
    Samsung S24 Ultra real machine live shot exposure: right angle side design is too comfortable!

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Summer of Mint Candy

     Samsung S24 Ultra real machine live shot exposure: right angle side design is too comfortable!

    Samsung S24 series new flagship mobile phone It will be released at 2:00 a.m. on January 18. At present, more and more live pictures of new machines have appeared in the public view. According to foreign media reports, a new group of photos recently exposed the front screen of Samsung S24 Ultra.

    These photos show the gold color and the matching middle frame design. Although we don't see the display screen on the front of the phone, from the side view, we can clearly see the strength and lightweight improvement brought by the new titanium alloy frame. This is similar to Apple's latest flagship phone.

    If someone doubts whether Samsung will give up the curved screen and turn to the flat screen, this angle is the best proof. It clearly shows that the display screen of this phone is completely flat.

    Samsung S24 series is expected to include S24, S24+and S24 Ultra models. They will carry Qualcomm's latest third-generation Snapdragon 8 mobile platform and support a refresh rate of up to 120Hz. The camera system will also be more powerful.

    Among them, S24 Ultra will be equipped with a 200 million pixel main camera, two telephoto lenses and one ultra wide-angle lens. Although the highly praised 10x optical telephoto lens of the previous generation has been cut off, according to the feedback of bloggers, the new machine performs better in 10x telephoto.

    Samsung S24 Ultra is a powerful flagship mobile phone, which has greatly improved in appearance design, performance configuration and photography system. It will become one of the latest mobile phones launched by Samsung in 2024.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Samsung S24 Ultra real machine live shot exposure: right angle side design is too comfortable! true report nine hundred and eight Samsung's new flagship S24 series mobile phones will be released at 2:00 a.m. on January 18. At present, more and more live pictures of new phones have appeared in the public view. According to foreign media reports, a new group of photos recently exposed the front screen of Samsung S24 Ultra. These photos show the gold color and the matching middle frame design. Although we didn't see the display screen on the front of the phone, from the side corner
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