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Where is Factorio archived? How do I modify the archive location?

Where is it filed? Where is MOD? Where is the blueprint?

Equivalent to
C: Users Your user name AppData Roaming Factorio
Because your computer user names are different. So if you open it in variable mode, you can certainly open it!

The archive directory of steam version is:% appdata%/factorio/saves
Paste% appdata%/factorio/saves into the address bar of the folder window and press Enter.

The mod directory is% appdata%/factorio/mods

If you want to migrate mod. Just move the entire mod folder~
By default, a mod is a zip package in ZIP format, and folders are also available. Not recommended
Tip: in the mods folder mod-list.json The file represents the switch of each mod.
mod-settings.dat This file saves the MOD settings,
(The MOD function that takes effect only after the settings are modified and restarted is managed by this file.)

The blueprint file is:% appdata%/factorio/blueprint-storage.dat

If you downgrade to a higher version, you will be prompted that the blueprint failed to open and has been saved to XXX %appdata%/factorio/blueprint-storage-backup.dat file

How do I modify the archive location?

What's the matter with the archive directory of the Factorio heterogeneous factory in disk C by default? Everyone is familiar with the archive directory of the Factorio heterogeneous factory, but what's the matter with the archive directory of the Factorio heterogeneous factory defaulting to Disk C? Let's let the small editor know.
By default, the archive directory of the Factorio heterogeneous factory is in Disk C, but it can also be in the game root directory. You may be surprised how the archive directory of the Factorio heterogeneous factory can still be in the game root directory? But the fact is that Xiao Bian is also very surprised.

After verification, the editor found that the game archives downloaded by steam were all in disk C, and the archives downloaded from the official website were all in the game root directory. This makes me wonder. Is it possible that mysterious aliens are silently manipulating all this?

Then, after 10 years of small compilation of binary file comparison. We found that we only need to modify 2 files to do these things that aliens are doing!

Then follow the operation of Xiaobian to try it!

First, we find the installation directory of the Factorio heterogeneous factory.

Then the amazing thing is that the installation directory of Factorio heterogeneous factory pops up! Isn't it amazing? More magical things, please follow the steps below

We found a man called config-path.cfg [If there is a better editing tool, use a better editing tool to edit. It is not recommended to use the "Notepad" tool to edit, and you can use it if you can't~

Then we saw a lot of English?! Ap Jie Lop. We only modify the

For the convenience of everyone, just paste in the following section, and delete the underlined one


Then we create a new game called config And then create a folder called config.ini Files for

Of course, some people think it is too troublesome. Here is another convenient method for everyone. We just need to open the game. Then close the game after the game is opened to complete the above operations. Do you think it's convenient?

Then follow the editor to complete the last step. We can modify the location of the archive! Open the config.ini file located in the config folder under the root directory of the game. We can open it~and then we just need to modify the underlined line~


Then you can open the game. Then save the archive. The archive is found in the saves folder under the game root directory. Isn't it amazing?

This is about the fact that the archive directory of Factorio heterogeneous factories is in disk C by default. What do you think? Welcome to tell the editor in the comment area to discuss!

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  1. Ha ha, you know little literature :oops: Thank you, boss :twisted:

    #1st floor
    1. @ Circular act However, no one stole the article.) It was too concise and was stolen every minute

  2. good :twisted:

    #2nd floor