Mlldxe's Blog Kennel Sat, 18 May 2024 22:28:27 +0000 zh-CN hourly one ZZY Fri, 10 May 2024 07:05:52 +0000 Who is that, Steam The road to survival Can we play together?

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Delete or cancel Telegram account Thu, 17 Aug 2023 08:33:23 +0000
Delete or cancel Telegram account
  1. Open Web Site
  2. Enter the mobile phone number of your account in the "Your Phone Number" column;
  3. Fill in the "Confirmation Code" column with the verification code received by the Telegram system notification of the Telegram account, not the SMS verification code;
  4. Click the "Sign In" blue button;
  5. Fill in the "Why are you leaving" column at will;
  6. Click the blue button "Done";
  7. The account is permanently deleted.
]]> zero
V2ray node to Clash node Wed, 09 Aug 2023 07:53:59 +0000

Problems with online subscription conversion:

1、 The node may be stolen
2、 The number of conversion nodes is limited
3、 The straight chain platform is hard to find
4、 Depend on the stability of the back-end platform

The following operations can solve the above problems

1. Download the subscription conversion tool and run it

WIN 64 bit (self use): subconverter_win64
Corresponding download of other versions:
Official documents:

2. Open online subscription conversion

Online subscription conversion:
Select local conversion

Clash for windows download:

]]> zero
WIN 10 cannot connect to the shared folder Fri, 18 Nov 2022 07:33:14 +0000 Programs -->Start or close Windows functions -->Check SMB1.0/CIFS file sharing support 2. win key+...]]>


Add Network Location Wizard
Tip: The folder you entered does not appear to be valid. Please select another folder.

Official explanation: According to the official document of Windows, the server message block version 1 (SMBv1) network protocol is no longer installed by default in the innovative update of Windows 10 in autumn and Windows Server version 1709 (RS3) and later.

terms of settlement

1. Control panel -->program -->start or close Windows function -->check SMB1.0/CIFS file sharing support
2. Win key+R, open the operation window, enter services.msc , found WebClient Service, click Stop and then Start.
3. Press Win+R, point out the running command, and enter gpedit.msc In the Group Policy Editor window, expand Computer Configuration ->Management Templates ->Network ->Lanman Workstation on the left, find and double-click the option named "Enable Unsecure Guest Login" in the right window, and then enable --> restart

]]> one
Office10/13/16 software activation Wed, 16 Nov 2022 11:46:56 +0000 Step 1

Select {phone activation} in the office activation wizard.

Step 2

Record the installation ID.

Step 3

Open the web page to activate the web address, fill in the 7-digit input box with the installation ID recorded in the previous step, then click {Submit}, and the confirmation ID will be displayed after a while.

Step 4

Fill in the confirmation ID obtained in the previous step, and then click Next.

Step 5, prompt that office has been activated!

Message activation

Windows/Office Activation Area Key

]]> two
Windows 10/11 system activation Wed, 16 Nov 2022 11:35:52 +0000 1. Shortcut key Win+i opens system settings

Find the [Change Product Key], click the [Change] button, and then enter the 008 key. Figure 2 will prompt that Windows cannot be activated (0xc004c008) Error prompt box.

2. Shortcut key Win+R opens the operation window

Enter [Slui 4] to confirm.

3. Select [Random Country] Next.


4. Record a string of installation IDs in Notepad and click Enter Confirmation ID.


5. Open the [Online Obtaining Confirmation ID] tool and follow the steps below:

008 Key acquisition confirmation ID

6. Enter the obtained confirmation ID

Click Activate Windows below. You will be prompted that Windows has been activated. PS: All operations are completed in the online state.

