
    New features of Android 14 are exposed, which can transform the phone into a USB webcam

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Yao Liwei

    Developer Mishaal Rahman recently made an in-depth study of Android Open Source Project (AOSP) code, a new service named "DeviceAsWebcam" is found, which can convert Android mobile phone Convert to webcam.

     New features of Android 14 are exposed, which can transform the phone into a USB webcam

    However, not all Android phones can be compatible with this service. The device must support the UVC (USB Video Class) standard, and the device core must be compiled with a specific configuration (CONFIG_USB_CONFIGFS_F_UVC=y). Only devices compatible with the UVC standard can be connected to the PC through the USB data cable, and the camera image can be sent to the/dev/video * node to serve as a webcam after the "Webcam" option is selected. This new service provides a common low-cost alternative at home and in the workplace that can help users convert their Android devices into high-quality webcams.

     New features of Android 14 are exposed, which can transform the phone into a USB webcam

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: New features of Android 14 are exposed, which can transform the phone into a USB webcam true report six hundred and eighty-two After the developer Mishaal Rahman recently studied the Android Open Source Project (AOSP) code, he found a new service called "DeviceAsWebcam", which can convert Android phones into webcams. LeTV Letv Y1Pro+eight core smart phone slim game big screen student elderly machine All Netcom 4G available 5G card 100 yuan Android standby long endurance dual card dual standby star
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