This article was written 1412 days ago and last revised 1412 days ago. Some of the information may be outdated.

Meet macOS Big Sur for the first time. It's beautiful

Recently, in the rush stage of postgraduate examination review, I studied in the library! Then I found that big sur can be updated! It's really great after the update, so I wrote it specially to practice my argumentation skills.

to update

On November 13, Apple officially updated the macOS 11.0.1 system version, marking another rebirth of macOS. This update directly upgrades from macOS10 to macOS11. The software and hardware have changed considerably. For software, Apple has abandoned the flat style since iOS7, opened a new UI chapter of a new generation of rounded 3D style, and opened an era of unified style for Apple devices. In the future, iOS, iPadOS, and macOS styles will be completely unified, All groupware can be used universally, and the difficulty of learning will be greatly reduced. All apps can be used at three ends (need to be adapted first), and Apple's universe empire will become more and more powerful. In the hardware part, Apple began to launch its own Apple Silicon chip, marking the completion of Apple's closed ecology. Due to a large amount of preparation in the early stage, Apple has built its own complete ecological application group before its closure, so this closure will not only bring more free development space to Apple, but also significantly improve its control over the product line, including that chips are no longer subject to Intel, and can develop new products according to its own product cycle, Use the latest 5nm manufacturing process.

In addition, it is terrible that the CPU performance of Apple Silicon M1 has surpassed that of Intel's tenth generation i9, and the GPU has been comparable to GTX1050. However, these performance can only be met with one third of the previous power, which greatly improves the endurance and standby time. It is incredible that the standby time of the new generation MacBook Pro can be up to 20 hours.

I can't help but upgrade the macOS Big Sur to experience the freshness and excitement after being brushed by the arm mac these days.

Upgrading process and feelings

The feeling is that it is really beautiful. Compared with Win10, it is too common. Although there are Windows component style updates everywhere, I always feel that it is almost impossible. But this update of Big Sur really amazes me.

upgrade process

First check whether the system update has received the push from Apple. Because the update of big sur is pushed in batches, if not, you need to search and install it in the App Store by yourself. Happily, I have received the push, so I also download the update normally. There are 13 gigabytes in total. After the download, the application will appear. I updated it in the school library, I went out to memorize the words for postgraduate entrance examination in the morning. About half an hour later, I downloaded them when I came back, and this picture appeared. These are the only pictures of Catalina system I have left.

Then don't say anything. Next step! Apple's own screenshots are really beautiful. They capture all the shadows. In addition, if it is ground glass, it will not capture the background color. It's really awesome.

Then, you need to wait for a period of time for the system to be hot updated before you can restart it for official update. Here, I click Restart, and the long waiting time has come

Then it came to the bar reading stage, which was consistent with the update of iPad and iPhone, but there was a waiting time, and I felt it was quite accurate. In the last few minutes, the mouse had actually come out, so I must use the system's own image hhh, followed by a really beautiful login interface

First of all, the avatar has become larger and the filling box has become rounded. Then you can find that the taskbar has become wider and the background is also very beautiful

Then enter the desktop normally!

Some interfaces

About this computer

The first one is about this machine. It's very handsome. The version number is 11.0.1

set up

Then you can see that the icons in the settings have been revised, especially the battery. From the energy-saving led to the real battery this time, it has the glass like smell of iPhone 4

control center

Then there is the control center, which is almost the same as the iPad. If you need to open it directly here, you can drag it to the taskbar

Wifi interface, which does not display other networks by default, is very refreshing


Copy iOS and iPadOS completely!!!!


The original system has completely changed into a round corner style, and the third party has not yet adapted to it. The small rocket on the starting platform has no vuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvu


All round corner styles, including the default component style of Safari, have also become like this


The wallpaper of macOS Big Sur is so beautiful! With frosted glass and round corner style, the aesthetic is really first-class. I put a few pictures to see. If equipped with a 27 inch screen, every use of the computer should be a pleasure!

Some problems found at present

  1. The screen will be white when PS is smeared
  2. Wifi settings will drop frames when clicking other networks
  3. The keyboard backlight cannot be turned on during the day (it is still too bright on my side)
  4. Power consumption is a little fast
  5. Notification message stuck and frame dropped

With wallpaper

Wallpaper download address


Apple Aesthetic Online! Big Sur!