Message activation

Windows/Office Activation Area Key

]]> two
GitHub exclusive homepage beautification Mon, 10 Oct 2022 14:26:58 +0000 Github beautification

First, create a repository with the same name as GitHub ID in GitHub, for example, my GitHub ID is mlldxe , so the created warehouse name is also mlldxe , Check Add a README file

Count plug-in

Enter the count plug-in:

 ! [:mlldxe]( @:mlldxe? theme=gelbooru)

Technology stack generator

Open the technology stack plug-in:

Making badges

get into , slide down to find Make Badge
After clicking, a webpage will pop up, and the page will return the generated svg image. If satisfied, copy the URL of the page address bar. Paste it into our MD file in the following format:

 [![]( -square&logo=windows&logoColor=ffffff)]( ) [![]( -square&logo=apple&logoColor=ffffff)]( ) [![]( -square&logo=html5&logoColor=white)]( ) [![]( -square&logo=css3&logoColor=white)]( ) [![]( -square&logo=javascript&logoColor=white)]( ) [![]( -square&logo=git&logoColor=white)]( ) [![]( -square&logo=php&logoColor=ffffff)]( ) [![]( -square&logo=node.js&logoColor=ffffff)]( ) [![]( -square&logo=npm&logoColor=white)]( ) [![]( -square&logo=mysql&logoColor=white)]( )

Statistics Card

Open statistics plug-in:


Open metrics:

GitHub Information Trophy

Open the GitHub data trophy:

GitHub Activity Statistics

Open GitHub Readme Activity Graph:

GitHub continuous clocking

Open GitHub stream:

Social statistics

Open stats cards:

Typing effects

Open Readme Typing SVG:


Project address:
 <p> <img src=" @guangzhou? v=1" align="right"> </p> [![Typing SVG]( +Code&pause=1000&width=435&lines=%E5%92%A6%EF%BC%9F%E6%88%91%E6%98%AF%E8%B0%81%EF%BC%9F%E6%88%91%E4%B8%BA%E4%BB%80%E4%B9%88%E4%BC%9A%E5%9C%A8%E8%BF%99%EF%BC%9F; Eh%3F+Who+am+I%3F+Why+am+I+here%3F)]( ) ! [:mlldxe]( @:mlldxe? theme=gelbooru)  ! [sumy7]( )  #### Platform&Tools [![]( -square&logo=windows&logoColor=ffffff)]( ) [![]( -square&logo=apple&logoColor=ffffff)]( ) [![]( -square&logo=html5&logoColor=white)]( ) [![]( -square&logo=css3&logoColor=white)]( ) [![]( -square&logo=javascript&logoColor=white)]( ) [![]( -square&logo=git&logoColor=white)]( ) [![]( -square&logo=php&logoColor=ffffff)]( ) [![]( -square&logo=node.js&logoColor=ffffff)]( ) [![]( -square&logo=npm&logoColor=white)]( ) [![]( -square&logo=mysql&logoColor=white)]( ) #### Github Stats [!*info*( )]( ) <img src=" "> #### Metrics Stats ! [Metrics]( ) #### Top Langs [![Top Langs]( )]( ) #### Activity Stats [![Ashutosh's github activity graph]( )]( ) #### Punch information [![GitHub Streak]( )]( ) ####  📊  Weekly work report ```text Fishing 🕓  168h0m ██████████████████████████ 100.0% Work 🕓  0h0m   ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ 0.00% ``` <!-- **mlldxe/mlldxe** is a  ✨ _ special_ ✨ repository because its `` (this file) appears on your GitHub profile. Here are some ideas to get you started: -  🔭  I’m currently working on ... -  🌱  I’m currently learning ... -  👯  I’m looking to collaborate on ... -  🤔  I’m looking for help with ... -  💬 Ask me about ... -  📫  How to reach me: ... -  😄 Pronouns: ... -  ⚡ Fun fact: ... -->

PS: * * for []

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Too many WordPress redirects Sun, 02 Oct 2022 07:47:10 +0000
Too many WordPress redirects
Add the following code at the beginning of the php file wp-config.php in the root directory of the website:

 $_SERVER['HTTPS'] = 'on'; define('FORCE_SSL_LOGIN', true); define('FORCE_SSL_ADMIN', true);
]]> zero
Google Chrome Mon, 19 Sep 2022 01:21:40 +0000


Chrome downloaded by a third party is a single user version. It is installed in the user folder and cannot be upgraded. Other users cannot access it. The official download is usually an online installation version, which requires online installation after the download and installation
The official offline download link is provided here, which can be upgraded without online installation

Google Chrome, Also known as Google Browser, Google Browser is a web browser developed by Google (Google). The browser is written based on other open source software, including WebKit, with the goal of improving stability, speed and security, and creating a simple and efficient user interface.

