Pacific Rim: Uprising (2018)

director : Steven S. Dinett
Scriptwriter : Steven S. Dinett / Emily Carmichael / Gila Snyder / T · S · Norin / Travis Beecham
to star : John Boyega / Carly Speeney / Scott Eastwood / Jingtian / Bourne Goldman / Charlie Day / Adria Ahona / Zhang Jin / Linzi Chrysanthemum / Karan Brar / Huang Kaijie / Ivana Sahno / Shinoda Zhenjianyou / Gilly / Sherry Rodriguez / Lahat Adams / Levi Miden / Dustin Clare / Chen Zitong / Yu Jingwei / benny / Zeppelin Hamilton / Guo Jiaming / lyric / Nick Talabe / Shane Rangi / Dai Jie / Nick Satriano / Daniel Frerigel / Kim Jeong hoon / Juchi Runmei / Madeleine McGraw / Josh Steinberg / Stephanie Irene / Luke Judy / Brideki Satina / Tim Johnson, Jr / Eric Adar / Nancy Nugent / Samantha Jean / Marissa Ramonika / Robert Mayer / Marco Sinigaglia / Angie Trick
Type: action / science fiction / adventure
Official website:
Country/region of production: UK/Mainland China/Japan/USA/Mexico
Language: English/Mandarin Chinese/Russian
Release date: March 23, 2018 (US/Mainland China)
Length: 111 minutes
also called: Pacific Rim 2/Pacific Rim 2: Thunder Rises Again/Pacific Rim 2: Uprising Moment (Taiwan)/Fierce Battle in the Pacific 2: Uprising Time and Space (Port)/Pacific Rim 2: Rise/Pacific Rim 2: Vortex/Pacific Rim: Maelstrom/Pacific Rim 2
IMDb: tt2557478
1 star

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Pacific Rim: A Short Comment on the Rise of Thunder · · · · · · ( All 72306 )

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six thousand seven hundred and twelve Morning and evening snow Yes 2018-03-23 02:09:37

1. Jingtian's movie Cosmos III, "The Great Wall" fought against ancient monsters, "King Kong: Skull Island" fought against modern monsters, and "Pacific Rim 2" fought against future monsters. What did the monster do wrong to be beaten by her? 2. Don't go around the Pacific Ocean, go around the mortuary. 3. Jing Tian, John Boyega, and Scott Eastwood are three Jing Tian in total. One movie brings together all Jing Tian in the world. 4. What defeated the monster was the legendary palm technique: Tathagata Divine Palm. 5. Wing Chun is really not good. 6. Altman is so ungrateful. You didn't take action at the critical moment of Japan's life and death?  Android

eight hundred and fifty-four Li Pili Yes 2018-03-23 13:50:42

My god, what's the background of Jingtian.

five hundred and eighty-six Chinese Deconstruction Dictionary Yes 2018-03-22 19:14:23

It was super cool. Finally, Jingtian saved the world. Long live China.

one hundred and twenty-six Shadow chronicle Yes 2018-03-23 22:01:07

Larger than.

one hundred and fifty-six Papaya Yes 2018-03-22 17:39:12

The plot is empty, with three stars of special effects and Jingtian playing. Everyone should watch carefully

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Pacific Rim: Film Review of Thunder Rising Again······ ( All 1218 )

Leon Winters W 2018-03-17 19:52:15 #What background knowledge do you need to know before watching Pacific Rim: Thunder Comes Back?

[Pacific Rim]: Jingtian universe has been established

Someone once sighed that there are Marvel Movie Universe, DC Universe, Godzilla Universe and Transformers Universe in foreign countries. When can domestic movies create their own universe? Today, mysterious oriental forces will tell these people! Jingtian Universe has successfully pioneered the Chinese movie universe! Congratulations to Pacific Rim 2 for joining Jingtian Cosmos Luxury Package! Now let's take stock of common sense concepts, what is Jing Tianyu  ( open )
Morning and evening snow 2018-03-23 13:06:30

Don't go around the Pacific Ocean, go around the morgue

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Welcome to the third installment of "Jingtian Movie Universe", "Pacific Rim 2". Since it is "Jingtian Movie Universe", the main character is of course Jingtian. Jing Tian fought Chinese ancient monsters in The Great Wall, foreign modern monsters in King Kong: Skull Island, and Chinese and foreign future monsters in Pacific Rim 2. (The monster of Pacific Rim 2 appears in East China  ( open )
Three Dog General 2018-03-23 06:33:24

How can it be so ugly???

