:huaji: This is a place for irrigation :yinxian: Feel free, everyone~

Do you have anything to say to me? This is the place where you can speak freely. You can consult, communicate, exclaim, get angry, but you can't order takeout.

  1. DianC say:

    Warning : Undefined variable $uapic in /home/wwwroot/mlldxe/wwwroot/wp-content/themes/kratos-pjax/inc/ua.php on line four hundred and twenty-four
    Google Chrome Windows 10
    Happy Mid Autumn Festival q (≥ ▽≤ q)
  2. DianC say:

    Warning : Undefined variable $uapic in /home/wwwroot/mlldxe/wwwroot/wp-content/themes/kratos-pjax/inc/ua.php on line four hundred and twenty-four
    Google Chrome Windows 10
    What happened to the website? Why is it gone
    1. mlldxe say:

      Warning : Undefined variable $uapic in /home/wwwroot/mlldxe/wwwroot/wp-content/themes/kratos-pjax/inc/ua.php on line four hundred and twenty-four
      Google Chrome Windows 10
      Replaced the server :huaji5:


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