Official download address:

64 bit: Chrome X64 offline
32-bit: Chrome X86 offline

]]> zero
Brief Introduction to Linux Common Commands (Basic) Sat, 17 Sep 2022 02:32:52 +0000 In the early days when I was exposed to Linux, I was used to the visual operation of Windows and could not adapt to the pure command line operation of Linux. Some basic Linux commands had to go to Baidu Google to query, which was a waste of time. So I simply sorted out some basic Linux commands. This article is not only for beginners to learn, but also for me to learn Linux, Keep future notes.

Apt get Debian/Ubuntu Package Manager

Click Expand to view the apt get command description
 #Command: Update - Retrieve a new package list Upgrade - Upgrade all software packages that can be updated Install - Install a new software package (pkg is libc6, not libc6. deb) Remove - Remove the package Autoremove - Automatically remove all unused software packages Purge - Delete packages and configuration files Clean - Clear downloaded archive files Autoclean - Clear old downloaded files Check - Verify whether there are corrupt dependencies Download - Download the binary package to the current directory #Options: -q: Do not output any information -Qq: No output except errors -d: Download only, do not install or decompress the archive -y: Select Yes for all confirmation queries and do not prompt -f: Try to correct the system with broken dependencies -m: If the archive is locatable, try to continue -u: Display the list of upgrade packages -b: Build the source package after obtaining the source package #More commands can be viewed with apt get -- help. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Example of use: #Retrieve new package list apt-get update #Upgrade all software packages that can be updated (note that this command will upgrade all software packages, so it will take a long time to upgrade) apt-get upgrade #Install the Nginx package apt-get install nginx #Uninstall the Nginx package apt-get remove nginx #Uninstall the Nginx package and delete all related configuration files apt-get remove --purge nginx #During software installation and uninstallation, in order to avoid misoperation, you will be asked whether to continue. It will be troublesome to enter y every time. You can add the - y parameter #Installing the Nginx package does not display a confirmation prompt apt-get install nginx -y #Uninstall Nginx software package and delete all related configuration files without prompt apt-get remove --purge nginx -y #Clear old/useless software packages apt-get clean && apt-get autoclean #Download the Nginx binary package to the current directory, but do not decompress and install it apt-get download nginx -d #More commands can be viewed with apt get -- help.

Yum CentOS System Package Manager

Click Expand to view the yum command description
 #Command: Update - Retrieve a new package list Upgrade - Upgrade package Search - search packages Install - Install the software package List - List software packages or package groups Info - Displays the details of a package or package group Erase - Delete the software package (the two commands are the same) Remove - Delete the software package (the two commands are the same) Groupinfo - Displays details about the package group Groupinstall - Installs a package group (like a software collection) Grouplist - lists available package groups Groupremove - Remove a package group Check - Check the software package Check update - Check for updatable software packages Clean - Clear the software package in the cache directory Deploy - List the dependencies of a package Distribution synchronization - Synchronize the installed software package to the latest version Downgrad - downgrade a package Reinstall - Reinstall the software package (automatically remove and reinstall) Repolist - Displays the configured software package repository Resolvedep - determine the dependencies required by the software package #Options: -t: Tolerance of errors -C: Run completely from the system cache, do not update the cache -R minute: maximum command waiting time -q: Quiet operation -y: Answer yes to all questions --Nogpgcheck: Disable gpg signature check #More commands can be viewed with yum -- help. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Example of use: #Retrieve new package list yum update #Install the Nginx package yum install nginx #Install the Development Tools package group (this package group contains the software required for compilation) #Note: When the name of a software package or software package group contains spaces, please add double quotation marks to the software package or software package group! yum groupinstall "Development Tools" #Uninstall the Nginx package yum erase nginx / yum remove nginx #Uninstall the Development Tools package group yum groupremove "Development Tools" #Upgrade all updatable packages yum upgrade #Upgrade Nginx Updateable Packages yum upgrade nginx #During software installation and uninstallation, in order to avoid misoperation, you will be asked whether to continue. It will be troublesome to enter y every time. You can add the - y parameter #Installing the Nginx package does not display a confirmation prompt yum install nginx -y #Uninstalling the Nginx software package does not display a confirmation prompt yum erase nginx -y / yum remove nginx -y #Search whether Nginx software package exists yum search nginx #List available software packages yum list #List available package groups yum grouplist #Clear all software packages in the cache directory yum clean #Clear Nginx package in cache directory yum clean nginx #Reinstall the Nginx package yum reinstall nginx #More commands can be viewed with yum -- help.

