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 Yang Lianqiang Yang Lianqiang
VR devices, unmanned aerial vehicles, intelligent wear, and driverless cars account for the largest proportion in CES 2016. It is estimated that …… [Detailed]
 distinguished linguist and strong supporter of language reform distinguished linguist and strong supporter of language reform
CES is no longer a stage for traditional IT products. More intelligent life products occupy most of the space in the exhibition area …… [Detailed]
Host: Jin Gongbo
As a large international exhibition in a year, CES is often regarded as the "science and technology vane" of the year. What did we see on CES2016 just ended“ …… [Detailed]
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pretty good pretty good pretty good pretty good pretty good pretty good pretty good
 CES2016 Exhibition Product Overview
CES2016 Exhibition Product Overview

CES 2016 has closed, and this exhibition shows a lot of new technologies …… [Detailed]

 New technologies of CES intelligent devices
New technologies of CES intelligent devices

CES 2016 is over, we can see smart phones …… [Detailed]

 What's popular in the mobile phone industry in 2016?
What's popular in the mobile phone industry in 2016

As a vane in the consumer electronics industry, CES has become a major digital department every year …… [Detailed]

 See the world beyond mobile phones from CES
See the world beyond mobile phones from CES

From UAV to concept car, from inside to various smart home products, from outside to …… [Detailed]