Beijing Meets the Love Letter of Seattle

 Beijing Meets the Best Love Letter from Seattle. jpg  

◎ Beijing meets Seattle 2

◎ The title of the film: Beijing meets Seattle

◎ s 2016

◎ Country Mainland China/Hong Kong

◎ Category comedy/love

◎ Language Mandarin/English

◎ Chinese and English subtitles

◎ Release date: April 29, 2016 (Mainland China)

◎ IMDb score 6.5/10 from 196 users

◎ Douban Score 6.7/10 from 84156 users

◎ File format x264+ACC

◎ Video size 1280 x 720

◎ File size 1450MB

◎ Film length 131 minutes

◎ Director Xue Xiaolu

◎ Starring Tang Wei Tang

Wu Xiubo Wu

Kara Hui

Qin Pei Paul Chun

Yanshu Wu

Yan Zhuoling Cherry Ngan

Zhiwen Wang

Lu Yi Lu

Zufeng Feng Zu

Qian Wang

Zhihong Liu

Yibai Zhang

Alia Liya Ai

Sam Lee

Chuang Chen

Han Zhang Han

◎ Introduction

Jiao Ye (Tang Wei) immigrates to Macao with his father at the age of 15, and has since settled down in the gambling city and become a casino publicist. Daniel (Wu Xiubo) lives in Los Angeles and is a real estate agent. As the saying goes, "It's love at first sight after thousands of misses", the two finally walked together on the streets of London, interpreting a transnational love story of "Macao meets Los Angeles". Jiao Ye has a fruitless relationship with Xueba (Lu Yi), Fuhao (Wang Zhiwen) and poet (Zufeng) respectively. Daniel talked with two foreign women and was abandoned. Finally, the "perfect match" finally met.

◎ Five things you should know about the Love Letter Beijing Meets Seattle

Director Xue Xiaolu said that the first meaning of the title was expressed in the most straightforward way, which was not the second part of Beijing Meets Seattle. At the same time, the meaning of "no two" also represented the faith and persistence in love.

Director Xue Xiaolu said that this is the most challenging script since she was engaged in professional screenwriting for 16 years. During the preparation, she bought a copy of 84 Charing 10th Street. After watching it, she immediately knew how to write the film.

Tang Wei was accidentally injured while filming a motorcycle part. She said this was her first time to ask for leave and rest in ten years of filming. She said, "The first time I saw a bag as big as a swollen knee". One day later, she quickly put herself into the shooting.

Wu Xiubo revealed that during the filming, the director lost 20 kg.

Director Xue Xiaolu revealed that during the seven months from preparation to filming, she was too nervous to sleep every day.

◎ Behind the Scenes

In the film, Jiao Ye and Daniel have a wonderful relationship because of a book named "84 Charing Cross Street". They send letters to each other several times, know each other closely, and finally meet. 84 Charing Cross Street was written by the famous writer Hailian Hanff in 1970, and 2016 is the 100th anniversary of Hailian Hanff's birth. The director commemorates Helen's love with this collection of letters and her writing.

Qin Pei and the director disagree on the wedding scene of the old man in the film. The director asked his grandfather to say to his grandmother, "You don't like sports. You probably go first." Qin Pei questioned that this might be unlucky, but the director insisted, and the result was particularly good.

After seeing Mingyue, I feel a lot. I hope lovers will get married......
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