Mkdir New Folder

Click Expand to view the mkdir command description
 #Create a new bash folder in the current folder. The complete absolute path is/root/bash mkdir bash #More commands can be viewed with mkdir -- help.

Cd entering folder

Click Expand to view the cd command description
 #You are currently in the/root directory. Using this command, you will enter the/root/bash directory. This is the relative path cd bash #If you are not in the/root directory, you cannot use the above relative path. You need an absolute path cd /root/bash ————————————————————————————————————— #If you are currently in the/root/bash directory and use the relative path, you can use this command to enter the upper/root directory Represents the relative path parent directory cd .. #Of course, you can also use the absolute path to enter the upper/root directory cd /root

Cp Copying or renaming files/folders

Click Expand to view the cp command description
 #Copy the log.txt file in the current directory to the/var directory cp log.txt /var/log.txt #Copy the bash folder in the current directory to the/home directory cp -R bash /home/bash ————————————————————————————————————— #Copy all. txt suffix files in the current directory to the/var/log directory cp *.txt /var/log #Copy all files starting with double in the current directory to the/var/log directory cp doubi* /var/log #Copy all files in the current directory that start with doubi and end with. txt suffix to the/var/log directory cp doubi*.txt /var/log ————————————————————————————————————— #Suppose the current directory is/root/doubi/log, and all files with the. txt suffix in this directory should be copied to the upper directory/root/doubi cp *.txt .. # ..  The relative path represents the upper level directory. Of course, you can also use the absolute path, which is less prone to errors cp *.txt /root/doubi ————————————————————————————————————— #Rename the log.txt file in the current directory to log2.txt cp log.txt log2.txt #Copy the log.txt file in the current directory to the/var directory and rename it to log1.txt cp log.txt /var/log1.txt #Copy the bash folder in the current directory to the/home directory and rename it to bash2 cp -R bash /home/bash2 ————————————————————————————————————— #Copy the log.txt file in the current directory to the/var directory, but the log.txt file already exists in the/var directory. Then you will be prompted cp: overwrite `/var/log. txt '? Force overwrite with - f cp -f log /var/log.txt #You may find that when you use cp - f to force an overwrite, you will still be asked whether to overwrite it. This is because CP adds the - i parameter by default (this parameter means that you must ask every time you overwrite) in order to avoid your mistakes. #So to avoid the default - i parameter of CP, just add a slash before the CP command to "/" /cp -f log /var/log.txt #Copy the log.txt log1.txt log2.txt file and log233 directory in the current directory to the/home/log directory cp -R log.txt log1.txt log2.txt log233 /home/log #More commands can be viewed with cp -- help.

Mv Move or rename files/folders

Click Expand to view the mv command description
 #Move the log.txt file in the current directory to the/var directory mv log.txt /var/log.txt #Move the bash folder in the current directory to the/home directory mv bash /home/bash ————————————————————————————————————— #Rename the log.txt file in the current directory to log2.txt mv log.txt log2.txt #Copy the log.txt file in the current directory to the/var directory and rename it to log1.txt mv log.txt /var/log1.txt #Copy the bash folder in the current directory to the/home directory and rename it to bash2 mv bash /home/bash2 #More commands can be viewed with mv -- help.

Rm Delete File/Folder

Click expand to view rm command description
 #Delete the log.txt file in the current directory rm log.txt #Delete all. txt suffix files in the current directory rm *.txt #When you use the rm command to delete, you will be prompted whether you are sure to delete. Enter y to delete, or n to cancel # rm: remove regular file `log.txt'?  y ————————————————————————————————————— #Delete all. txt suffix files in the current directory rm *.txt #Delete all files in the current directory that start with double rm doubi* #Delete all files in the current directory that start with double and end with. txt suffix rm doubi*.txt ————————————————————————————————————— #When you delete the directory with rm, you will find that it is not a file # rm bash # rm: cannot remove `bash': Is a directory #You can add - r to delete the directory and its contents rm -r bash ————————————————————————————————————— #To avoid manual deletion errors, the - i parameter is added to rm by default, that is, every time you delete a file/directory, you will be prompted. If you feel bored, you can use the - rf parameter rm -rf bash #Please use the command rm - rf carefully, and never use the command rm - rf/or rm - rf/* (system suicide), which may cause your system to explode, so use it carefully! #More commands can be viewed with rm -- help.

