There are no unhappy people in the world, only those who refuse to be happy

Smile is a sharp tool to overcome difficulties, and also a good seed to change the mood - behind the smile is a solid, incomparable strength, a great enthusiasm and confidence in life, a high style of sincerity and openness, and a wisdom and courage to face life- And the state is born from the heart, and the state changes with the heart. Our inner thoughts can change the external appearance, as well as the surrounding environment. Happiness is very simple, as long as you have a child as easy to meet the heart -. Children are the most innocent, they will cry bitterly because of a trivial face, and they will be excited because of a casual praise. The most valuable thing is their easily satisfied character, which makes them always find happiness in people's hands and feet. Learn to find happiness in self satisfaction. Self doubt is a major weakness of human nature. People who doubt themselves can't concentrate on doing things all the time, let alone hope to do a good job- It is difficult for such people to get rid of the entanglement of disappointment and never get happiness- Don't worry about what you don't have, but enjoy what you already have. What you have is in your hands, and as long as you take good care of it, you will not lose it. What you lack is always a vague mystery. Whether you can get it, how you can get it, or how much you can get it is unknown. So it's better to have everything in LeEco's pocket than to complain about the lack of AIDS. Live well today, don't worry about tomorrow. Don't be afraid of how difficult the road will be in the future, and don't worry about things tomorrow, because if you can't focus on the current journey, you will miss some beautiful life scenery and special moments- Don't envy others. It's time to lose your happiness. Envy of others often brings us more pain, but if we think about what we have, we will get more gratitude and happiness- Because you are born with some characteristics that no one else can have, why not accept the best and most suitable things God has given us with a calm and joyful heart? Take your slander as someone else's story. We can only grow for ourselves, and we can only manage our own mouths. So the best way to treat slander is to treat it as someone else's story. If you've ever noticed how casual criticism is, you won't care too much. Others have long forgotten what they said, but only themselves. It is not worth the loss to bear the grudge of an unfounded casual criticism- Take the ridicule of others as a good deed to help you correct your shortcomings. When being laughed at, don't be embarrassed or ashamed. It is because there are real elements in the laughter. The more true the facts are, the more exciting the stimulation will be. If you immediately fight back, you will inevitably see that you are narrow-minded- Think of it as someone else's good deed to help you recognize and correct your shortcomings- Only in giving can one enjoy noble happiness. Giving itself is happiness; The giver is also the happiest person. To be beautiful and treat others well will make you feel great- Handsome appearance makes you happy from the surface to the heart. I believe you must have had such an experience: when you are in a bad mood, change a beautiful dress or dress yourself up, you will feel that the end of the world has not come- Therefore, establishing a healthy and upward self-image is a very good way to regulate the mind. Happy memories are a good medicine to get rid of depression. The happy person remembers the things that satisfied him in the past, while the unfortunate person remembers the things that made him unhappy in the past- It's always a pleasure to remember the past, especially those things that have satisfied you- It's better to keep silent than to draw a bow. Humor is a kind of knowledge, a kind of wisdom, a good medicine to get rid of embarrassment and disputes. Whoever learns humor will have a happy life- Therefore, when encountering an embarrassing situation, it is better to keep silent than to draw a bow and draw a crossbow. There are no unhappy people in the world, only those who refuse to be happy ------------


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Netizen comments (2)

benefit 10 years ago (November 28, 2014) reply
benefit 10 years ago (November 28, 2014) reply