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After watching it for a long time, I can't come back to my senses. How can it be so ugly??? HOW??? To be fair, there are still three highlights: the small spherical mecha like a dung beetle is very good. The monster integrates machine armor, and it's great to wear "armor". The one above the glacier is beautiful. other? No! The first one is so straightforward, but the second one starts from the second illness of teenagers? To make Qing  ( open )
I will dream of electronic sheep 2018-03-23 03:05:04

Jingtian on the treadmill has contracted all the laughs of the film

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#The Pacific Rim 2 # has just been seen, and I feel complicated. During the opening advertisement, I warned myself again and again that I am not the same director as the first film, and I am not a director. Don't watch it with prejudice, maybe... After watching it, I feel more and more like a director. It seems that you really don't have the rhythm of GET to monster mecha. First, the aesthetic deviation of actors' role selection. As we all know, the Pacific Rim 2 is basically aimed at  ( open )
Thirteen One 2018-03-23 03:13:01

If you compare it with the first one, you are bullying it.

Robots are men's romance—— When Lu Xun's "Pacific Rim" was released, I sat in the second row to watch the IMAX. The feeling of huge machine armor stepping on my face made me restless for a long time. The most knowledgeable otaku is the otaku. The senior otaku gyro moved steel behemoths to the big screen, making them unable to take care of themselves. At that time, otaku all over the world were crazy. Five years later, they gathered again  ( open )
The seventh night watchman 2018-03-23 16:35:45

So what's in the lab

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Kill a generation of female owners in half an hour? The heroine of my generation drove a mecha in the first generation, let off a nuclear bomb, went through a wormhole and came back again, so she was stuck in a helicopter!? The signal transmitted before death. What else is there when the Siberian laboratory is there except the chance to meet the little Boss!? I can't bear to read it until the end, so I want you to tell me what's the secret in the laboratory!? Why does Mako want to pass on before he dies  ( open )
Overhead 2018-03-24 22:19:51 #What background knowledge do you need to know before watching Pacific Rim: Thunder Comes Back?

Pacific Rim 2: China's special "foreign garbage" with no pursuit

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I wonder if you have any impression of a film five years ago. Its name is extremely aggressive, which fully demonstrates the pattern and ambition of this film - it is called "Pacific Rim". This film is the representative commercial film of Gilmore Del Toro, the Oscar winner for best director this year, and also the representative mechanical film. The film grossed 112 million US dollars in the Chinese market, surpassing that of North America  ( open )
Leonardo da Vinci's left eye 2018-03-27 21:36:12 #How does Pacific Rim: The Thunder Comes Back compare with the first one?

How does Pacific Rim: The Thunder Comes Back compare with the first one?

I've waited for five years, what a cock neck I've waited for, what a cock neck I've waited for, what a cock neck I've waited for five years, what a cock neck I've waited for, what a cock neck I've waited for five years, what a cock neck I've waited for, what a cock neck I've waited for five years, what a cock neck I've waited for, what a cock neck I've waited for five years, what a cock neck I've waited for five years, what a cock neck I've waited for, what a cock neck I've waited for five years, Wait, what kind of chicken neck is this  ( open )
Da Cong 2018-03-23 22:01:21

Is it really the Jingtian curse that muddles the Pacific Rim 2

The Pacific Rim 2 is beautiful, not brilliant, very ugly, and not a fraud. From the perspective of commercial genre films, the completion and maturity of the Pacific Rim 2 are both good. The story of the film tells us that when Chinese companies recruit Yaguoren in the future, they must do a good job in the ideological work of socialist core values, otherwise it is easy to breed villains. Ring 2 is a special effects based business  ( open )
Future Affairs Authority 2018-03-27 12:52:34 #What background knowledge do you need to know before watching Pacific Rim: Thunder Comes Back?

Why can't the big mecha of Pacific Rim 2 burn up?

"As long as there are machine armour to fight monsters!" Yes, but it depends on what kind of machine armour it is. Although it is always said that "it is enough to watch the mecha fight against monsters", the mecha of Pacific Rim 2 really makes people unable to ignite. Without the unique sense of dullness and power of the giant machine, compared with the "Ring 1" five years ago, it is like a group of shiny, colorful, large hands, from the Transformers next door to work  ( open )

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