Ls Display files in directory

Click Expand to view the ls command description
 #Display all files in the current directory ls -a ————————————————————————————————————— #The absolute path/relative path after the command will display all files in the specified folder ls -a bash/log #Relative path. The current directory is/root, and the directory to view is/root/bash/log ls -a /root/bash/log #Absolute path. The current directory is/root, and the directory to view is/root/bash/log #More commands can be viewed with ls -- help.

Du View the disk space occupied by files/folders

Click Expand to view the du command description
 Parameter introduction: -h: Display in a human readable way -a: Displays the amount of disk space occupied by the directory, and displays the amount of disk space occupied by the directory and files under it -s: Displays the disk space occupied by the directory, but does not display the disk space occupied by its subdirectories and files -c: Display the disk space occupied by several directories or files, and count their total --Apparent size: display the size of the directory or file itself -l: Count the disk space occupied by hard links -50: Count the disk space occupied by the files pointed to by symbolic links #To be written #More commands can be viewed with du -- help. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Example of use: #If it is currently located in the/root directory, the size of the/root folder will be displayed, but the size of its subdirectories and files will not be displayed du -sh #Assuming that it is currently located in the/root directory, the size of the/root folder and its subdirectories and files will be displayed du -ah #Assuming that it is currently located in the/root directory, the size and sum of all folders under the/root folder will be displayed du -lh --max-depth=1 #More commands can be viewed with du -- help.

Cat View file content

Click Expand to view the cat command description
 Suppose the log.txt file contains: doubi233 doubi doubi666 doubi2366 doubi8888 View file: #View all contents of log.txt file cat log.txt #The output example is as follows doubi233 doubi doubi666 doubi2366 doubi8888 #View all contents of the log.txt file and number all lines cat -n log.txt #The output example is as follows: 1	doubi233 2	doubi three four 5	doubi666 six 7	doubi2366 8	doubi8888 #View all contents of log.txt file and number non empty lines cat -b log.txt #The output example is as follows: 1	doubi233 2	doubi 3	doubi666 4	doubi2366 5	doubi8888 #View all contents of the log.txt file, number non blank lines, and do not output multiple blank lines cat -bs log.txt #The output example is as follows: 1	doubi233 2	doubi 3	doubi666 4	doubi2366 5	doubi8888 Empty file: #Empty the log.txt file in the current directory cat /dev/null > log.txt #Empty the log.txt file in the/var directory cat /dev/null > /var/log.txt Write file: #Write the text to the log.txt file in the current directory (add the text to the end of the file content) cat >> log.txt <<-EOF doubi doubi233 doubi666 EOF #Empty the file and write the text to the log.txt file in the/var directory (empty before writing) cat > /var/log.txt <<-EOF doubi doubi233 doubi666 EOF #More commands can be viewed with cat -- help.

6. VIM Edit File Content

Click Expand to view the vi vim command
 #Open the log.txt file in the current directory. If there is no log.txt file, a new log.txt file will be created (after installing vim, using vi and vim to open the file is the same) vi log.txt vim log.txt #In command line mode, directly enter the following symbols and letters (case sensitive) ##Enter editing mode (insert mode, press Esc to return to command line mode) i ##Delete the line where the cursor is currently located dd ##Delete all contents in the file dddG ##Copy the current line of the cursor yy ##Paste a line just copied p ##Undo the last operation (this can be used to recover from misoperation) u ##Save the current file (: colon in English) :w ##Save the current file as log2.txt :w log2.txt ##Exit the current file :q ##Do not save and force exiting the current file :q! ##Save and exit the current file :wq #More commands can be viewed with vi -- help/vim -- help.

