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Have your banknotes increased in the past year?

Source: Beijing Business Daily Author: Ma Jiahui
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Recently, the "twin" space commemorative banknote (hereinafter referred to as "space banknote"), known as the "king of one hundred banknotes", appeared in Xiling Autumn Auction. The space banknote with a face value of 200 yuan was finally sold at a high price of 161000 yuan, setting a new record for the transaction of space banknotes. Since its issuance one year ago, the spaceflight banknote has been popular on the auction floor, but the private transactions are like a pool of stagnant water. A reporter from Beijing Business Daily visited the market and found that ordinary aerospace banknotes in the market were unpopular, and the market premium was almost zero, while aerospace banknotes issued in the same period were relatively active in the market, with prices up to six times the issue price. Why is there such a big gap between the price of spaceflight banknotes and the price of private banknotes? Why do space currency and space currency, which belong to the same space theme, have different destinies?

   The market premium of ordinary space banknotes is almost zero

At the Xiling Autumn Auction, which had just ended, the appearance of two identical "twin" space banknotes with all numbers except the crown number aroused the interest of many collectors. Finally, the auction, which only cost 200 yuan at the time of exchange, was sold at a shocking price of 161000 yuan. In fact, it is not unusual for the "twin" space banknotes to be sold at a high price. As early as this October, at an auction in Changsha, a pair of "twin" space banknotes sold at a high price of 103000 yuan. Then, why are special space banknotes frequently sold at high prices?

As we all know, the biggest difference between paper currency and coin and stamps, magnetic cards and other collectibles is that paper currency and coin have unique numbers, and the numbers will not be the same with other notes of the same edition, coupon type, and year. So a new way of playing came to the surface, that is, "lucky money with the same number", which means that the value of the last three space banknotes with the same number is higher than that of the ordinary space banknotes. By analogy, the number 8 will be more rare. The probability of its appearance is 1% to 1%, and its value is dozens or even hundreds of times of the original value. The market price of the eight 1-8 nines evolved from this game and the nine coins spent together will generally increase to thousands or more times. It can be seen that it is not easy to assemble a pair of "twin" space banknotes. But there are many reasons why the "twin" space banknotes can be sold at a high price.

In response, Niu Shuangyue, director of the Chinese Collectors Association and vice chairman of the National Paper Products Collection Alliance, said that the space banknotes would be randomly distributed throughout the country after printing, so it was very difficult to gather a pair of "twins" of space banknotes. In addition, the price of spaceflight banknotes is influenced by some hype factors. Many investors in the postal currency card market hype spaceflight banknotes to a bubble virtual height for financing, which will have a certain impact on both the primary and secondary markets.

With the release of the 2016 China Aerospace White Paper by the State Council Information Office on December 27, almost overnight, the topic of aerospace once again aroused heated debate in the collection circle, and aerospace related banknotes were also pushed to the forefront of people's discussions. Different from the popularity of space banknotes with special numbers, ordinary space banknotes in the secondary market have gone through a period from the initial queuing frenzy to the current lack of interest. The huge circulation of space banknotes up to 300 million has become a stumbling block on the appreciation of ordinary space banknotes. Many aerospace banknotes bought at the peak price of 150 yuan are still hard to find a market at 101 yuan.

Niu Shuangyue told the Beijing Business Daily that the collection market has changed dramatically since the issue of commemorative banknotes was intensified. The original commemorative banknotes and commemorative banknotes were issued exclusively and invisibly through the Central Bank, but now they are reserved and issued by commercial banks to ordinary citizens. Each citizen can use his/her ID card to get 10 pieces of aerobanknotes, This also confirms the scarcity of special space banknotes and the difficulty of collecting them, while the ordinary space banknotes that every citizen can book are "Ah Dou who can't afford".

   The collection of aerospace banknotes is uneven

Although the aerospace banknote is cold in the secondary market, the aerospace commemorative coin (hereinafter referred to as "aerospace coin"), which belongs to the same aerospace theme as the aerospace banknote, is popular among Tibetans, and the price trend of aerospace coin in the past year can be described as ups and downs. When the aerospace coin was issued, it had a face value of 10 yuan. At the beginning of the issue, the market speculation reached 50 yuan. At the Spring Festival, it reached a peak of 80 yuan. After the Spring Festival, it dropped to about 40 yuan. In April this year, the aerospace coin took the express train of China's first space day, rising to 70 yuan. At present, the price of aerospace currency basically remains at this level, and the secondary market transactions are relatively active. Mr. Dong, a coin collector, said that the circulation of aerospace coins was only 100 million, while the circulation of aerospace banknotes was 300 million. According to the principle of valuing rare items, the collection of aerospace coins is naturally more popular. In addition, aerospace coins are relatively cheap. From the perspective of collectors' psychology, collecting aerospace coins is a choice of low risk and high profit.

