
    Xiaomi is so awesome! Xiaomi SU7 tumbles down from the cliff, but people are fine

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: A melon eater

    Recently, the news that Xiaomi SU7 was involved in an accident while driving in mountainous areas has attracted wide attention. According to a well-known blogger, the Xiaomi SU7 was involved in an accident while driving on a mountain road, and the vehicle rolled down the cliff. From the photos and videos at the scene of the accident, Xiaomi SU7 suffered serious damage after falling off the cliff, almost reaching the level of scrapping.

     Xiaomi is so awesome! Xiaomi SU7 tumbles down from the cliff, but people are fine

    However, fortunately, despite the serious damage to the vehicle, there was no obvious deformation in the passenger compartment. The door can still be opened normally after an accident, and the window automatically drops, providing the possibility for passengers to escape. More importantly, the battery pack did not smoke or fire during the accident, greatly reducing the risk of secondary injury.

     Xiaomi is so awesome! Xiaomi SU7 tumbles down from the cliff, but people are fine

    In detail, the ABC pillar (the key support part of the body structure) of the accident vehicle was not damaged during the impact, which provided important protection for the passengers. At the same time, the vehicle's air bag successfully ejected during impact, providing additional cushioning for passengers. The front part of the vehicle collapses to absorb energy after the impact, effectively reducing the impact of the impact on the passenger compartment. The front wheels fell off in the accident, but the steering wheel did not invade the cockpit, maintaining the living space of the passengers.

    As for the specific cause of the accident, we still need to wait for further official notification. Remind the car owners to pay attention to safety during driving, abide by traffic rules, and ensure their own safety and that of others.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Xiaomi is so awesome! Xiaomi SU7 tumbles down from the cliff, but people are fine true report nine hundred and forty-one Recently, the news that Xiaomi SU7 was involved in an accident while driving in mountainous areas has attracted wide attention. According to a well-known blogger, the Xiaomi SU7 was involved in an accident while driving on a mountain road, and the vehicle rolled down the cliff. From the photos and videos at the scene of the accident, Xiaomi SU7 suffered serious damage after falling off the cliff, almost reaching the level of scrapping. However, fortunately
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