Wget Download Tool

Click Expand to view the wget command description
 Parameter introduction: #Only the most commonly used parameters are introduced #If the prompt command does not exist, use yum install wget - y/apt get install wget - y to install it (some very compact systems may not be installed) -b: After startup, download in the background -q: Quiet mode (no information output) -c: Download files by resuming breakpoints -O: Specify the file name after downloading (absolute path directory+file name can be used) -P: Specify the downloaded file directory (- P can only specify the download directory, not the file name) -t: Set the number of retries (0 means unlimited) -T: Set timeout (unit: seconds) -N: Get only files newer than local ones (new ones overwrite old ones) -4: Connect to IPv4 address only -6: Connect to IPv6 address only --Limit rate=xxxk: limit download speed (k represents KB/S) --Post data: send data through POST --No check certificate: Do not verify the SSL certificate of the server #More commands can be viewed with wget -- help. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Example of use: #Download a file to the current directory wget #Download the file to the current directory and rename it to 200MB.bin wget -O "200MB.bin" #Download the file to the/root directory (- P can only specify the download directory, not the file name) wget -P "/root" #Download the file to the/root/doubi directory and rename it to 200MB.bin wget -O "/root/doubi/200MB.bin" #If the wget process ends before downloading the file, you can use breakpoint resume to download the interrupted file again (provided that the download server supports breakpoint resume) wget -c #Download the file in the background to the/root/doubi directory and rename it to 200MB.bin wget -b -O "/root/doubi/200MB.bin" # Continuing in background, pid 2333. # Output will be written to `wget-log'. #After downloading in the background, you can use the following commands to view the download progress: tail -f wget-log #Sometimes the SSL certificate in some Linux systems is incomplete, which will cause the SSL certificate verification failure when downloading some HTTPS website files. You can do this #Do not verify the server SSL certificate, download the file to the current directory and rename it to 200MB.bin wget --no-check-certificate -O "200MB.bin" #Sending POST request data using wget wget --post-data "user=doubi&passwd=23333"  https://xxx.xx/ #Download files to the current directory and only obtain files newer than local files through IPv4 connection, with a speed limit of 200KB/S wget --limit-rate=200k -N -4 #Download the file to the current directory and retry it for 1 time with a timeout of 2 seconds wget -t1 -T2 #Obtain the Internet IP address of the server through wget (- qO - means that the downloaded information will be output after running, and will not be saved to the local file) wget -qO- #More commands can be viewed with wget -- help.

Free View Memory Usage Information

Click Expand to view the free command description
 Parameter introduction: -b: Display in bytes (bytes/B) -k: Display in KB -m: Display in MB -g: Display in GB --Tera: displayed in TB -h: Output in a human readable way --Si: convert in 1000 instead of 1024 (1MB=1 * 1024KB changed to 1MB=1 * 1000KB) -t: Display Total Memory Rows -S Time: output every X seconds (repeatedly output monitoring memory, use Ctrl+C to terminate) -C Times: output X times every 1 second #More commands can be viewed with free -- help. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Example of use: #Display the current system memory (default free=free - k, unit: KB) free #Output example total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached Mem:        250872     237752      13120          0      34620      70520 -/+ buffers/cache:     132612     118260 Swap:       643064       1744     641320 ————————————————————————————————————— #Display the current system memory in B/KB/MB/GB/TG free -b / free -k / free -m / free -g / free --tera ————————————————————————————————————— #Display the current system memory in a human readable way free -h #Output example total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached Mem:          244M       232M        12M         0B        33M        68M -/+ buffers/cache:       129M       115M Swap:         627M       1.7M       626M ————————————————————————————————————— #Convert in 1000 and display the current system memory in MB (1MB=1 * 1024KB changed to 1MB=1 * 1000KB) free -m --si #Display the current system memory in MB every 3 seconds free -ms 3 #Display the current system memory 5 times in MB every 1 second free -mc 5 #Display the current system memory 6 times in MB every 2 seconds free -m -c 6 -s 2 #More commands can be viewed with free -- help.

