This article was written 1059 days ago and last revised 1057 days ago. Some of the information may be outdated.

Annual 5.7% principal guaranteed financing? Can I buy it

This article is an advertisement, not an advertisement. It's my learning experience

How to use fixed salary for financial management

I would like to tell you where I am going: after graduating from finance, I went to work as an account manager in a leading red logo company in the industry that can't be said to do the wealth management, and This video Exactly the same. I wanted to exercise myself, and I felt good about my internship experience, but I didn't expect that the pressure would suddenly come after I really entered the job.

So if you can delay employment, try not to work in school...

The salary can only be said to be modest and strong. After paying the rent, water and electricity, deducting five insurances and one fund, and having some disposable income every month, I thought of saving money for financial management, because I wanted to save money so much to buy a car. The ultimate toy for boys is not a car. However, I have never been in touch with financial management before. I only know how to buy money funds. This thing is capital guaranteed, and the income is better than the bank demand. That is, T+2 is required for purchase and redemption

But since I got my first salary, I have decided to do some advanced financial management. Take 1000 out every month to make some fund fixed investment, and the annual average is 12000+excess return/loss

But I decided to invest in order to save money, so as long as I saved it, it was far more useful than my ups and downs. So I didn't care about the 10% gain or loss. I only increased the principal to earn a stable excess return within my reasonable range.

20 year income survey

As industry practitioners, we are prohibited from making over-the-counter products such as stocks, but there are no restrictions on over-the-counter funds, so we will often exchange their position returns. As far as I know, colleagues who have participated in fund trading in 20 years are really everywhere, with an annual return of about 30%. After careful analysis of the reasons, we believe that the 30% return is "deleveraging" in 18 years When falling out, it is often an opportunity for many people to enter the market to copy the bottom.

Of course, there are still many people who can only receive 3% of the total return after 20 years. For example, I could not accept the loss of principal at that time and only bought money funds

However, this 3% point is also higher than that of many banks. For bank financing, the slightly higher one is called "structured deposit", which is linked to the international exchange rate. I think a person who has lived in China may not care about this, so it may not be very good to buy this kind of deposit. Like I bought this kind of deposit before, the income of the two grades is 3.8% and 1.8%, although the principal is guaranteed, However, it gained more low-grade profits and later sold it.

5.7% annualized principal guaranteed income voucher

"Is there any financial product with capital guarantee and higher income?" This kind of problem has always been the ultimate problem for many old bank users

After my research on the company's products, I really found that there are some. For me, these products are very attractive. After all, too many people have asked me this question

This product is a "breakeven snowball product". I have a 5.7% snowball product manual on hand. It can be seen that it is breakeven, and the coupon is 5.7%

What are snowball products

This bank can't do it because it is linked to indexes and derivatives, so few people generally know this

It doesn't matter at all when you hear Snowball and think it's the "Snowball" forum

Snowball structure products are products that bear the risk of knock in and obtain much higher returns than risk-free products. The bottom layer of snowball structured products is structured securities firms' income certificates (with more diversified issuance methods, such as private placement, trust, wealth management products, etc.). In addition to coupon, there are knock in and knock out clauses. Its essence is that investors sell put options with barrier prices to securities firms.

This "put option" seems very advanced, but generally speaking The bloggers like us are all technical experts I believe you can fully understand these. After selling a put option, as long as the underlying rises, you can get multiple returns, because the option adds leverage.

How Snowball Earns 5.7% Income

This revenue is actually formulated by the issuer itself. It is formulated according to the duration of the product and the target's knock in and knock out limits. The snowball revenue certificate I see here is breakeven, so the revenue is much lower than other snowballs with 9% breakeven

This 5.7% snowball is linked to the CSI 500 Index. Other snowballs are linked to commodity futures, gold, interest rates, etc

As a 5.7% principal guaranteed income voucher, its knock in and knock out limits are smaller than that of high yield non principal guaranteed snowball. When the CSI 500 index rises to the original 101%, it reaches the knock out level. If it falls to the original 88%, it reaches the knock in level

In the one-year duration of the product, 11 observation days will be designed. If the linked subject is greater than or equal to 101% of the knockout level on an observation day, the product will be terminated in advance and a high coupon of 5.7% will be obtained

The other two returns

The other two returns are 4% and 0.1% respectively, that is to say, at least 0.1% of the return, and guarantee that the principal will not lose, which is really too comfortable for the bank wealth management group

In the case of 4%, on any observation day, the CSI 500 did not rise to the level of 101%, nor fell to the level of 88%, so that the final product would have an annual return of 4%

The 0.1% scenario only happens when the CSI 500 has been below the 88% level every observation day until the end, and finally there will be only 0.1% of the return, but if the index falls, you will not fall

See the following for details

Specific circumstances

1. Better scenario A: if the yield performance level of the CSI Small Cap 500 Index on the knockout observation day is greater than or equal to 101%, an early termination event will occur. The amount of redemption received by the customer is the initial subscription principal × (1+5.7% × the number of natural days between the initial observation day (inclusive) and the early termination date (exclusive) ÷ 365).

2. Better Scenario B: There is no early termination event during the existence of the current period's income voucher product and it continues to the maturity date. The income performance level of the CSI Small Cap 500 Index on the observation date at the end of the period is greater than or equal to 101%. The amount of redemption received by the customer is the initial subscription principal × (1+5.7% × the number of natural days between the initial observation date (inclusive) and the maturity date (exclusive) ÷ 365).

3. Poor scenario C: There is no early termination event during the duration of the current earnings voucher product and it continues to the maturity date. The earnings performance level of the CSI Small Cap 500 Index on the observation day at the end of the period is less than the knock out level (101%), but the earnings performance level of the CSI Small Cap 500 Index is greater than or equal to the knock in level (88%) on all observation days during the duration of the product, The cashing amount obtained by the customer is the initial subscription principal × (1+4% × the number of natural days from the initial observation date (inclusive) to the maturity date (exclusive) ÷ 365).

4. Poor scenario D: There is no early termination event during the duration of the current period's income voucher product and it continues to the maturity date. The income performance level of the CSI small cap 500 index on the end observation day is less than the knock out level (101%), and the income performance level of the CSI small cap 500 index is less than the knock in level (88%) on any observation day during the duration of the product, The cashing amount obtained by the customer is the initial subscription principal × (1+0.1% × the number of natural days from the initial observation date (inclusive) to the maturity date (exclusive) ÷ 365).

That is to say, if you buy CSI 500 and keep falling for a whole year, you will get a low-grade return of 0.1%.

Other information about the product

This kind of product has different specific details, which is very interesting. The key is that it is capital guaranteed. Its other characteristics are:

  1. From 50000 yuan to 10000 yuan

  2. Maximum duration: one year

  3. High coupon and capital security (big brand)

If you are very interested in this fixed income product, please add me WeChat and note moechu principal guaranteed financing, and I will contact you as soon as possible

In addition, if you need to open a low commission securities fund account, it's also right to add this WeChat account! Remarks Moechu commission

I will actively communicate with you (including programming technical problems)!

In addition, there is a higher yield version of this product, which I will introduce one after another in the future. I will also share some better ways to make money in the industry. See you next time!

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reference material

one The most comprehensive analysis of snowball structure products