In Niu Shuangyue's view, the rise and fall of the price of aerospace coins are inextricably linked to the number and timing of issuance. When aerospace coins were first issued, new things appeared and the market was scarce, so the price would naturally rise. Secondly, the issue of aerospace coins is just around the corner of the New Year. Many consumers give aerospace coins as gifts to their relatives and friends. As the craze for aerospace coins dissipates, the market is saturated and the price will naturally decline. However, the circulation of space currency is much less than that of space currency, so the price of space currency is still about six times higher.

The highlights and characteristics of the space banknote itself are much higher than those of the space commemorative coin. The light variable gradient pattern and the long lost two-color splicing effect are standard on the new 100 yuan banknote, which represent the top anti-counterfeiting features of Chinese banknotes, and have a distinctive blue tone and pleasing fluorescent effect, It highlights that the newly issued commemorative banknotes have higher collection value than the previously issued commemorative banknotes.

Compared with the aerospace banknotes with a face value of 10 yuan, the aerospace banknotes with a face value of 100 yuan, due to the issue of circulation and face value, are collected by many collectors, but the collection and circulation market does not buy the aerospace banknotes. The aerospace banknotes that once had to be sold with reverse sticker, are now basically worthless in the currency market, and no one cares about them. However, even though the current space banknote market is not optimistic, many merchants said they are still looking forward to the space banknote to shine after the precipitation of time. "The first set of commemorative banknotes issued by the state in 1999 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China had a face value of 50 yuan. That year, they also fell to the face value, which was not appreciated by collectors. But now the market price is about 300 yuan. Although the possibility of appreciation of space banknotes in the short term is unlikely, as time goes by, space banknotes may achieve good results." A businessman who bought aerospace banknotes told the reporter confidently.

   Circulation is not the only standard for collection

In the collection of coins, the value of coins first depends on the number of coins in existence, and today's commemorative coins are basically not used in circulation, so the circulation is basically the same as the number of coins in existence. Of course, you may think that the quantity has the greatest impact on the price and collection value, but the face value, theme and other factors of commemorative coins are also a major variable of their collection value.

In addition to the recent popularity of aerospace banknotes, the Chinese New Year is approaching, and various kinds of zodiac coins and stamps are also being issued. According to the official website of the People's Bank of China, the second round of commemorative coins for the Year of the Rooster will be exchanged on January 4, 2017, with a total of 500 million issued. Whether the second exchange will be carried out depends on the remaining amount of this exchange. On December 28, the commemorative coins for the Year of the Rooster had already been booked up at the very beginning. When the reporter browsed the relevant forums, he found that many Tibetans were deeply sorry that they did not get chicken coins. They were even willing to pay about 13 yuan to get some chicken coins from the Tibetans who had successfully booked them. There was a strong momentum of panic buying caused by the airline bills of the year. So many netizens compared the aerospace coins with the zodiac coins, It is even said that the zodiac theme is good, and collecting chicken coins is a risk-free opportunity to pick up leaks.

Normally, of the several commemorative coins issued last year, the value of 500 million anti Japanese war coins will obviously not exceed 100 million aerospace coins, but the market price of the anti Japanese war coins has risen to seven times the face value. Why do commemorative coins with large circulation gain higher appreciation space in the market instead? In fact, the higher the appreciation, the more popular the commemorative coins are among Tibetans. The topic of pursuit is often how much money collectors have available for collections; The smaller the denomination is, the more commemorative coins will be obtained, and the faster the commemorative coins will be consumed from the market.

"Whether it is commemorative coins of aerospace theme or other themes, they will be hyped at the beginning of their issuance, but after hype, they will naturally return to calm. Secondly, 500 million commemorative coins of the Year of the Rooster and the Year of the Zodiac are a huge number. Similarly, the circulation is 500 million yuan, and the monkey coin issued last year is now worth less than 20 yuan, which means that the increase has not doubled. Therefore, from the perspective of the huge circulation of chicken coin and the face value of 10 yuan, I am not optimistic about the market price of chicken coin in the short term. " Niu Shuangyue said, "In any case, collectors should understand that investment is not collection, but collection can be regarded as a long-term investment, investment is risky, and collection is happy. Regardless of the appreciation space, commemorative banknotes and commemorative coins are good choices for collection. As for the future price trend of space banknotes and space banknotes, the market still needs to decide. Please wait and see. " true Beijing Business Daily report three thousand one hundred and thirty-six Recently, the "twin" space commemorative banknote (hereinafter referred to as "space banknote"), known as the "king of one hundred banknotes", appeared in Xiling Autumn Auction. The space banknote with a face value of 200 yuan was finally sold at a high price of 161000 yuan, setting a new record for the transaction of space banknotes.
(Editor in charge: Cao Meng)

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