Date View/set system time

Click Expand to view the date command description
 Parameter introduction: -d: Displays the time in the specified time format -f: Display the time of each line in the DATE FILE file (I don't understand it either) -r: Display the last modification time of the file/folder -s: Set system time -u: Display UTC time #Time format %%- Display character% %A - Abbreviation of day of the week (Sun. Sat) %A - Full name of the day of the week (Sunday... Saturday) %B - Abbreviation of month (Jan.. Dec) %B - Full name of the month (January.. December) %C - Date and time. The same result will be displayed if you only enter the date command %C - Century (rounded after the year is divided by 100) [00-99] %D - Date (represented by 01-31). %D - Date (inclusive). %E - the day of the month (1.. 31) %F - Date, the same as% Y -% m -% d %G - Year (yy) %G - Year (yyyy) %H - Same as% b %H - Hour (00.. 23) %I - Hour (01.. 12) %J - Day of the year (001.. 366) %K - hours (0.. 23) %L - hours (1.. 12) %M - month (01.. 12) %M - minute (00.. 59) %N - Line feed %N - nanosecond (000000000.. 99999999) %p - AM or PM %P - am or pm %R - 12 hour clock (hh: mm: ss [AP] M) %R - 24-hour time (hh: mm) %S - Seconds from 00:00:00 1970-01-01 UTC %S - seconds (00.. 60) %T - Tab %T - 24-hour time (hh: mm: ss) %U - the day of the week (1.. 7); 1 means Monday %U - the week of the year, Sunday is the first day of the week (00.. 53) %V - the week of the year, Monday is the first day of the week (01.. 53) %W - the day of the week (0.. 6); 0 represents Sunday %W - the week of the year, Monday is the first day of the week (00.. 53) %X - Date (mm/dd/yy) %X - Time (% H:% M:% S) %Y - Year (00.. 99) %Y - Year (1970...) %Z - RFC-2822 Style Number Format Time Zone (- 0500) %Z - Time zone (e.g., EDT), empty if the time zone cannot be determined #More commands can be viewed with date -- help. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Example of use: #Display the current system time date #Output: Wed Apr 5 12:38:44 CST 2017 #Display the UTC time of the current system date -u #Output: Wed Apr 5 04:30:06 UTC 2017 #Display the last modification time of log.txt file date -r log.txt #Displays the year of the current date date +%Y #Output: 2017 #Displays the month of the current date date +%m #Output: 4 #Display dates in various formats date +%D #Output: 04/05/17 date +%Y-%m-%d #Output: 2017-04-05 date +%m/%d/%y #Output: 04/05/17 date +%m/%d/%Y #Output: 04/05/2017 #Show Unix Timestamp date +%s #Output: 1491367399 #Display a complete time (year, month, day, hour, minute, second, week time zone) date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %u %Z" #Output: 2017-04-05 12:12:15 3 CST #Set system time (year, month, day) date -s "2017-04-05" #Set system time (hours, minutes, seconds) date -s "10:29:05" #Set the system time (year, month, day, hour, minute, second) date -s "2017-04-05 10:29:05" #More commands can be viewed with date -- help. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How to change the time zone to Shanghai (Beijing) time zone: /cp -f /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Shanghai /etc/localtime Then check the time with date, and you will find that the time zone has changed to CST.

Uname Get operating system information

Click Expand to view the uname command description
 Parameter introduction: -a: Show all information -m: Display system digits -n: Display Host Name -r: Displays the release number of the operating system -s: Displays the name of the operating system -v: Displays the version of the operating system -p: Output processor type or "unknown" -i: Output hardware platform or "unknown" -o: Output operating system name #More commands can be viewed with uname -- help. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Example of use: :~# uname # When using uname, it is equivalent to using uname - s Linux :~# uname -a Linux 4.9.75-040975-generic #1 SMP Thu Oct 27 16:59:03 MSK 2016 x86_64 GNU/Linux :~# uname - m # The output is generally 64 bit: x86_64/32-bit: i386 or branch i686 X86_64 # System Bits :~# uname -n # Server name (usually you will be asked to fill in when buying a server) :~# uname -r 4.9.75-040975 generic # Current kernel of the system (primary) :~# uname -s Linux :~# uname -v #1 SMP Thu Oct 27 16:59:03 MSK 2016 :~# uname -p unknown :~# uname -i unknown :~# uname -o GNU/Linux
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