adults. The slogan of the movie: "Tired of pretending to be an adult? Be a child for a day!" seems to confirm this. Rao Xiaozhi, the film's executive producer, mentioned in an interview that the original script was "flying" and he felt it was difficult to make it. After the director/writer  ( open )
Mohuloga - Youth on the butt is singing 2024-05-29 00:22:06

Zhu Tongtong lost his super ability in the third grade, and we lost our imagination in adulthood

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He followed Zhu Tong back to the third grade. He saw himself in the third grade wearing a frustrated school uniform, messy hair, and dirty shoes. He went to school with breakfast. There were also homework that could not be handed in, test papers that were not signed by parents, and when I made mistakes, I dreamed that the teacher would not see me... Although I didn't understand what "freedom" was, I could feel the flowers growing outside the school and  ( open )

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