The Idea of You (2024)

director : Michael Shawatt
Scriptwriter : Michael Shawatt / Jennifer Westfield
to star : Anne Hathaway / Nicolas Gallizina / Ella Rubin / Anne Mamoro / Reid Scott / Parry Mafeld / Jordan Aaron Hall / Matilda Gianopoulos / Meg Millidge / Chick Manoha / Ray Cham / Jaiden Anthony / Victor White / Dakota Adan / Roxie Rivera / Graham Norton / Grace Juno / Jon Levine / Demián Castro / Trevor David
Type: plot / love
Country/region of production: U.S.A
Language: English
Release date: 2024-03-16 (South by Southwest Film Festival) / 2024-05-02 (US network)
Length: 115 minutes
also called: About you/all ideas in your idea/concept
IMDb: tt9466114
1 star
Better than 59% romance
Better than 47% feature films

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one thousand four hundred and one esperansa Yes 2024-05-02 19:58:11 Chongqing

Good soil, good customs, but good love! Why do 40 year old women get scolded to death when they find 25 year old fresh meat for love, but 40 year old men cannot marry 20 year old women 😅

three hundred and forty-two Hathaway’ Yes 2024-05-02 18:53:51 Hunan

As an old fan of Anne, it can be said that Hathaway's best film in recent years! Although it's old-fashioned, the chemical reaction between the two stars is so strong that I can't stop screaming in several scenes! Hathaway is so beautiful! The music is also super good! Dance before we walk! I really love American love sketch movies! A movie suitable for summer, a great satisfaction!!!!

eight hundred and seventy-three Wreak Havoc Yes 2024-05-03 00:12:50 Beijing

Food substitute movies dating stars, such as Notting Hill, are acceptable. When the secular veil is lifted, female stars are not only beautiful but also sincere and moving. What can a male idol imagine? The closer you get, the more you will find that not only the illiterate but also the nouveau riche. In five years' time, your eyes will be puffy and your beard will be ragged, and even your face will be lost.

one thousand and twenty-two Li lana Yes 2024-05-02 18:22:35 Hunan

I'm a local dog. I love this. In the ps play, the female host looks like a bigger star than the male host

one thousand one hundred and seventy Five Yes 2024-05-02 18:10:30 Hebei

The whole movie is very fake, but Anne Hathaway's beauty that makes people fall in love at first sight is very real

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Film review of your imagination······ ( All 77 )

Grain King 2024-05-03 13:11:25

Bad films hyped by feminism

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I didn't write film reviews, but it really irritated me to see someone say that this is a feminist film. Where is feminism in the whole play? The female leader did not want to go to a single camp from beginning to end, and her life was full of the male leader who was more than ten years younger than her (but much uglier than her) and the unintelligible ex husband. The ex husband's drama is just disgusting. The hostess has been unhappy because she can't forget the ex husband's infidelity  ( open )
cqygfxgfst 2024-05-05 20:32:45

Can imagine, can't think

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Because there are some references to the analogy of Notting Hill in the publicity and film review of this film, this Notting Hill has come without any brains and enthusiasm. If you offend, you will never change it. Note: As mentioned below, the fake marriage (douban. com), the love holiday (douban. com), the love holiday (douban. com) and the Notting Hill (douban  ( open )
Mary walked away in style 2024-05-06 18:13:32

Not as low as you said, people have happy women

🔸 I admit that the score of this film is falsely high, but the score of this film is not so low as 1 or 2 given by some people. I also comment on how old Anne is and how old she is to accept this sugary water drama. The audience's ultra-low rating really printed the sentence "people have happy women" in the movie 🔸 Why is it normal for a man of 40. 50 to find a girl in her 20s, but when he turns to sex, he points out that this is electricity  ( open )
Mushroom essence 2024-05-07 08:19:29

Yes, I really need the shining star to sprinkle a 5000 kcal dog food for me

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The idea of you On a quiet Saturday night, the children finally fell asleep. I found this film on Amazon when I was looking for math self-test questions for my sister. Hathaway, who was as handsome as ever, fell in love with Harry Styles. From waiting in line to go to the bathroom to kissing on the piano, in just 20 minutes, the mother of the two children has switched from a housewife's brain to a love brain that can't extricate herself  ( open )
The second floor of yuan 2024-05-03 08:47:11

Women's malice towards women

This year, I learned that Teenager's malice towards mature women is really bad. Although it is not aimed at appearance and age, it is aimed at my cat. Those vicious words really make people feel that youth is not beautiful and mean girl is not beautiful. The man in this movie is very good. The malice towards women over 30 comes from little girls. Girls under 20 years old, I can't call them young women, because 30 years old is also a year old  ( open )
Bluish green 2024-05-24 13:42:18

Bullshit, but Anne Hathaway is really beautiful

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It's pretty... It's bullshit, but it's cute. Although cute, it's still bullshit. At every moment when reason screams and shamefully covers her face, the next second sees Anne Hathaway's face, her "beautiful as a devil" face, her walking posture, her clothes, and a white lace tight skirt wrapped under her simple coat. See her laughing, see her embarrassed, look  ( open )
Small pieces say big pieces 2024-05-19 01:48:19

The plot is very hot. The wind of Jinjiang still blows here

In the early years, people always rushed to the front row of the Internet for entertainment. Every time a melon is exploded, it is basically inseparable from the following situations: fighting, tax evasion, prostitution, drug abuse, surrogacy, hidden marriage, domestic violence, idol love. It focuses on the same behavior, and no one cares about it. Click to enter a picture description (30 words at most), but now, with the internal entertainment collapse  ( open )
Cenduruila 2024-05-25 20:21:32

Aba Aba writes casually

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I originally wanted to watch a movie without thinking, because I have painted nearly five movies today, but I finally wanted to write a film review for this movie. In fact, the plot of the movie is really simple. If it is a French film, we can see a beautiful woman in her forties who has divorced and has no psychological burden to fall in love with young people, bearing the admiration and love from young dogs. But this is an American film  ( open )
Silver Lotus Goddess 2024-05-05 10:14:11

Don't think so

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I like movies because they are very sweet. In particular, the eyes of the male host when looking at the female host are really layered. There are men's uncontrollable desire for women, the temptation to tease and coquetry in the new year, and the hot light in the heart of empty stars when they meet true love. For love scenes, Anne Hathaway can also be said to come at her fingertips, and she is really beautiful to explode, anyone who sees her will  ( open )
Falling wood Lin 2024-07-19 17:04:13

40 year old women will be scolded when they find 20 year old men to fall in love. The world is crazy

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If he is not a global star but an ordinary young man, he will also be pointed out by people around him when he falls in love with a 40 year old woman, which will be used as a conversation after dinner, or even blocked. What's more, he is a global star, which fully magnifies this contradiction and popularity. Both of them had a sense of immersion at the beginning - it doesn't matter the whole world, I'm just myself. But once someone speaks a few words, he will start to yell  ( open )

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