[Android] PowerAMP v981

[Android] poweramp 981 unlock

Version: build-981-uni

Introduction: A local music player, which is very beautiful. Baidu

Modification description: all functions of signature verification and unlocking are removed, and the rest are unchanged


Note: If the official version is used, please export the backup and uninstall and reinstall it. If the signature is different, the installation cannot be overwritten. After downloading, if you doubt the integrity, please check md5.

If you have the ability, please support the genuine!! For learning only, please contact for deletion in case of infringement

Official website address: https://powerampapp.com/

Unlock version: https://mooncn.lanzouw.com/b06wpb1md

Password: 6ats

Cracking tutorial:

 #MT search sac #Find const-string v1, "sac" #Replace with the following sget-boolean v3, Lׅ/a5;->х:Z if-nez v3, :cond_13 const-string v1,  "rsPR" goto :goto_15 :cond_13 const-string v1,  "sac" :goto_15


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