Fierce Snow Mountain

One year when the mountaineering club went hiking, there was a couple with good feelings together. When they got to the foot of the mountain to attack the peak, the weather suddenly turned bad, but they still insisted on going up the mountain. So she left the woman to watch the camp. But after three days, I didn't see them coming back. The woman was a little worried. She thought it might be because of the weather. Wait and wait. On the seventh day, everyone finally came back, but her boyfriend didn't come back. She was told that her boyfriend died on the first day of the peak attack ! They came back in the first seven days, thinking they might come back to find her.

So everyone formed a circle and put her in the middle. At nearly twelve o'clock, her boyfriend suddenly appeared, covered in blood. As soon as he caught her, he ran out. His girlfriend screamed with fright and struggled.

Then her boyfriend told her : A mountain disaster occurred on the first day of the peak attack ! All the people are dead, but he is still alive ... Everything began to turn again.

Who do you believe ?             


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